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Hello all!
This is just an announcement saying that me and a few friends thought up the idea to make a Displaced D&D group/game!

The idea is simple! We all get together (online) and play D&D! We're currently figuring out what to use to play the game (there's a ton of online utilities for D&D). But for now, we're only asking if anyone would like to join in on this.
The only requirements (by my standards, since I'll most likely be DMing [READ MY STORY!]) is that you have some roleplay experience. This does not mean D&D experience, just that you know how to act in character. Other than that, we can probably help set up everything else.

So, if you'd like to join in on this fun little game, please leave a comment saying so!

4591081 I'll bite, I have some D&D and roleplay experience. As for formats, I'd recommend Pathfinder.

D&D? As in Dungeons and Dragons? I'm not much of an expert, but I could possibly give it a try.

MUAHAHAHAHA count me in DJ!

4591081 Looks like I better brush up on the ol' rule books and such, gotta get my 20 sided dice ready and hope to god that my rogue doesn't get killed by another magic poison trap and our cleric forgets that he could cure poison.

Sounds fun, iqm in

Which version of D&D?

god that reminends me of when a friend of mine invited me and some of our buddies togeather to play D&D one night we all got togeather and started new level one caricters for fun our cleric got crit in our first encounter with five goblens on the road and nobody could roll higher than five for thirty minuts and the DM kept criting us with goblens

4591081 I'm game. I love D&D!

Imperium Bedlam
Group Contributor

I'll join in I suppose, last time we had a D&D game it only lasted about a month because some of us Cough Shagohad Cough didn't level up properly or learn basic combat, so make sure everyone is prepared.

Imperium Bedlam
Group Contributor

Oh I should ask, which version of D&D?

It was fun, though. :twilightsmile: If you want my advice, make people level up their characters from the begining. People grow lax very fast. Also, don't be a meany McJerk-pants. It doesn't make your party like you. At all. *CoughourlastDMwasmeancough*

I should like to join, so long as there is still room.

With the number of people joining, they'll have to split it up into two groups, anyway. You should be fine. :twilightsmile:


I, would very much like to join this online gaming session, oh gracious, Dungeon Master. Never played D&D before. Some of my friends say there's too many problems/they hurt themselves just as much as the hostile npc's/dying is a very common occurrence to the party. Closest comparison tabletop game I've played is pathfinder. From what i know, it's supposedly simpler than its older comparison.

No Pathfinder. Straight up D&D.
Fourth or Fifth. Depends on what we end up on. Like I said, we're still working on it.
You and me both, buddy, created my own homebrew rule that creates an optional boss for a campaign that can give out pretty sweet loot. Hell, made a story about one of them. XD
Again, fourth or fifth. Honestly, if you'd like to help, please leave a suggestion.
*Cough* DO YOU READ MY STORY?! *cough*
Thanks for the advice, Jsyrin!

Pssst. Here's a secret. Try and get a bag of holding and some lucky dice.
It's over powered as hell and pisses off the dungeon master like no tomorrow.

Also, you're right about pathfinder. It's actually based on 3.5 D&D.

4591245 Yeah, I've got an idea for a D&D crossover, and I'm considering playing it out as a campaign to see how it would flow before writing it. Btw, all of my experience is with 3.5, but I would be willing to learn the new system for 4 or 5, though preferably 5 from what I've heard. Keep me updated, and you can count on me to contribute with great enthusiasm!

4591081 I wouldn't mind joining, though I have never actually played a tabletop (never really had access to a group). However, I have quite a bit of roleplay XP, plus I took an acting class just this spring. Serial killer, little brother, annoying friend, you name it, I will do my darndest to act it out to the best of my ability.

But yeah, if you can handle me probably asking a ton of questions about the system (unless I can get my hands on a core rule book or something), then I'm up to try it out.

Imperium Bedlam
Group Contributor


Good luck trying to play with this many people though :/

No... :fluttershysad: sorry... :fluttercry: pweez don't hate me.... :fluttershyouch::fluttershbad:

I don't hate ya. But seriously, how I portray the DM in said story is how I used to be a DM. Total jerkwad. Trust me when I say it, though, I've taken lessons from my most recent Dungeon Master in the ways of not being a jackass.
I think I remember seeing a comment about possibly having to split the group in two, or other multiples? Then again, I've also done a group of fifteen, and been in a group of eleven, so I know how to handle it. It's just getting people to listen and wait silently being the trick.
Heck, there's so many people asking that even say that they're newbies at D&D/Tabletops that I'll probably split it to Newbies and Veterans. Maybe even have times where their stories collide! Now wouldn't that be fun!

Again, though. We're still in the planning stages, so hold on tight.

Hey, since were all talking about D&D, Who would like to take a fun little survey called "What Kind of D&D Character Would You Be?"


So, Mr.DM, what do you think you'd be?


Survey anyone? God im tired.

