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So... I was just bumming around, reading the Grey Knights Codex, and then I read about Kaldor Draigo... And I thought, hell, if someone became displaced as him... Not a single soul could really stand up against him, he's fought Daemon princes, he fought the Death Guards Primarch, and carved the name of his dead Grand Master into his heart... And no daemon wants to fight him because he'll just kill them... Again.

And I thought, hell, I could try to do it... But not without serious advice if it's not worth trying, or if it is... And if I could have help writing it, So I'm asking... Is he too much of an Over Powered guy?

Also, I would put a picture of him... But I have no clue how... If anybody could help with me learning how to do that... Greatly appreciate it, also... For you who may not know who this guy is, he's from Warhammer 40k, look him up if you'd like.

what would be seriously powerful, would be a displaced scribblenaut. The power they have with that book, they could destroy and create anything they wanted.

There are a lot of potential over-powered beings depending on how their universe works. You can't really predict how one characters abilities would work in another world/universe. Now throw Lobo or Deadpool, two unkillable characters, and Mr Killed Everything just isn't so great.

Group Contributor


Listings of Deeds

Kaldor Draigo is famous for:

Killing a Daemon Prince in his first combat action
Banishing Daemon Primarch Mortarion back to the warp, somehow carving the name of the previous supreme grand master Geronitan (a fucking long name) into the heart of said Daemon Primarch without contracting space daemon AIDS in the process

to put this insanity in perspective, try cursive writing with a Chainsaw while in the middle of an industrial toxic waste dump without any protection.

Single-handedly holding off a daemon horde for two days in real space

Killing a Daemon Prince with a broken sword,

Killing one of Khorne's strongest Bloodthirsters with little to no weaponry

Taking said Bloodthirster's axe and reforging it into a sword for his own personal use WITH HIS MIND (you know, despite it being an obvious weapon
of a Daemon and automatically a corrupting influence just to hold, let alone press your bare mind against)

Slaying 6 of Slaanesh's chosen Daemonettes (when setting one's gaze upon them is enough to instantly force submission from any mortal, no matter how strong-willed)

Setting fire to Nurgle's garden (again, whilst somehow miraculously avoiding space daemon AIDS)

Walking into the City of Tzeentch and single-handedly smashing it to rubble, which, given that the City of Tzeentch comprises geometry which is literally impossible, MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE (maybe he just smashes the impossible buildings into equally-impossible rubble? Who the fuck gave Matt Ward his editing privileges back?! and slaying countless daemons whilst being trapped in warpspace. He can also be summoned by chaos cultists unwittingly instead of a daemon, no sooner returning to the Warp than after slaying them all.
To be fair, Great Boss Tuska the Demon-killa did that to several different places with impossible geometry during his WAAAGH! into the warp... but then again, those are Orks, for whom impossible shit forms the backbone of their war machinery, he had an army and artillery with him so they could've fired in all directions, he had an army with him that took losses as they went and they eventually were defeated, in a sense.)
The God-Emperor himself, looking at his deeds, stood up from his throne... And quit his fucking job because clearly he had become irrelevant.

It would be cool to have a SPEHSS MEHREEN displaced, but seriously, everything in WH40K is overpowered as fuck, no one would be able to defeat him, eh!

4608821 depends, if you read into the stories of the higher tier Displaced your find opponents that can match if not defeat him. He not totally OP but the lorist is needed to point out the class

4608840 Don't know if what I just read was heaven or not... Pretty sure it is.

4608835 Kaldor Draigo is impossibly the most overpowered guy in Warhammer 40k...

4608829 Do you even understand Warhammer 40k my good man? That book would be considered Heresy.

4608867 Some, yes, but not many.

Group Contributor


Kaldor Draigo is impossibly the most overpowered guy in Warhammer 40k...

Oh i don't know about that.

4608873 most likely the Uber and titan class, the two classes above them is never a good idea.

4608878 Oh by the Emperor... I did not know of him... Until now... Shiiiiit... I still like Kaldor Draigo, he is still badass... But that guy in my book... IN MY BOOK, is tied with Kaldor... Just... By the Throne...

4608884 Uber and Titan class?

4608878 Never mind... I read all of his facts... My brains dead...

4608889 there a power scale for beings, the lorist of our group know, but basically Displaced have scales Draigo would rank around the lower end Titan class (note: I'm not good at this all I know is that reality warping gives you titan class or something)

Your have to read the Titan Class stories in the power scale to get a idea of there level.

4608905 Well... Here's more then a hundred facts on a dude... Even better then Kaldor... Have fun reading... Cause I certainly did... And now... Imma get in trouble!

