Displaced 4,445 members · 1,274 stories
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A Batman Displaced. :rainbowkiss:

....Yes we do need one...

Holy shit another of my displacement weakness. Do it if there is a joker displace , a batman displace must bring balance unless they already done it then my mistake for posting this message.

Group Admin

I want one, but at the same time I really really don't. I don't want anyone to ruin him for me.

That... Seems like a risky idea. Most characters that I've seen Displaced have been at least functional, but... Batman gets his abilities from years and YEARS of actual training. A Displaced of Batman would have one suit of Batman's gear, no physical combat or martial arts training, and no idea how to use any of the gear on his belt. Given time he could train and learn to use the gear but he'd only have the one set and would run out and would have no way to produce more, let alone fix anything that gets damaged. The martial arts training would just as well need years of training tiger anywhere near the actual Batman's level of skill, not to mention having none of Batman's other skills...

Would it be cool? I suppose. But would it be easy to write and write well? No. Not impossible but... It'd be far more likely to be more trouble than it's be worth.

Group Admin

4601810 Well, bare in mind a lot of Displaced also gain the muscle-memory, knowledge and other skills of the character they got Displaced as, so that isn't a problem. Though I have to agree, its very risky, and I honestly don't want anyone to write him for I am afraid they might ruin him for me. If anyone is to write him, I would like it to be someone who knows what the fuck he is doing, If not, then either don't or just make an OC that has Batman's gear but goes under a very different name and or honor code.

Group Admin

4601647 there are currently two Joker Displaced stories on the site.

Well crud I pray whoever creates the batman displaces does not ruin his image or at least gains a good insight. Then again we can look at the many different versions/series and pray someone does well with that.

Group Admin

4601983 I honestly rather there wasn't one period, idk its just how I feel about it.

Ok I have to respect that opinion since batman feels like a chuck norris to me aka you do not want to fuck with the guy. Plus I have this feeling someone will screw up by accident.

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