Displaced 4,444 members · 1,274 stories
Comments ( 28 )
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Group Admin

Alright Everyone! How are you doing today?

It has been brought to my attention that some members and authors of the group think that a Displaced has to be sent to Equestria by The Merchant. This thought, even if commonly applied to almost all stories, is WRONG.

Let me explain for those of you who don't know, Displaced are beings sent to Equestria, how they got there? Well, it started with this "Merchant" guy who picked the unsuspecting, sold them an item of power that typically matched their costume during a convention, and it sent them to the world of MLP. However, what most of you might not know, is that it doesn't have to be this way. For any author interested in making a Displaced fic, as well as anyone who wishes to know, anyone can send their Displaced to Equestria by any means possible.

Lets say Discord just wanted a playmate, and grabbed a guy from Earth to mess with. Or maybe it was the Princesses who summoned someone to help them fight some sort of evil. The Alicorn Amulet or some other strange Equestrian artifact that ended on someone's doorstep? Twilight testing out an experiment or a spell, and it backfires with a random girl appearing out of nowhere? These are only examples of some Displaced Fics who have broken away from the cliche. In all honesty? Making your Displaced go to Equestria is only limited by your imagination, creativity, and the rules on the main page.

All in all, this is just to let you know that you don't have to use The Merchant to make your fic. However, using any other means to send a Displaced to Equestria is nothing but a mere suggestion, if you want to use The Merchant that's fine.

Hope this was helpful information to anyone. If you have any questions be sure to ask them here or PM me, and remember, have a fantastic day!

is it possible for someone who is already displaced, to get displaced again as something else?

I feel ashamed that I used the merchant since I thought it was mandatory, but I wasn't explained the first time. So if I have to do another displace it would probably be issei from highschool dxd as the method would be a magic mishap from the dragon tribe as the displace is surround in an anthro or human version of Equestria. Though it would be funny to see that displace in misery if he land a regular Equestria since no oppai unless he isn't oppai dragon then that different. So tell me does any random person receive an idea from what I just said.

Group Admin

4588827 Technically? Yes. Jsyrin did this with his Skyrim Displaced fic; Dovahkiin, In Do Laas Ahrk Dinok, Kriid Do Keyye Ahrk Jul, Gein Rahgol Kaaz. Where his Displaced, Jo'hira, was first sent to the world of Skyrim, and then she was sent to Equestria.

However, I don't know if this is what you meant, so if it isn't could you explain?

Group Admin

4588830 Well, I'm sorry I wasn't able to clear it up to you before you made your Displaced. But in the end, its just the first step right? Its usually what happens in Equestria that is the story that matters, so no use crying over spilled milk.

So tell me does any random person receive an idea from what I just said.

If they see your comment and understand what your idea is trying to say? Of course they will. If they want to act on it themselves? That is up to them.


Displaced are Humans, typically in costume, that have been tricked by a Merchant into taking an item which will send them to Equestria usually so the Merchant can witness the mischief. Most Displaced tend to be villainous or once villainous. The Merchant is a Void dwelling being who lives for mayhem. The only characters known to go against him directly include Essence- the Musician/Madness and Xante the Lich. Further details to be added.

What say you?

The "further details to be added" part is true, but yet to be enacted. Sorry for the lack of updates. :twilightblush::unsuresweetie::fluttershyouch:

True I just wanted to give an idea since I rarely saw any high school dxd ones, yet I understand what you have told me. If they do it good, if not oh well we move on. Thanks for spreading the words of wisdom.

4588850 It's cool. Admittedly I was wondering when something would be updated but we got nothin but time I believe.

Group Admin

4588855 No problem, I just became and admin and I'm just happy to help.

Group Admin

4588857 We should update it, in fact I'll see if I can work on it right now. Thanks for pointing that out!

4588861 No problem. I also agree with you on this subject, I was wondering about the conflicting ideals going on here...

That quote you put up is fairly old. Only reason I haven't updated it myself is because I don't know as much of the lore as most of the other admins. I'd probably get something wrong. :derpytongue2:

Well I think it's possible, yet it would be complicated as two Equestria will depend on the person. If to forget the other then I hope the displace was in fallout setting on the other then transported to a new one. If people question this remember this is a thread about being send to Equestria by any means. So a guy send to Equestria then to another Equestria is pushing it, yet let the writer try to sample and see if they can make it work or not. If not I suggest quit or make an arc 1 as a progress.

Group Admin

4588862 This group is in a bit of a mess, but we have, are and will work on it.

4588866 Lol, trust me, I don't even know the lore well myself. I don't plan on touching the Sys Admin stuff anytime soon.

4588869 Nothing a good Spring Cleaning wouldn't fix! (Even though its summer)

Group Admin

4588832 I was thinking more like; human gets displaced as x in Equestria, and later, gets displaced by something else, and becomes y and sent to another equestria with different powers, and a different look and stuff.

Group Admin

4588967 It is possible, but:

Isn't it a little overkill?

4588987 nah, I can think of ways to make it much more... convoluted. Like someone who is a perfectly sane, and upstanding member of society who always helps charities and other stuff like that gets displaced as Deadpool after being hit by a truck, and jabbed with a needle by a doctor, before arriving in Equestria, getting stoned, becomes completely insane, then later gets displaced as a robot ai or something who can't become insane.

I dunno, I'm just tired.

Also, where did you get that picture at? Did you make it yourself, or is that something you can find by looking it up? (not the meme, but the words on it)

Group Admin

4589016 If you are tired, you aren't thinking clearly. Get some rest, clear your head. Sorry but to me it just seems like if you make that one character, people get used and like it, if you displace it again to something that is almost as opposite as what you said, then its not the same guy to the readers, it looses essence, and just seems unnecessary, sometimes even ugly and bad. And I made that image myself, why did you think it took me so long to respond?

4588808 was the guy that was used and sent to Equestria by Discord Craig from A Gamer In Equestria?

so a Displaced is any HiE that involves magic mumbo jumbo or something like that?

Group Admin

4589138 A friend of mine gave me a few of those examples, so maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. But cheers on steering off from the overused Merchant mate!

4589145 basically.... yes and no.

Group Admin

4589145 Not exactly, for you see? The Displaced are HiE. However, The Displaced have their own interactive Multiverse, where any Displaced can communicate, interact, and crossover with another Displaced. This was first introduced by the first ever Displaced, Solaire, who used Dark Souls' Soap Stones to allow himself to be summoned to another Displaced's universe. In the end, Displaced use these things called "Tokens", the which are usually small objects that are used to summon their Creator to a Displaced's own world. This is what makes them different.

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