Exterminatus destroys planets. Sly Marbo destroys segmenta.
Sly Marbo can and will single-handedly destroy the Tyranids. By looking at them.
Sly Marbo models assemble and paint themselves.
Sly Marbo does not sleep, he waits.
Sly Marbo is the reason the Void Dragon is hiding.
Sly Marbo scares the living shit out of all the Ordo Malleus, Ordo Hereticus, and Ordo Xenos put together.
Sly Marbo passes any characteristic test he is required to take including Toughness, Leadership, STD, Genetic, Initiative, and Paternity.
Abaddon stole the planet killer off the shelf in his local supermarket. When he got home and opened the box he found Marbo sitting inside.
In Dawn of War 2: Retribution, Tyranid ending, the swarm strips all life from subsector Aurelia. Well, 99.999% of it; Marbo was still there.
Sly Marbo is never added to an army. Army lists are added to Sly Marbo.
Sly Marbo's mini was once used in Dungeons and Dragons. His player killed the Dungeon Master.
In the movement phase, Sly Marbo remains stationary and moves the gaming table 6" in any direction.
They developed a new branch of the Inquisition specifically for Marbo - Ordo Marbicus.
Sly Marbo killed Batman's parents.
Lightsabers are powered by Marbo's toenail clippings.
Sly Marbo once fought Nurgle and changed him into a flower.
When Sly Marbo falls in water he doesn't get wet. The water gets Sly Marbo.
Sly Marbo knows where in the galaxy Leman Russ is, but he won't tell because he doesn't want anyone to find the body.
The Emperor isn't on the Golden Throne, he just left a dummy there to keep Marbo off his trail. Marbo's not fooled.
The Grim Reaper doesn't come for Sly Marbo, Sly Marbo comes for the Grim Reaper.
Sly Marbo has two speeds, Stalk and Exterminatus.
If Marbo's demo charge scatters back on him, he kicks the template back so that it lands on the enemy general.
The Emperor quit the crusade because Sly told him to.
Sly isn't the missing Primarch. He is the entire Missing Legion!
Sly Marbo really loves kittens and puppies. He thinks they're best served rare.
Sly Marbo never washes. Dirt is too afraid to touch him.
Sly Marbo ALWAYS eats soup with a fork.
Sly Marbo eats Tyranid Rippers for breakfast. Without any milk.
When MC Hammer is around, it's Hammertime. When Marbo is around, you know poor MC will never be back.
Jesus can walk on water. Marbo can swim through solid rock.
Sly Marbo can touch this.
Marbo destroyed the periodic table, because he only recognizes the element of surprise.
Sly Marbo made Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt's spare camo cloak out of fibers from his own chest hair.
Sly Marbo doesn't breathe, he holds air hostage.
Sly Marbo has the heart of a child. He keeps it in a little jar next to his bed.
Sly Marbo stole my heart. I think he ate it.
Sly Marbo sleeps waits with a pillow under his gun.
Exterminatus is Marbo's breath, bottled.
Marbo is the Shadow in the Warp; the Tyranids are trying to get away.
It is said that Sly Marbo's tears can bring back the emperor. Sadly, Marbo never has cried and never will.
Sly Marbo doesn't cry, his eyes just sweat.
Sly Marbo does not sweat from his eyes. Nothing escapes those soulless pits.
People think that when Tyranids destroy worlds they strip all life from the planet, in all reality it's Sly Marbo deciding that planet sucks.
Same for Exterminatus.
Sly Marbo doesn't drive vehicles, the vehicle drive themselves trying to get away.
Sly Marbo doesn't fire his weapon, it's just that the ammo inside his gun is scared and fires itself.
Krieg was never purged by the Death Korps. Marbo just ate too many beans.
When the Bogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet for Sly Marbo. Not that he would find him even if he tried.
The Death Star didn't fire lasers, it fired Marbo's fist.
Grievous isn't wheezing because of a force attack, he just inhaled pure Sly Marbo particles and couldn't handle the awesome.
The Tyranids actually came to our galaxy fleeing from Mr. Popo. What they don't realize, however, is that Popo, in a classic pincer maneuver, has sent them right into Sly Marbo's waiting arms.
The Nightbringer doesn't go outside at night because he's worried that Sly Marbo is waiting for him.
A Lictor bit Sly Marbo and after 2 weeks of pain and agony the Lictor died.
It's enough once Sly Marbo glances upon you to feel your ass was ripped in two.
A commissar once tried to execute Sly Marbo for morale. Morale was restored when Sly Marbo was done killing him.
Sly Marbo isn't addicted to lho sticks, lho sticks are just addicted to Sly Marbo.
Techpriests aren't looking for STCs, they're looking for the sacred atoms of metal that came off Sly Marbo's junk that power them.
Most Vindicare assassins want to grow up to be just like Sly Marbo, most however grow up to be killed by him.
Sly Marbo defines heresy. *BLAM*
The Eye of Terror was created when Sly Marbo punched a star with his bare fist.
Sly Marbo allows the Emperor to borrow his Golden Throne.
Should the Commissars not shoot traitors, Sly Marbo would awaken stop waiting.
Sly Marbo once twice conquered the whole Ultima Segmentum.
The Emperor didn't kill Horus, Sly Marbo did.
Did you hear that Failbaddon beat Sly Marbo? You haven't? Good, me neither.
Sly Marbo doesn't fear Nurgle's rot, Nurgle's rot fears Sly Marbo.
Sly Marbo let the dogs out.
Sly Marbo beat Papa smurf in arm wrestling using his little finger.
Fun fact!: Even the Angry Marines are scared of Marbo. Even their chapter master: Temperus Maximum, can't curse or even look at him with the slightest bit of anger.
A Bloodthirster once challenged Sly Marbo. The experience was so traumatizing that it has refused to manifest into realspace since he fears being in the same plane of existence as Marbo.
Konrad Curze wasn't killed by a Callidus Assassin, Marbo just dropped by and kicked him in the happy sack so hard that he hasn't gotten up to this day. The Imperium just used the Assassin as a cover story to make it look like the Assassinorum still has its uses.
Vance Motherfucking Stubbs, Colonel "I mindfucked an Eldar Farseer with my non-psychic mind" Straken, and Sly Marbo regularly get together for poker night in a secret dimension which only pure essences of awesome may visit. Creed doesn't get invited because nobody likes it when a stack of ordinary poker chips turns out to be a squadron of Leman Russ Demolishers, just lying in wait.
When Marbo fails his armor or invulnerable save, the one who caused it gets the wound.
Sly Marbo stared into Slaanesh him/her/itself, Slaanesh later lost his/her/it's soul to Marbo.
Sly Marbo took a stroll through the Gardens of Nurgle, it became disease free after he left.
Sly Marbo gave Nurgle the clap.
Sly Marbo got into Tzeentch's forbidden library, blindfolded, in just 5 seconds. And only because he gave the library a 4.5 second head start.
Khorne didn't cause the endless chasm in his brass citadel out of rage, Marbo just put his foot down in front of Khorne once.
Sly Marbo once gave a riddle to the Deceiver, the Deceiver never solved it.
Khaela Mensha Khaine only shattered into a bajillion pieces after Marbo punched him in the gut.
Horus is said to have killed Sanguinius because the Angel was tired from battle. That battle was losing an arm wrestling match with Sly Marbo.
Sly Marbo could heal Roboute Guilliman and Lion El'Jonson. Experience has just taught him they won't be awesome enough to receive it.
Lorgar is said to be on Sicarius communing with the Chaos Gods. He's really just trying to hide from Sly Marbo.
Logan Grimnar once challenged Sly Marbo to a drinking contest. The Great Wolf fell into a coma trying to beat Marbo. As punishment, Logan must now ride a pretty little sleigh dragged by wolves.
Dante's Death Mask curses anyone who looks at him. He's terrified of what will happen if he looks at Sly Marbo while wearing it.
Eldrad takes everything into account when making a plan. Sly Marbo is the one unpredictable factor.
Sly Marbo once banished an entire daemonic horde by giving it a mean look.
Marbo once dueled an Eversor assassin in close combat, he managed to literally rip the assassin in half with his bare hands and end the fight in just 10 seconds flat.
Whenever Marbo spits at someone, his spit turns into a plasma bolt. Whenever he fails his "Gets Hot" roll, the one he spat at explodes. (Note: Sly Marbo never fails any rolls unless he chooses to do so.)
Sly Marbo pisses melta fire.
Marbo can be an Ultramarine, but hates them anyway, so he doesn't care.
The Administratum once attempted to impose a higher tithe on Catachan. Sly Marbo was sent to deliver their counteroffer. The Administratum quickly lowered Catachan's tithe.
A Miral land shark once tried to ambush Marbo like Straken, the land shark's teeth shattered and died the second after it bit Marbo.
Sly Marbo makes Khorne Berzerkers take morale checks and makes them squeal like little girls when they see him.
Marbo once defeated Tzeentch in a chess game..... with just 3 moves.
Kaldor Draigo is actually Marbo is disguise, he just assumes this form to troll fa/tg/uys for fun.
Sly Marbo is the reason the Emprah is on the Golden Throne.
Marbo once killed a Hierophant bio-titan by bitch-slapping it in the face, he then killed the entire brood of Tyranids following it by ripping-off one of the dead Hierophant's scything talons and using it as his own melee weapon.
Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka is said to have left the Third War for Armageddon because he got bored. He really left because he learned Sly Marbo was coming.
Sly Marbo once cut himself to see what all the fuss was about. The resulting blood formed into Ollanius Pius.
Sly Marbo's sweat is what poison lines his weapon.
Orks wear Gork and Mork pajamas. Gork and Mork wear Sly Marbo pajamas.
Sly Marbo sleeps waits with a nightlight, not because he's scared of the Night Lords, but because the Night Lords are scared of Marbo.
A Daemon Prince once saved a Cadian regiment from Necrons; the Guardsmen were baffled until they realized the daemon had been possessed by Sly Marbo.
Sly Marbo can kick a Bolter Bitch to the balls. CAN, but he won't...
The Crimson Fists got their name after Sly Marbo played bloody knuckles with Pedro Kantor.
Sly Marbo once took Moondrakken for a joyride. He brought it back with all the radio presets changed and the seat readjusted. Kor'sarro Khan didn't dare complain.
The Salamanders hold that Vulkan will return when they collect all nine of his sacred artifacts. So far they've recovered five. Sly Marbo has not seen fit to return the other four.
Marbo once ate a Deathstrike Missile Launcher. He thought it was bland.
Sly Marbo once broke the battlements of Medrengard in an hour.
Sly Marbo was once on a planet subjected to virus bombing. Sly Marbo's immune system killed the viruses before they infected him. And then his immune system killed everyone else on the planet.
Sly Marbo once looked into the Eye of Terror. They say a Chaos God looked back at him. Sly then went into the Eye of Terror to beat it senseless for looking at him funny.
Sly Marbo taught tactics to - wait, what's that Titan doing there?

