Displaced 4,445 members · 1,274 stories
Comments ( 27 )
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i want someone to make of a displaced story of shanks and gildarts

4608464 That would be interesting. Right now I'm coming up with a story revolving Luffy.

They do look like brothers! Holy crud!


4609198 uh...i am workin on a doflamingo story...so can you make this in a story?

4609451 can't, got three other stories I'm working on, plus I only know stuff about Shanks

4631766 thanks for the link, but that's not to say I haven't watched fairytail, I know who gildarts is and who his daughter is, I just don't know anything about his character. Like his personality and abilities.

4608479 so...how the story it goin?

4644344 Coming along at a snails pace. It's not my main story and I don't often look at it. Right now my focus is on the story that I actually have published. I'm the kind of guy who works on one story at a time.

4645096 Life works in funny, mysterious ways. In a burst of inspiration I actually wrote, and finished, the first chapter of a story revolving around Trafalgar Law.

I didn't publish it yet, and I may not until I finish a few more. Just thought I'd mention it since you seem to be looking for a One Piece story.

4648767 i rly want a new one oiece story

4648780 Ah. Well, I figured as much. I just hope I can deliver.

4654241 It's coming along. I focus on quality, not quantity, so my upload speed is slow. It could be a bit until I decide to submit the story.

4654256 Patience is a virtue. Also, thanks for the watch.

4654260 ok i am checking on the story...how far youin?...

4656891 you're kidding right? I just told you my work speed is slow. There might not be an update until a month from now.

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