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[youtube=dWk-VpK4hJo] Is it a good idea, or a bad idea? I also noticed that no one has done a Cowboy Bebop crossover on this website. Why is that?

Group Admin

4608945 No clue mate, no clue at all. Though I'm a fan of Cowboy Bebop, I just want to know, do you have a plot? Or are you just passing the idea around?

I say go for it. Just remember to have his ship somewhere too. Can't have him being awesome with just hand to hand, cool smooth thinking, or gun skills after all. Hope to see it in the future.

4608990 I have a faint idea of a plot and I am passing it around.
4608998 I think that I will have to brush up on the series.

4609033 Never hurts to do so. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

4609033 Passing it around as in giving the idea to someone else, are you? Or are you going to write it?

I plan on writing with it, but I also plan on passing the idea to others. It doesn't even have to be displaced.

Group Admin

4609059 I don't know, personally? I just want it to not be done in fear of the Author messing up. It's just one of those things I really love that I don't want it to risk anything. Personal thought though.

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