Sly Marbo can strangle you with a cordless Vox.
Sly Marbo is the GOD DAMN BATMAN!
Sly Marbo will never, ever say "GO! Get to the Chopper!" That's the kind of thing a neckbeard says.
Sly Marbo has constipation issues, because he knows his feces could be used to track him in the field.
Sly Marbo refused to be hidden in plain sight by CREED. He called Creed "A cheap man's Copperfield".
Indrick Boreale once spoke Sly Marbo's name and the sheer awesomeness fixed his speech impediment.
A greater Daemon once possessed Sly Marbo… No one knows what happened to it.
Sly Marbo doesn't need meltabombs. He just pisses on a tank and it explodes.
The Necrons went into stasis because Marbo was killing everything else.
Any time a Farseer says "Just as planned", Marbo will be standing behind them with murder in his eyes.
Marbo can murder with his eyeballs.
Sly Marbo's favorite sandwich is a Catachan Barking Toad between two meltabombs.
Sly Marbo's glare is treated as a Plasma Blastgun With the rate of fire of a punisher Gatling Cannon
Kharn The Betrayer once fought Marbo. Kharn was found embedded in the hull of an orbiting starship. He took the defeat pretty well.
Plasma weapons use a synthetic form of Marbo's testosterone. In its natural state it is white-hot and obliterates everything it touches.
Sly Marbo does not and never has owned a machete. That's just his arm hair.
Sly Marbo once had intestinal parasites. Once he shat them out they became known as Catachan Devils.
Marbo once allowed a Guard player to use his mini, the Necron player he fought wasn't allowed to take Reanimation Protocol rolls, the Tau player he fought got into melee and the Daemon player he fought tried and failed to dance An'ggrath around the map out of Marbo's reach.
When the emperor was finally re-awoken, he rose and said, "I am the god emperor of mankind. Who dared to wake m- Oh... It is you my master."
Slaanesh needs to masturbate every time Sly Marbo kills a Carnifex. Chaos Realm suffers chronic floodings.
Sly Marbo stole the Blood Raven's home planet.
Creed played chess with Tzeentch and won. Sly Marbo played chess with Chaos Undivided and it ended in a draw, but the four gods were so scared that they refused to play when Marbo asked for a rematch.
Sly Marbo's internet seems slow. That's just because he's faster than it.
Sly Marbo gives out a special rule... Feel MORE Pain.
The Milkshake doesn't bring Sly Marbo to the yard, Sly Marbo was already there.
Sly Marbo has no hair on his balls. Hair doesn't grow on steel.
If you have five bucks, and Marbo has five bucks, Marbo has more money than you.
You are only alive because Sly Marbo is too busy Stirring Coals with his Penis to kill you.
Sly Marbo can drown a fish.
Sly Marbo simply walks into Mordor.
A Lictor once tried to ambush Sly Marbo while he was waiting; it did not expect Marbo to ambush it while ambushing him.
The poisons on Marbo's rounds and knife is actually made from his sweat and it's the only poison that even Nurgle daemons cannot resist.
Marbo can seduce Slaaneshi Daemonettes at will. After they do they dirty, Sly doesn't have to kill them because they're already dead from ecstasy (and not the drug).
After Sly Marbo killed a Tyranid swarm out of boredom, the Swarmlord was deployed to kill Marbo. After six months of trying (and dying), the Swarmlord finally gave up and stopped reincarnating.
Sly Marbo’s testicles are of such might they ignore armor saves in close combat.
The only reason Sly Marbo isn't a primarch is because it would be a demotion. The same with being a Daemon Prince.
Khorne used to have a gold pedestal just for Marbo's skull. He has since melted it down and sold it at a Cash-4-Gold shop.
When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back. When Sly Marbo stares into the abyss, the abyss averts its gaze to the left.
Sly Marbo bowls overhand.
When Sly Marbo has to stitch up a deep gash, he doesn't use a needle and thread, he uses a tent spike and bailing wire.
Trayzn's 'hood' is a neck brace. Marbo effortlessly sniffed out the real Trazyn and ripped his spine out. Trayzn still hasn't gotten it back.
Sly Marbo is allowed to talk about Fight Club.
Sly Marbo once snuck up on Lucius the Eternal and slit his throat from behind. Lucius was unable to possess him, as Sly Marbo's thirst for killing can never be satisfied.
Sly Marbo once got into a theological debate with Erebus, and pointed out thirty-nine logical fallacies in the Book of Lorgar, which Erebus was unable to explain. And that's why Catachan will never have door-to-door Word Bearers appear in the system ever again.
During the Battle of Calth, Roboute Guilliman ripped out Kor Phaeron's heart. Upon reading this at the schola, Sly Marbo traveled back in time to the Horus Heresy, where he ripped out Kor Phaeron's spine and beat Guilliman senseless with it.
Huron Blackheart once lead the Red Corsairs in a raid on Catachan. For their foolishness, Sly Marbo proceeded to raid the Maelstrom of ... well, everything. "But he can't-" Yes he can.
Darnath Lysander once struck Sly Marbo with the "Hammer of Dorn". Not only did the Hammer break on impact with Marbo, but so did Lysander's storm shield, Terminator armor, and pride.
Sly Marbo once hugged Typhus. Not only did he remain clean of disease, but his sweat infected the Destroyer Plague in Typhus's body. It would have killed him if Sly Marbo didn't beat Typhus to death with his own Manreaper first.
The Adeptus Mechanicus once dug deep underground in an attempt to find a Necron tomb. They found Sly Marbo instead, ruining his power nap wait. By the end of the day the entire star system was devoid of all life.
The Gellar field around Sly Marbo’s ship isn't generated by the ship to keep the people on board safe from the warp. It’s generated by the warp to keep the demons safe from Sly Marbo.
The Emperor might be able to walk on water but sly Marbo can swim through land.
Why did the Necrons really go into stasis? They all dug their own graves when they heard sly Marbo was coming.
The reason Malal/Malice is no longer mentioned in Canon is because he ran afoul of Sly Marbo.
The Outsider would actually really like to come back to our galaxy, except he knows Sly Marbo is waiting for him.
When the Space Marines are in trouble the Legion of the Damned come to their rescue. When the Legion of the Damned are in trouble, Sly Marbo arrives.
Roboute Guilliman weeps every day in his stasis field for deep down he knows that he will never be Sly Marbo.
Contrary to popular belief, Doombreed is not camera shy, it’s just that he foolishly thinks Sly Marbo doesn't know what he looks like, and Doombreed intends to keep it that way.
Sly Marbo won a staring contest with Mephiston.
Nemesis Dreadknights are believed to be ancient pieces of xenos tech; they're actually Sly Marbo's childhood toys.
Marbo once broke an Eldar soulstone but Slaanesh got nothing because he grabbed the soul first. He's still got it on him.
Contrary to popular belief, it is unknown if Sly Marbo is bulletproof. Whenever someone fires at him, the bullet/bolt/plasma/las/shuriken stops twenty centimeters from Marbo, turns 180 degrees, and hits the person who fired the shot.
Sly Marbo controls all of Games Workshop's prices. He's just waiting for the right time to lower them.
Being headbutted by Ghazghkull is like being struck by a mag-train, being poked by Sly Marbo is like being smacked by an Imperator class titan.
The Adeptus Mechanicus is looking for the STCs. Marbo has most of them in a flash drive that the AdMech knows about but doesn't dare lay claim to it.
Sly Marbo is the one person Alpharius never confuses. EVER.
He knows where all the Tomb Worlds are. This is because he destroyed most of them.
Sly Marbo takes on Genestealers in close combat for fun.
Sly Marbo uses his Uplifting Primer as toilet paper. No commissar would dare execute him for this. (well, with possibly one exception....)
The Dark Eldar didn't know what pain was until they met Marbo.
When Sly Marbo Deep Strikes, everything else has to roll scatter die, including the terrain itself.
A Tau Ethereal can order entire Cadres to commit mass suicide. Marbo can make entire Tau planets kill themselves by looking at them funny.
Sly Marbo once took on two Stompas in a no DQ one-on-tag handicap match with one arm tied behind his back. Records are scarce, but according to eyewitness reports he German suplexed them both for three hours straight before getting bored and wandering off to find a Mega Gargant to fight.
The Kroot once conspired a plan to eat Sly Marbo and use his DNA to create perfect Kroot warriors. Marbo fried them in batter and sprinkled them with eleven herbs and spices, never revealing what the eleventh one was (but the first ten herbs and spices were all steak).
Marbo only ever eats slow-roasted Carnifexes (over an open fire, with a sprinkling of Catachan Bloodvenom Juice).
Sly Marbo doesn't do push-ups. He pushes the planet down.
What colour is Sly Marbo's blood? TRICK QUESTION - Sly Marbo doesn't bleed!
Sly Marbo never takes his Feel No Pain roll. He doesn't understand what this "pain" issue is everyone else is struggling with.
Sly Marbo is the original owner of Blood Reaver, Gabriel Seth's chainsword. Sly Marbo used it as a toothbrush, but it wasn't powerful enough so he let Seth borrow it.
Sly Marbo stuffed his mattress with those 100 missing Baneblades. It's still too soft for him.
Sly Marbo doesn't kill everything in the galaxy because it's funny watching them try to kill him.
Sly Marbo can fold a bowling ball in half.
Sly Marbo once entered a Dark Angels rap battle. All who witnessed his mad skills on the mic perished. The only reason his opponent survived is because he ran as soon as he heard Sly Marbo's first breath into the mic.
Dark Eldar aren't hiding from Slaanesh in the webway, they're hiding from Sly Marbo.
Marbo never dies, he just wants to be a good sport and let them win.
Marbo once challenged Lord General Castor to a duel to see which could slay a Carnifex first. Marbo lost, but only because he spent the last few seconds of his kill's life taunting it.
Emperor is actually Sly Marbo in disguise.
Sly Marbo is the Angry Marines primarch.
Sly Marbo once bro-fisted a Imperator Titan. All that remains of said titan was the hellstorm cannon on Kronus.
Khorne spills blood for Sly Marbo.
Every Sister of Battle is crazy with lust for Marbo. He doesn't take advantage of that because he's a gentleman. Banging even one of them would get the rest of the Sororitas in that order pregnant; and no woman in the galaxy has a womb strong enough to bear his children (except Samus).
Sly Marbo can "out-CREEEEEED!" Creed; Marbo lets Creed do it when he can't be bothered to himself.
The Hive Mind of the Tyranids drives people insane because IT is insane too. Said insanity came about when Marbo let it psychically touch his mind.
Sly Marbo can say Chaos Spawn without being turned into one. (And I can too... OH SHIT! FTHWREGWARBLBLBLBL...)
Sly Marbo is Roboute Guilliman's Spiritual Liege.
Sly Marbo is America and so can you.
A necron lord once shot Marbo in the knee with a tachyron arrow, but Marbo was unhurt because his body is STRONGER THAN ANY MATTER.
Sly Marbo doesn't steal the initiative, the initiative is given to him.
Sly Marbo powers the Morphin' Grid.
