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Comments ( 5 )
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I just wanted to get a bit of feedback on something I've started to loosely tie in with my "A Space Dragon in Princess Celestia's Court" story.
"Eric the Displaced Avatar" Eric N'dokason, youngest brother to Shin'ichi N'dokason, the Stellar Dragon, goes to a convention as Avatar Roku from The Last Airbender.

Opinions, thoughts, write faster old man, anyone?

Well I would say try since I do not know any avatar based displace.

Group Admin

4605077 What's your plot? Do you even have one?

At this point, I admit I don't yet. It's a side project to my main story. I do hope to have an outline done by the weekend.
Thank you.

Group Admin

4605425 Just try to have something and not jump into the dreaded zone of Crossoverbaits. An don't thank me, I literally have done nothing.

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