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Comments ( 21 )
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I'd appreciate it if someone could help me decide on appropriate token for someone displaced as The Looking Glass Knight.

4607219 I've yet to play Dark Souls II, but from my experiences with the first one, most characters have a signature theme. What theme does the Glass Knight have going for him?

4607219 You could use a small hand mirror or a mirror shard.

Oh hell no! I despise this guy (damn lightning while waterlogged) nearly as much as Dukes dear Freja (Arachnophobia) and Aldia.

But for your token, Dragons idea with the mirror shard seems good. Would fit his theme well I think, plus there are plenty of shards when he summons his own phantoms.

Hmm, that would be a pretty epic entrance for other Displaced too, should you do cross-overs in the future.

4607227 Lightning and his mirror shield could be considered his theme.

4607230 I hadn't thought of those, thanks for giving me some ideas

4607244 The Looking Glass Knight is my favorite boss, I love being his personal medic when he summons me.

4607219 you want to make a story of the LookingGlassKnight...ok do it

4607261 how about something that combines the two? Like a jagged piece of glass in the shape of a bolt. To summon him, the displaced need to smash the shard.

Also, thanks for the watch!

Group Contributor

4607230 I would recommend him too.
4607277 One-time summoning?
It would be pretty Nito if you would have to have the shard being struck by lightning, but that would be preeeetty hard.

4607292 I see what you did there :rainbowkiss: nice Nito pun.

Ah, another follower of Nahr Alma eh? Well, I hope you show at least some proper manners when you invade someone.

My favourite boss is the Old Iron King because I´m a huge sucker for Tolkien and his Balrog.

Sunbros forever! \(- -)/

He uses his shield to summon things so how about a pendent shaped like his shield? Also the characters list of attacks said he can summon other players to help him. Dose that mean he will be able to summon other displaced without their tokens?

Comment posted by mrkillwolf666 deleted Aug 5th, 2015
Group Contributor

4607300 To be honest?

I got that from a comment on one of my stories...

4607219 I'd say a hand mirror... that makes sense

4607219 so...how you goin to start the LookingGlassKnight story?...

use the white sign summon soap stone. :pinkiecrazy:

4607219 are you goin to amke this into a story or not?

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