Princess Celestia fears the day Marbo Visits Equestria.
I was once a Guardsman like you, but then I took a Sly Marbo to the knee.
Sly Marbo is the reason Matthew Ward quit working at Games Workshop. Now that he's gone, Marbo's planning on tormenting that Robin Cruddace prick next...
The only way to banish Sly Marbo is to take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
He got his own squad after what happened last night.
Sly Marbo is the one who killed Zordon! Andros was a cover story.
Sly Marbo stalks Slenderman.
Supernovae don't exist, it is just Sly Marbo's farts.
The Celestial Orrery is actually one of Sly Marbo's kidney stones.
Sly Marbo was once shot by a Nova Cannon before, after the devastating explosion, the Nova Cannon as well as the entire Imperial Navy in the sector died.
A prophecy was announced recently in the Imperium, if Sly Marbo, Vance Motherfucking Stubbs, Colonel "My bionic fists can bitch-slap Titans for Tuesday" Straken, Creed, Commissar Ciaphas Cain, Commissar Holt, Commissar Fucklaw, Commissar Yarrick, General Sturnn, Merrick, Commissar Gaunt, Lord General Castor and Ollanius Pius ever teamed up, they would destroy all four Chaos Gods, shatter reality and break open the fourth-wall while punching you in the face as an extra measure (You will be honored if you WERE punched in the face by these guys, admit it, you know it will be true).
Sly Marbo is secretly the Six Samurai.
Sly Marbo once peed into the oil tank of a truck, that truck was then used as inspiration to make the baneblade.
Sly Marbo beat Slaanesh and Doomrider in a cocaine and orgy competition while sleeping waiting.
Sly Marbo is so stealthy he even gets past Spider-Man's spider sense and Pinkie Pie's Pinkie Sense!!
Sly Marbo once built a robot. That robot is known as the Void Dragon.
Sly Marbo once banished Skarbrand back to the Warp.
Sly Marbo is actually THE Dragonborn.
Sly Marbo turned my Battle Brother into the creature that shall not be named.
Sly Marbo occasionally indulges himself in a grilled cheese after he is done bitch-slapping Rowboat Jellyfan with his ceramite balls.
Sly Marbo once almost made a Chuck Norris joke, but then didn't because Chuck Norris jokes aren't funny.
When Sly Marbo builds models, he is really building the Mechanicus' Imperator Titans.
Sly Marbo actually shits out Demolisher Shells.
Sly Marbo broke into the Black library, told Cegorach how to actually be funny, and then punched Ahriman in the face. Did I mention he was high after out cocaining Doomrider? No? Well he had No drug is powerful enough to get Sly Marbo high.
Sly Marbo has turned many an Ultramarine into a heretic. His manly jawline, well defined biceps, and thousand yard stare seem to have found a trait not previously noted from their geneseed. That is, to put it simply: Sly Marbo turns Ultramarines gay.
While anyone else chews tobacco, Sly Marbo chews glass.
Think Bella's love for Edward multiplied by over 9,000. that is how much Marbo loves to make up facts about himself.*BLAM*
Sly Marbo is deadly to vampires, werewolves, zombies and any other undead. And regular dead. And not dead.
Sly Marbo won the game.
Gabriel Seth was in a brawl with Marbo, when Emperor knows how, he found an opening in his guard and tried to kick him in the balls. Not only did he break a leg in an attempt, Marbo was so pissed off that most of the Flesh Tearers are now overcome with black rage .
Sly Marbo once stopped a Black Crusade by tricking the Chaos Lord leading it into saying "You and what Hulk?" Said Chaos Lord and his warband were then crushed by a Space Hulk thrown at them by the Incredible Hulk( who was really sly marbo wearing green paint).
The Emprah's stats are all E. Sly Marbo's stats are all E^E.
Sly Marbo once visited the Warhammer World a long time ago; this event is known to us as the coming of the Old Ones.
Sly Marbo is never cut from a Codex - he just chooses to go back into the shadows to stalk you.
It's said that Bjorn the Fell-Handed is the oldest Space Marine. Marbo was his babysitter.
Trazyn has to change his collection every century or so because Marbo keeps asking for his toys back.
Sly Marbo knows EXACTLY where Carmen Sandiego is. (Spoilers, he killed her)
Sly Marbo knows where you're not; safe.
The Emperor kneels before no man. But then again, calling Marbo a man is hardly fair.
The Primarchs were just Marbo playing fancy dresses.
The Primarchs weren't stolen by chaos, they were running from their grandfather - Sly Marbo.
Rumor has it that the reason Sly Marbo isn't in the AM Codex is because he'll get his own multi-part E-Codex just to describe his countless acts of MANLINESS. He will also count as his own army.
Sly Marbo once had an arm wrestling match with Abbadon, with the loser's arms as the bet. Abby lost that match, and his arms.
Sly IS Adventure Time!
Sly Marbo knows what the fox says....yiff
Sly Marbo's section was removed from the codex in a vain attempt by Games Workshop to delay his wrath for their many sins against the Guard. They have failed.
Sly Marbo ate Schrodinger's Cat, while it was both dead and alive.
Sly Marbo sheds his skin every month. He hands the skin over to the Adeptus Mechanicus, who then use it to reinforce suits of Tartaros-pattern Terminator armour. It is assumed that most of these are in the possession of the Minotaurs.
Sly Marbo has enough dakka.
Sly Marbo has never killed a man. He just beats them so bad they are turned to little girls before they die.
Sly Marbo is the name of the Doctor.
The spaceballs brake for nobody. Except Sly Marbo.
Sly Marbo expects the Spanish Inquisition.
Sly Marbo is the reason thehub network is changing its name to Discovery Family.
Sly Marbo is Leman Russ.
Sly Marbo was the one who build a text to speech device for the EMPRAH.
Sly Marbo programmed the animatronics to kill any fool that takes the security job at Freddy's Pizza.
The reason why Sly Marbo isn't in the 6th Edition Codex, he decided to go on an under cover mission to stop the Chaos and Xenos forces from taking over Arkhona.
Marbo once banged a Dominatrix and the product was the Swarmlord.
Sly Marbo looked straight at SCP-096's face, blinked while staring at SCP-173, and insulted SCP-076 in front of the entire SCP Foundation. None of the fuckers dared to make a move.
Sly Marbo released Half Life 3.
Sly Marbo beat Doomrider in a crack-snorting contest.
Sly Marbo can out-transform Optimus Prime.
Sly Marbo talks about Fight Club.
Sly Marbo has a pet Carnifex called cuddles, although most know him as Old One Eye.
Kaldor Draigo isn't trapped in the warp. He's hiding from Marbo.
Black holes are created when Sly Marbo rips his way into our universe; the universe is too scared to seal the breaches.
Sly Marbo can outsmart bullets.
Sly Marbo's eyes made flamethrowers obsolete.
Jesus Christ saves souls. Sly Marbo saves everything else.
Sly Marbo can slam a revolving door.
Death had a near-Sly Marbo experience.
Sly Marbo will never get a heart attack. His heart isn't stupid enough to attack him.
There is no Theory of Evolution. Just a list of animals Sly Marbo allows to live.
Sly Marbo flashed before Life's eyes.
Sly Marbo doesn't turn the light on, he turns the dark off.
Sly Marbo's favorite color is blood.
Sly Marbo is the one who touched the Heavy's gun.
Sly Marbo can smack air.
Sly Marbo solved Imotekh's favorite Tessaract Labyrinth with an abacus.
Sly Marbo shot a man with a knife.
I don't know what the big deal is about a fictional Rambo rip-off. Now if you'll excuse me, someone's at my front door.
Sly Marbo can divide by zero.
Sly Marbo protects his air bags in car accidents.
One of Sly Marbo's discarded fingernails fell into the real world from the Warp. It reformatted into Audie Murphy.
The Alpha Legion's original name was actually the Beta Legion. Sly decided to be nice and let them take his Legion's name (said Legion consisted of himself and a Laspistol).
When Spartans go MIA, they're really running away, scared and ashamed that they dared fail Sly Marbo.
Commander Farsight found one of Sly's discarded dinner knifes on a planet that he had a picnic on. Said knife was the Dawn Blade, and the previously verdant and inhabited world became a dead world after what Sly did after lunch.
The only reason SAXTON HALE!!! is in charge of Mann Co. is because Sly Marbo isn't interested in such a pathetic company.
Sly Marbo is the only person EVER to have heard both Gordon Freeman and Chell speak.
Sly Marbo once ran a 0-second mile. Than did it again, just to piss off physics.
Sly Marbo went back in time and had sex with an Eldar Farseer. A combination of overwhelming pleasure, Sly Marbo's jizz changed her... today, she is known as Slaanesh.
All the skulls in Khorne's realm actually belong to Sly Marbo. Khorne just minds them for him.
The reason the Eldar Phoenix Lords are immortal is truly because Sly Marbo finds them tolerable enough to keep alive; whenever one dies he performs CPR, as CPR from Sly Marbo can raise the dead.
Sly Marbo destroyed a titan by point his finger at it and yelling 'BANG!'
A Commissar tried to execute Sly Marbo. The bolter round was so scared it backfired and shot the Commissar in the head instead.
Sly Marbo uses a live Genestealer as a backscratcher.
Sly Marbo can believe it's not butter.
Sly Marbo shaves by punching himself in the face as they only thing that can cut Sly Marbo is Sly Marbo.
Sly Marbo headbutted a Necron Monolith once, which made it instantly explode into millions of pieces, none of which self-repaired or teleported.
Sly Marbo is the true king of Westeros.
Sly Marbo trained Discord and Q out of boredom.
Sly Marbo drinks distilled Warp.
Sly Marbo once saw his life flash before his eyes, it was accredited as film of the millenium.
People say Sly Marbo defies physics, but really physics just obey Sly Marbo.
Chaos once fell to Sly Marbo.
Sly Marbo once ate a bowl of nails without any milk.
Sly Marbo taught Simo Hayhahow to snipe.
They say that there are only two ways to get the entire Deathwing company into a Mini Cooper, one is by telling them that Cypher is in the glovebox. Sly Marbo is the other one.
Sly Marbo once fought Chuck Norris but you may know it as the Warp.
Sly Marbo is behind you right now.
Sly Marbo once went back in time, during which, a hair fell off his chest. That hair grew up to be Teddy Roosevelt.
Sly Marbo doesn't die from bullets, mainly because they are all scared shitless.
The only time a lasgun is useful is when Sly Marbo uses it.
Soaking a lasgun's power pack in Sly Marbo's sweat will give it Exterminatus-level power.
Sly Marbo doesn't fail his Morale checks. He gets bored and wanders off. No one is brave/stupid enough to stop him.
Sly Marbo never dies. He falls asleep waits in combat and no one dares to acknowledge his body.
Sly Marbo had sex before his father.
If Sly Marbo returned to Catachan, the planet would be reclassified from Death World to Peaceful World.
The Fallen Angels are hiding from Sly Marbo.
No Plasma weapon dares to overheat in Sly Marbo's hands.
After Sly Marbo lands on a Plague Planet, the world is renamed Health Planet.
Sly Marbo is the one who put Lord Tirek in Tartarus, then broke him out years later.
Luna is not the best Princess, Marbo claims that title, and Luna.
Sly Marbo is the Mighty Morphin White Ranger