Well, as long as you're not like that now... I could try. No promises, though.

Imperium Bedlam
Group Contributor


Last time I played D&D my character both held the party together while coming up with ways to kill them all off, even rejecting an offer from the bad guys only because he knew he the party would win. That was until SOMEONE *cough* Shagohad *cough* Abandoned my plan and charged head first.

Lawful Neutral Human Paladin...
These are my stats:
Strength- 17
Dexterity- 17
Constitution- 15
Intelligence- 15
Wisdom- 15
Charisma- 13

... The hell...
I'm the F$@#ing DM... Then again, I do play a pretty good Paladin from time to time.

Lawful neutral gnome wizard 2/ sorcerer 1. What if people used a survey to make their characters?

4591342 Neutral Good Human Wizard/Sorcerer. I think I maybe have mis-filled some bubbles though.

Imperium Bedlam
Group Contributor


Well battlewise it'd just be unfair and irritating to go through with a party of 11 people so you'd probably have to make people splitinto separate groups. Also if ya need something to play it on then I recommend Roll20 if you didn't already know it.

4591081 I've had no experience in D&D, but I'd love to role-play with you guys. It'd probably be fun as hell. Using my character in one of those. Would certainly be interesting. o.o

I am a Lawful Neutral Gnome Wizard/Sorcerer (1st/1st level)

Strength- 15
Dexterity- 14
Constitution- 16
Intelligence- 13
Wisdom- 16
Charisma- 13

I would love to play some d&d and im ok at roleplaying

4591091 I'd suggest a mix of Pathfinder and 3.0/3.5. 3.P, if you will. There's a lot of fun stuff from 3rd Edition, and at least the later portion of 3.5 threw martial-types a bone. I've looked over the Pathfinder martial feats, and their levels of absolute suck are overwhelming. *Shudder*

4591245 Go with 5th, I've played 4th and didn't think it was that good. Also, 4th caused such an uproar for all the changes it made that Pathfinder was born as essentially 3.75 so people didn't have to play it anymore. 5th is a major backtrack and supposedly plays a bit more like 2nd edition.

4591081 I'm meeting up with a group to play Iron kingdoms unleashed over the weekend. I mite join but I don't know yet.

4591081 Chaotic Neutral Human Fighter 1 / Wizard 1

Strength - 17
Dexterity - 15
Constitution - 16
Intelligence - 16
Wisdom - 15
Charisma - 13

No idea on how I managed that.

Dude, 4th edition is essentially the edition of homebrews. And you're right, 5th is still more advanced, but plays more easily.
Also, the idea came up in the set up: D&D with the pony race. XD
This idea is now in the open and I would like opinions people!


Also, the idea came up in the set up: D&D with the pony race. XD
This idea is now in the open and I would like opinions people!

Find a good add-on or mod and I'll play it. Sounds like a blast.

My last group of D&D jus finished so I'm game.

You Are A:

Neutral Evil Human Sorcerer (2nd Level)

Ability Scores:
Strength- 14
Dexterity- 15
Constitution- 16
Intelligence- 14
Wisdom- 13
Charisma- 15


I'm down for this, one of the games I host is drawing to its conclusion so I will have some more nights free. Probably play a wild magic sorcerer

I strongly recommend 5th edition as it is much more open ended then 4e and there is less garbage then 3.5; in my opinion.

If you ever need advice or need the books feel free to shoot me a pm.

That sounds super neat. I mean, this is a discussion of d&d on a mlp site. Makes sense to have some pony in it. I'm game for pony PC's and NPC's, but could we have the option to play as changelings? I know/think their only partially pony (canon from the comics), but could they be otpional . . . . ?

*points to the Eberron campaign and my story*
A doi. Of course!

I'd be interested in playing.

I've had an interest in D&D for a while now(and have been watching various people play on youtube, such as Geek and Sundry's Critical Role series and a bit of the stuff that the guys on the official D&D channel post) but haven't had any chances to find a group yet :applejackunsure:

barring that though, I don't even have access to a proper computer, the only thing I have is a crappy toshiba chromebook, so I highly doubt I'd be able to play


This seemed relevant.

You Are A: Chaotic Evil Human Ranger (10th Level)
Ability Scores:
Strength- 19
Dexterity- 17
Constitution- 19
Intelligence- 16
Wisdom- 16
Charisma- 13
...Or Yuuka Kazami is anyway. I actually got the same as Jsyrin when I did it for myself.

I've never DnD'd before, but I've wanted to for a while. I don't know anyone who does it where I live and it's a little difficult to do solo...

Also, I assume there won't be any peasant rail guns?

Peasants are now either impossible to hire or cost a ton of money to hire.
No joke. Rail guns are pretty much 1-hit-KO-cannons. Seriously.
Like, I'll allow you to hire peasants for cheap, but if I start thinking you're aiming for a rail gun, I WILL make them MUCH harder to hire.

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