Displaced 4,444 members · 1,274 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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Can I have someone be Displaced as a character in a book I am writing? the premise is I heard about the merchant as a great craftsman for swag, and contacted him to make an artifact belonging to one of the powerful characters in my book after hearing of his skiil, as soon as I buy it, I'm a displaced as him

Wait what character? Sorry thinking you are cosplaying as the merchant.

Comment posted by Lord Krahtorra deleted Jul 30th, 2015

4588394 Raphael, leader of the chaos spawns and lord of change, in charge of keeping reality from stagnating

So abilities based on Warhammer 40k. Sorry if it was asked repetitive.

yes and no, he controls reality around him with chaos energy, focused through his redwood shepherds crook, he's thin and quick, with inhuman strength

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