4608911 Well, I have a Displaced Majin Buu and Jason is steadily getting more OP

4608959 Read up on Kaldor Draigo and Sly Marbo... See as how my jaw dropped... And I fell back and died by the shear epicness.

4608973 OK! by the Emperor, you don't need to go all out on yelling at me...


Now please... Stop yelling at me... I don't want to make you angry at me... I've learned never to make an admin upset...

Titan's if I remember right change reality with sets of limitation.

Now Gods and metas are ape-shit of powers, which I have this feeling someone going to involve Sly Marbo vs Chuck Norris for some reason or my minds going lose from the badass descriptions.

4608994 Wish I understood what it said... But alright... I guess...

4609023 Alright... I'll just stick to learning Skyrim Dragon...

That's the translation from the symbols to actual words
Its Japanese my good sir.



4609113 Zoh Zu'u rightly dreh ni ulaak.

4609124 Grozah... Ful hi mindok dovah?

4609130 Eh pruzah Zu'u kent bo, Zu'u peluth yun rup fah dii tey.

Group Contributor

daar los hinzaal, druv los tinvaak ko dovah, eh?

4609153 Ni daarz... Nunon lor Zu'u fend tinvaak Dovah.

Group Admin

4609130 4609153 4609158 I am so lost you don't even know XD!

Just smile and waves, boys

4608966 Nah, warhammer isn't my thing. I'll stick with Buu

you are wrong, there is one who no mortal can beet. His name. Is. Chuck Norris.

Your ass is grass

4609727 Read all of the facts... Pretty sure there's one in there that says something about Chuck Norris. Sly Marbo is 100000% more badass...

Group Admin

4609743 You have now doomed yourself.

Group Admin

4609401 Pffftahahahahaha!

bull shit, only one being can beet him and that was wane he was bearly 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 of his full power, you due ass is grass, only one can beet chuck norris and ojly one can tie with him at full power. Your due will die from a round house kick to the face.

4609871 Sly Marbo is the one who put Lord Tirek in Tartarus, then broke him out years later.

Luna is not the best Princess, Marbo claims that title, and Luna.

Sly Marbo once almost made a Chuck Norris joke, but then didn't because Chuck Norris jokes aren't funny.

my guys kick an make and destroy universe's and does not sleep unless he whats to, does not eat unless he whats do, and does not die unless he whats to. Your guys ass is done for.

