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4595695 Eyes the rest of my bag of tricks Don't worry my sweets, I'll find a way to use some of you without losing you...

I haven't played D&D in years but I had alot of fun playing it so if there's room and you don't mind me asking how a few things work...I'm Game

4591201 Hey! I wasn't totally mean! I did give you an invisi-cat.

Only nice thing you did! :rainbowwild: shame that game was shit down. It was fun!

... Um... Might I say that I'm a huge troll when people enter dungeons? Or in towns? Or with certain NPC's? XD

Um... will we have to fight you? I mean, I don't really want to kill the DM.

Are you nuts?! You can't fight the DM!
No. I'm just a troll. Like, if we do use ponies instead of bipedal creatures, if you use magic as an Earth Pony in a town, you'll scare everyone off. Things like that, sometimes worse. *cough* random encounters *cough*

Oh... interesting.

By the way, that was a joke. :derpytongue2: Sorry if I didn't communicate that properly. :unsuresweetie:

I'd like to play. I've had several friends and family campaigns, one of which went off and on for 4 years and created a lot of fond memories.

Neutral Good Half-Elf Bard/Sorcerer (1st/1st)

I'd be up for something like this. I have worked a little with 5ed, but most of my rp experience comes from homebrew or the Fate system. Most of my Sunday afternoons for the the last two years have been spent running one campaign or another with a few friends

4591245 I'm interested. Please tell memore.

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