Displaced 4,445 members · 1,274 stories
Comments ( 11 )
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Twilight and Discord, this art say it all.

well... Exist the tales of loki, that is a displaced as Discord and later they become one

See I find twicord to be one of those things that is like sticking a Stick of dynamite in a barrel of nitroglycerin that's been surrounded by C4 in the shape of a alicorn's butt. A little to volatile and dangerous to ship. One is ocd with a hint of order, the other is pure chaos troll.

4597361 I think the idea is funny. Add to that Cord would not see this coming.

While it would be something i have not seen before...i just cant see how this ship could work but whoever can make this ship seem natural and put it into a story. i will give the story a free like. and follow the author

I was wanting to do a Displaced of Twilight. Maybe I'll come up with that later

4597430 That a new spin on things :)

that looks like art from Lopoddity from DeviantArt

Gale the Anarchist
Group Admin


I feel like Twilight just asked Discord if he'd like to convene to her bedchambers.

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