Exterminatus destroys planets. Sly Marbo destroys segmenta.
Sly Marbo can and will single-handedly destroy the Tyranids. By looking at them.
Sly Marbo models assemble and paint themselves.
Sly Marbo does not sleep, he waits.
Sly Marbo is the reason the Void Dragon is hiding.
Sly Marbo scares the living shit out of all the Ordo Malleus, Ordo Hereticus, and Ordo Xenos put together.
Sly Marbo passes any characteristic test he is required to take including Toughness, Leadership, STD, Genetic, Initiative, and Paternity.
Abaddon stole the planet killer off the shelf in his local supermarket. When he got home and opened the box he found Marbo sitting inside.
In Dawn of War 2: Retribution, Tyranid ending, the swarm strips all life from subsector Aurelia. Well, 99.999% of it; Marbo was still there.
Sly Marbo is never added to an army. Army lists are added to Sly Marbo.
Sly Marbo's mini was once used in Dungeons and Dragons. His player killed the Dungeon Master.
In the movement phase, Sly Marbo remains stationary and moves the gaming table 6" in any direction.
They developed a new branch of the Inquisition specifically for Marbo - Ordo Marbicus.
Sly Marbo killed Batman's parents.
Lightsabers are powered by Marbo's toenail clippings.
Sly Marbo once fought Nurgle and changed him into a flower.
When Sly Marbo falls in water he doesn't get wet. The water gets Sly Marbo.
Sly Marbo knows where in the galaxy Leman Russ is, but he won't tell because he doesn't want anyone to find the body.
The Emperor isn't on the Golden Throne, he just left a dummy there to keep Marbo off his trail. Marbo's not fooled.
The Grim Reaper doesn't come for Sly Marbo, Sly Marbo comes for the Grim Reaper.
Sly Marbo has two speeds, Stalk and Exterminatus.
If Marbo's demo charge scatters back on him, he kicks the template back so that it lands on the enemy general.
The Emperor quit the crusade because Sly told him to.
Sly isn't the missing Primarch. He is the entire Missing Legion!
Sly Marbo really loves kittens and puppies. He thinks they're best served rare.
Sly Marbo never washes. Dirt is too afraid to touch him.
Sly Marbo ALWAYS eats soup with a fork.
Sly Marbo eats Tyranid Rippers for breakfast. Without any milk.
When MC Hammer is around, it's Hammertime. When Marbo is around, you know poor MC will never be back.
Jesus can walk on water. Marbo can swim through solid rock.
Sly Marbo can touch this.
Marbo destroyed the periodic table, because he only recognizes the element of surprise.
Sly Marbo made Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt's spare camo cloak out of fibers from his own chest hair.
Sly Marbo doesn't breathe, he holds air hostage.
Sly Marbo has the heart of a child. He keeps it in a little jar next to his bed.
Sly Marbo stole my heart. I think he ate it.
Sly Marbo sleeps waits with a pillow under his gun.
Exterminatus is Marbo's breath, bottled.
Marbo is the Shadow in the Warp; the Tyranids are trying to get away.
It is said that Sly Marbo's tears can bring back the emperor. Sadly, Marbo never has cried and never will.
Sly Marbo doesn't cry, his eyes just sweat.
Sly Marbo does not sweat from his eyes. Nothing escapes those soulless pits.
People think that when Tyranids destroy worlds they strip all life from the planet, in all reality it's Sly Marbo deciding that planet sucks.
Same for Exterminatus.
Sly Marbo doesn't drive vehicles, the vehicle drive themselves trying to get away.
Sly Marbo doesn't fire his weapon, it's just that the ammo inside his gun is scared and fires itself.
Krieg was never purged by the Death Korps. Marbo just ate too many beans.
When the Bogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet for Sly Marbo. Not that he would find him even if he tried.
The Death Star didn't fire lasers, it fired Marbo's fist.
Grievous isn't wheezing because of a force attack, he just inhaled pure Sly Marbo particles and couldn't handle the awesome.
The Tyranids actually came to our galaxy fleeing from Mr. Popo. What they don't realize, however, is that Popo, in a classic pincer maneuver, has sent them right into Sly Marbo's waiting arms.
The Nightbringer doesn't go outside at night because he's worried that Sly Marbo is waiting for him.
A Lictor bit Sly Marbo and after 2 weeks of pain and agony the Lictor died.
It's enough once Sly Marbo glances upon you to feel your ass was ripped in two.
A commissar once tried to execute Sly Marbo for morale. Morale was restored when Sly Marbo was done killing him.
Sly Marbo isn't addicted to lho sticks, lho sticks are just addicted to Sly Marbo.
Techpriests aren't looking for STCs, they're looking for the sacred atoms of metal that came off Sly Marbo's junk that power them.
Most Vindicare assassins want to grow up to be just like Sly Marbo, most however grow up to be killed by him.
Sly Marbo defines heresy. *BLAM*
The Eye of Terror was created when Sly Marbo punched a star with his bare fist.
Sly Marbo allows the Emperor to borrow his Golden Throne.
Should the Commissars not shoot traitors, Sly Marbo would awaken stop waiting.
Sly Marbo once twice conquered the whole Ultima Segmentum.
The Emperor didn't kill Horus, Sly Marbo did.
Did you hear that Failbaddon beat Sly Marbo? You haven't? Good, me neither.
Sly Marbo doesn't fear Nurgle's rot, Nurgle's rot fears Sly Marbo.
Sly Marbo let the dogs out.
Sly Marbo beat Papa smurf in arm wrestling using his little finger.
Fun fact!: Even the Angry Marines are scared of Marbo. Even their chapter master: Temperus Maximum, can't curse or even look at him with the slightest bit of anger.
A Bloodthirster once challenged Sly Marbo. The experience was so traumatizing that it has refused to manifest into realspace since he fears being in the same plane of existence as Marbo.
Konrad Curze wasn't killed by a Callidus Assassin, Marbo just dropped by and kicked him in the happy sack so hard that he hasn't gotten up to this day. The Imperium just used the Assassin as a cover story to make it look like the Assassinorum still has its uses.
Vance Motherfucking Stubbs, Colonel "I mindfucked an Eldar Farseer with my non-psychic mind" Straken, and Sly Marbo regularly get together for poker night in a secret dimension which only pure essences of awesome may visit. Creed doesn't get invited because nobody likes it when a stack of ordinary poker chips turns out to be a squadron of Leman Russ Demolishers, just lying in wait.
When Marbo fails his armor or invulnerable save, the one who caused it gets the wound.
Sly Marbo stared into Slaanesh him/her/itself, Slaanesh later lost his/her/it's soul to Marbo.
Sly Marbo took a stroll through the Gardens of Nurgle, it became disease free after he left.
Sly Marbo gave Nurgle the clap.
Sly Marbo got into Tzeentch's forbidden library, blindfolded, in just 5 seconds. And only because he gave the library a 4.5 second head start.
Khorne didn't cause the endless chasm in his brass citadel out of rage, Marbo just put his foot down in front of Khorne once.
Sly Marbo once gave a riddle to the Deceiver, the Deceiver never solved it.
Khaela Mensha Khaine only shattered into a bajillion pieces after Marbo punched him in the gut.
Horus is said to have killed Sanguinius because the Angel was tired from battle. That battle was losing an arm wrestling match with Sly Marbo.
Sly Marbo could heal Roboute Guilliman and Lion El'Jonson. Experience has just taught him they won't be awesome enough to receive it.
Lorgar is said to be on Sicarius communing with the Chaos Gods. He's really just trying to hide from Sly Marbo.
Logan Grimnar once challenged Sly Marbo to a drinking contest. The Great Wolf fell into a coma trying to beat Marbo. As punishment, Logan must now ride a pretty little sleigh dragged by wolves.
Dante's Death Mask curses anyone who looks at him. He's terrified of what will happen if he looks at Sly Marbo while wearing it.
Eldrad takes everything into account when making a plan. Sly Marbo is the one unpredictable factor.
Sly Marbo once banished an entire daemonic horde by giving it a mean look.
Marbo once dueled an Eversor assassin in close combat, he managed to literally rip the assassin in half with his bare hands and end the fight in just 10 seconds flat.
Whenever Marbo spits at someone, his spit turns into a plasma bolt. Whenever he fails his "Gets Hot" roll, the one he spat at explodes. (Note: Sly Marbo never fails any rolls unless he chooses to do so.)
Sly Marbo pisses melta fire.
Marbo can be an Ultramarine, but hates them anyway, so he doesn't care.
The Administratum once attempted to impose a higher tithe on Catachan. Sly Marbo was sent to deliver their counteroffer. The Administratum quickly lowered Catachan's tithe.
A Miral land shark once tried to ambush Marbo like Straken, the land shark's teeth shattered and died the second after it bit Marbo.
Sly Marbo makes Khorne Berzerkers take morale checks and makes them squeal like little girls when they see him.
Marbo once defeated Tzeentch in a chess game..... with just 3 moves.
Kaldor Draigo is actually Marbo is disguise, he just assumes this form to troll fa/tg/uys for fun.
Sly Marbo is the reason the Emprah is on the Golden Throne.
Marbo once killed a Hierophant bio-titan by bitch-slapping it in the face, he then killed the entire brood of Tyranids following it by ripping-off one of the dead Hierophant's scything talons and using it as his own melee weapon.
Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka is said to have left the Third War for Armageddon because he got bored. He really left because he learned Sly Marbo was coming.
Sly Marbo once cut himself to see what all the fuss was about. The resulting blood formed into Ollanius Pius.
Sly Marbo's sweat is what poison lines his weapon.
Orks wear Gork and Mork pajamas. Gork and Mork wear Sly Marbo pajamas.
Sly Marbo sleeps waits with a nightlight, not because he's scared of the Night Lords, but because the Night Lords are scared of Marbo.
A Daemon Prince once saved a Cadian regiment from Necrons; the Guardsmen were baffled until they realized the daemon had been possessed by Sly Marbo.
Sly Marbo can kick a Bolter Bitch to the balls. CAN, but he won't...
The Crimson Fists got their name after Sly Marbo played bloody knuckles with Pedro Kantor.
Sly Marbo once took Moondrakken for a joyride. He brought it back with all the radio presets changed and the seat readjusted. Kor'sarro Khan didn't dare complain.
The Salamanders hold that Vulkan will return when they collect all nine of his sacred artifacts. So far they've recovered five. Sly Marbo has not seen fit to return the other four.
Marbo once ate a Deathstrike Missile Launcher. He thought it was bland.
Sly Marbo once broke the battlements of Medrengard in an hour.
Sly Marbo was once on a planet subjected to virus bombing. Sly Marbo's immune system killed the viruses before they infected him. And then his immune system killed everyone else on the planet.
Sly Marbo once looked into the Eye of Terror. They say a Chaos God looked back at him. Sly then went into the Eye of Terror to beat it senseless for looking at him funny.
Sly Marbo taught tactics to - wait, what's that Titan doing there?
Sly Marbo can strangle you with a cordless Vox.
Sly Marbo is the GOD DAMN BATMAN!
Sly Marbo will never, ever say "GO! Get to the Chopper!" That's the kind of thing a neckbeard says.
Sly Marbo has constipation issues, because he knows his feces could be used to track him in the field.
Sly Marbo refused to be hidden in plain sight by CREED. He called Creed "A cheap man's Copperfield".
Indrick Boreale once spoke Sly Marbo's name and the sheer awesomeness fixed his speech impediment.
A greater Daemon once possessed Sly Marbo… No one knows what happened to it.
Sly Marbo doesn't need meltabombs. He just pisses on a tank and it explodes.
The Necrons went into stasis because Marbo was killing everything else.
Any time a Farseer says "Just as planned", Marbo will be standing behind them with murder in his eyes.
Marbo can murder with his eyeballs.
Sly Marbo's favorite sandwich is a Catachan Barking Toad between two meltabombs.
Sly Marbo's glare is treated as a Plasma Blastgun With the rate of fire of a punisher Gatling Cannon
Kharn The Betrayer once fought Marbo. Kharn was found embedded in the hull of an orbiting starship. He took the defeat pretty well.
Plasma weapons use a synthetic form of Marbo's testosterone. In its natural state it is white-hot and obliterates everything it touches.
Sly Marbo does not and never has owned a machete. That's just his arm hair.
Sly Marbo once had intestinal parasites. Once he shat them out they became known as Catachan Devils.
Marbo once allowed a Guard player to use his mini, the Necron player he fought wasn't allowed to take Reanimation Protocol rolls, the Tau player he fought got into melee and the Daemon player he fought tried and failed to dance An'ggrath around the map out of Marbo's reach.
When the emperor was finally re-awoken, he rose and said, "I am the god emperor of mankind. Who dared to wake m- Oh... It is you my master."
Slaanesh needs to masturbate every time Sly Marbo kills a Carnifex. Chaos Realm suffers chronic floodings.
Sly Marbo stole the Blood Raven's home planet.
Creed played chess with Tzeentch and won. Sly Marbo played chess with Chaos Undivided and it ended in a draw, but the four gods were so scared that they refused to play when Marbo asked for a rematch.
Sly Marbo's internet seems slow. That's just because he's faster than it.
Sly Marbo gives out a special rule... Feel MORE Pain.
The Milkshake doesn't bring Sly Marbo to the yard, Sly Marbo was already there.
Sly Marbo has no hair on his balls. Hair doesn't grow on steel.
If you have five bucks, and Marbo has five bucks, Marbo has more money than you.
You are only alive because Sly Marbo is too busy Stirring Coals with his Penis to kill you.
Sly Marbo can drown a fish.
Sly Marbo simply walks into Mordor.
A Lictor once tried to ambush Sly Marbo while he was waiting; it did not expect Marbo to ambush it while ambushing him.
The poisons on Marbo's rounds and knife is actually made from his sweat and it's the only poison that even Nurgle daemons cannot resist.
Marbo can seduce Slaaneshi Daemonettes at will. After they do they dirty, Sly doesn't have to kill them because they're already dead from ecstasy (and not the drug).
After Sly Marbo killed a Tyranid swarm out of boredom, the Swarmlord was deployed to kill Marbo. After six months of trying (and dying), the Swarmlord finally gave up and stopped reincarnating.
Sly Marbo’s testicles are of such might they ignore armor saves in close combat.
The only reason Sly Marbo isn't a primarch is because it would be a demotion. The same with being a Daemon Prince.
Khorne used to have a gold pedestal just for Marbo's skull. He has since melted it down and sold it at a Cash-4-Gold shop.
When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back. When Sly Marbo stares into the abyss, the abyss averts its gaze to the left.
Sly Marbo bowls overhand.
When Sly Marbo has to stitch up a deep gash, he doesn't use a needle and thread, he uses a tent spike and bailing wire.
Trayzn's 'hood' is a neck brace. Marbo effortlessly sniffed out the real Trazyn and ripped his spine out. Trayzn still hasn't gotten it back.
Sly Marbo is allowed to talk about Fight Club.
Sly Marbo once snuck up on Lucius the Eternal and slit his throat from behind. Lucius was unable to possess him, as Sly Marbo's thirst for killing can never be satisfied.
Sly Marbo once got into a theological debate with Erebus, and pointed out thirty-nine logical fallacies in the Book of Lorgar, which Erebus was unable to explain. And that's why Catachan will never have door-to-door Word Bearers appear in the system ever again.
During the Battle of Calth, Roboute Guilliman ripped out Kor Phaeron's heart. Upon reading this at the schola, Sly Marbo traveled back in time to the Horus Heresy, where he ripped out Kor Phaeron's spine and beat Guilliman senseless with it.
Huron Blackheart once lead the Red Corsairs in a raid on Catachan. For their foolishness, Sly Marbo proceeded to raid the Maelstrom of ... well, everything. "But he can't-" Yes he can.
Darnath Lysander once struck Sly Marbo with the "Hammer of Dorn". Not only did the Hammer break on impact with Marbo, but so did Lysander's storm shield, Terminator armor, and pride.
Sly Marbo once hugged Typhus. Not only did he remain clean of disease, but his sweat infected the Destroyer Plague in Typhus's body. It would have killed him if Sly Marbo didn't beat Typhus to death with his own Manreaper first.
The Adeptus Mechanicus once dug deep underground in an attempt to find a Necron tomb. They found Sly Marbo instead, ruining his power nap wait. By the end of the day the entire star system was devoid of all life.
The Gellar field around Sly Marbo’s ship isn't generated by the ship to keep the people on board safe from the warp. It’s generated by the warp to keep the demons safe from Sly Marbo.
The Emperor might be able to walk on water but sly Marbo can swim through land.
Why did the Necrons really go into stasis? They all dug their own graves when they heard sly Marbo was coming.
The reason Malal/Malice is no longer mentioned in Canon is because he ran afoul of Sly Marbo.
The Outsider would actually really like to come back to our galaxy, except he knows Sly Marbo is waiting for him.
When the Space Marines are in trouble the Legion of the Damned come to their rescue. When the Legion of the Damned are in trouble, Sly Marbo arrives.
Roboute Guilliman weeps every day in his stasis field for deep down he knows that he will never be Sly Marbo.
Contrary to popular belief, Doombreed is not camera shy, it’s just that he foolishly thinks Sly Marbo doesn't know what he looks like, and Doombreed intends to keep it that way.
Sly Marbo won a staring contest with Mephiston.
Nemesis Dreadknights are believed to be ancient pieces of xenos tech; they're actually Sly Marbo's childhood toys.
Marbo once broke an Eldar soulstone but Slaanesh got nothing because he grabbed the soul first. He's still got it on him.
Contrary to popular belief, it is unknown if Sly Marbo is bulletproof. Whenever someone fires at him, the bullet/bolt/plasma/las/shuriken stops twenty centimeters from Marbo, turns 180 degrees, and hits the person who fired the shot.
Sly Marbo controls all of Games Workshop's prices. He's just waiting for the right time to lower them.
Being headbutted by Ghazghkull is like being struck by a mag-train, being poked by Sly Marbo is like being smacked by an Imperator class titan.
The Adeptus Mechanicus is looking for the STCs. Marbo has most of them in a flash drive that the AdMech knows about but doesn't dare lay claim to it.
Sly Marbo is the one person Alpharius never confuses. EVER.
He knows where all the Tomb Worlds are. This is because he destroyed most of them.
Sly Marbo takes on Genestealers in close combat for fun.
Sly Marbo uses his Uplifting Primer as toilet paper. No commissar would dare execute him for this. (well, with possibly one exception....)
The Dark Eldar didn't know what pain was until they met Marbo.
When Sly Marbo Deep Strikes, everything else has to roll scatter die, including the terrain itself.
A Tau Ethereal can order entire Cadres to commit mass suicide. Marbo can make entire Tau planets kill themselves by looking at them funny.
Sly Marbo once took on two Stompas in a no DQ one-on-tag handicap match with one arm tied behind his back. Records are scarce, but according to eyewitness reports he German suplexed them both for three hours straight before getting bored and wandering off to find a Mega Gargant to fight.
The Kroot once conspired a plan to eat Sly Marbo and use his DNA to create perfect Kroot warriors. Marbo fried them in batter and sprinkled them with eleven herbs and spices, never revealing what the eleventh one was (but the first ten herbs and spices were all steak).
Marbo only ever eats slow-roasted Carnifexes (over an open fire, with a sprinkling of Catachan Bloodvenom Juice).
Sly Marbo doesn't do push-ups. He pushes the planet down.
What colour is Sly Marbo's blood? TRICK QUESTION - Sly Marbo doesn't bleed!
Sly Marbo never takes his Feel No Pain roll. He doesn't understand what this "pain" issue is everyone else is struggling with.
Sly Marbo is the original owner of Blood Reaver, Gabriel Seth's chainsword. Sly Marbo used it as a toothbrush, but it wasn't powerful enough so he let Seth borrow it.
Sly Marbo stuffed his mattress with those 100 missing Baneblades. It's still too soft for him.
Sly Marbo doesn't kill everything in the galaxy because it's funny watching them try to kill him.
Sly Marbo can fold a bowling ball in half.
Sly Marbo once entered a Dark Angels rap battle. All who witnessed his mad skills on the mic perished. The only reason his opponent survived is because he ran as soon as he heard Sly Marbo's first breath into the mic.
Dark Eldar aren't hiding from Slaanesh in the webway, they're hiding from Sly Marbo.
Marbo never dies, he just wants to be a good sport and let them win.
Marbo once challenged Lord General Castor to a duel to see which could slay a Carnifex first. Marbo lost, but only because he spent the last few seconds of his kill's life taunting it.
Emperor is actually Sly Marbo in disguise.
Sly Marbo is the Angry Marines primarch.
Sly Marbo once bro-fisted a Imperator Titan. All that remains of said titan was the hellstorm cannon on Kronus.
Khorne spills blood for Sly Marbo.
Every Sister of Battle is crazy with lust for Marbo. He doesn't take advantage of that because he's a gentleman. Banging even one of them would get the rest of the Sororitas in that order pregnant; and no woman in the galaxy has a womb strong enough to bear his children (except Samus).
Sly Marbo can "out-CREEEEEED!" Creed; Marbo lets Creed do it when he can't be bothered to himself.
The Hive Mind of the Tyranids drives people insane because IT is insane too. Said insanity came about when Marbo let it psychically touch his mind.
Sly Marbo can say Chaos Spawn without being turned into one. (And I can too... OH SHIT! FTHWREGWARBLBLBLBL...)
Sly Marbo is Roboute Guilliman's Spiritual Liege.
Sly Marbo is America and so can you.
A necron lord once shot Marbo in the knee with a tachyron arrow, but Marbo was unhurt because his body is STRONGER THAN ANY MATTER.
Sly Marbo doesn't steal the initiative, the initiative is given to him.
Sly Marbo powers the Morphin' Grid.
Princess Celestia fears the day Marbo Visits Equestria.
I was once a Guardsman like you, but then I took a Sly Marbo to the knee.
Sly Marbo is the reason Matthew Ward quit working at Games Workshop. Now that he's gone, Marbo's planning on tormenting that Robin Cruddace prick next...
The only way to banish Sly Marbo is to take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
He got his own squad after what happened last night.
Sly Marbo is the one who killed Zordon! Andros was a cover story.
Sly Marbo stalks Slenderman.
Supernovae don't exist, it is just Sly Marbo's farts.
The Celestial Orrery is actually one of Sly Marbo's kidney stones.
Sly Marbo was once shot by a Nova Cannon before, after the devastating explosion, the Nova Cannon as well as the entire Imperial Navy in the sector died.
A prophecy was announced recently in the Imperium, if Sly Marbo, Vance Motherfucking Stubbs, Colonel "My bionic fists can bitch-slap Titans for Tuesday" Straken, Creed, Commissar Ciaphas Cain, Commissar Holt, Commissar Fucklaw, Commissar Yarrick, General Sturnn, Merrick, Commissar Gaunt, Lord General Castor and Ollanius Pius ever teamed up, they would destroy all four Chaos Gods, shatter reality and break open the fourth-wall while punching you in the face as an extra measure (You will be honored if you WERE punched in the face by these guys, admit it, you know it will be true).
Sly Marbo is secretly the Six Samurai.
Sly Marbo once peed into the oil tank of a truck, that truck was then used as inspiration to make the baneblade.
Sly Marbo beat Slaanesh and Doomrider in a cocaine and orgy competition while sleeping waiting.
Sly Marbo is so stealthy he even gets past Spider-Man's spider sense and Pinkie Pie's Pinkie Sense!!
Sly Marbo once built a robot. That robot is known as the Void Dragon.
Sly Marbo once banished Skarbrand back to the Warp.
Sly Marbo is actually THE Dragonborn.
Sly Marbo turned my Battle Brother into the creature that shall not be named.
Sly Marbo occasionally indulges himself in a grilled cheese after he is done bitch-slapping Rowboat Jellyfan with his ceramite balls.
Sly Marbo once almost made a Chuck Norris joke, but then didn't because Chuck Norris jokes aren't funny.
When Sly Marbo builds models, he is really building the Mechanicus' Imperator Titans.
Sly Marbo actually shits out Demolisher Shells.
Sly Marbo broke into the Black library, told Cegorach how to actually be funny, and then punched Ahriman in the face. Did I mention he was high after out cocaining Doomrider? No? Well he had No drug is powerful enough to get Sly Marbo high.
Sly Marbo has turned many an Ultramarine into a heretic. His manly jawline, well defined biceps, and thousand yard stare seem to have found a trait not previously noted from their geneseed. That is, to put it simply: Sly Marbo turns Ultramarines gay.
While anyone else chews tobacco, Sly Marbo chews glass.
Think Bella's love for Edward multiplied by over 9,000. that is how much Marbo loves to make up facts about himself.*BLAM*
Sly Marbo is deadly to vampires, werewolves, zombies and any other undead. And regular dead. And not dead.
Sly Marbo won the game.
Gabriel Seth was in a brawl with Marbo, when Emperor knows how, he found an opening in his guard and tried to kick him in the balls. Not only did he break a leg in an attempt, Marbo was so pissed off that most of the Flesh Tearers are now overcome with black rage .
Sly Marbo once stopped a Black Crusade by tricking the Chaos Lord leading it into saying "You and what Hulk?" Said Chaos Lord and his warband were then crushed by a Space Hulk thrown at them by the Incredible Hulk( who was really sly marbo wearing green paint).
The Emprah's stats are all E. Sly Marbo's stats are all E^E.
Sly Marbo once visited the Warhammer World a long time ago; this event is known to us as the coming of the Old Ones.
Sly Marbo is never cut from a Codex - he just chooses to go back into the shadows to stalk you.
It's said that Bjorn the Fell-Handed is the oldest Space Marine. Marbo was his babysitter.
Trazyn has to change his collection every century or so because Marbo keeps asking for his toys back.
Sly Marbo knows EXACTLY where Carmen Sandiego is. (Spoilers, he killed her)
Sly Marbo knows where you're not; safe.
The Emperor kneels before no man. But then again, calling Marbo a man is hardly fair.
The Primarchs were just Marbo playing fancy dresses.
The Primarchs weren't stolen by chaos, they were running from their grandfather - Sly Marbo.
Rumor has it that the reason Sly Marbo isn't in the AM Codex is because he'll get his own multi-part E-Codex just to describe his countless acts of MANLINESS. He will also count as his own army.
Sly Marbo once had an arm wrestling match with Abbadon, with the loser's arms as the bet. Abby lost that match, and his arms.
Sly IS Adventure Time!
Sly Marbo knows what the fox says....yiff
Sly Marbo's section was removed from the codex in a vain attempt by Games Workshop to delay his wrath for their many sins against the Guard. They have failed.
Sly Marbo ate Schrodinger's Cat, while it was both dead and alive.
Sly Marbo sheds his skin every month. He hands the skin over to the Adeptus Mechanicus, who then use it to reinforce suits of Tartaros-pattern Terminator armour. It is assumed that most of these are in the possession of the Minotaurs.
Sly Marbo has enough dakka.
Sly Marbo has never killed a man. He just beats them so bad they are turned to little girls before they die.


Group Admin


4611015 Not sure... What that should mean....

i know what you mean, it's like a black hole

Group Admin

4611043 4611345 Its long and black and I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH IT!

4611374 Well... Alright... Just read it... Or ignore it...

Group Admin

4611378 I feel like if I do it will explode all over my face.

4611386 I won't lie... It nearly killed me by just reading a bit of it...

1 DON'T TUCH IT 2 just think of the transformers g1 theme song and all will be better.

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