Displaced 4,445 members · 1,274 stories
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What do you all think of a group of Displaced like this?

But made up of Displaced.

Gale the Anarchist
Group Admin

Okay so spoilers for anyone who follows me, but actually was planning something kinda like a Suicide Squad for Displaced, though it'd have to wait for me to get my lazy ass into gear and crank out another story or two. I basically have two Displaced on the ropes, one a villain, and the villain one becomes a threat to the multiverse (don't worry you're safe if you want to be I do ask first) and the other one sees this and forms a "Suicide Squad" to help take him out. I was gonna call it the Emerald Alliance on account of the good Displaced being... well, a Nightingale with different armours, and he happens to prefer the Emerald one.

Something tells me that this would be good in a Power Ponies Universe

A little disappointing, unless the focus of the story was centered on the equivalent counterpart of Colonel Rick Flagg, because when the suicide squad is alone, no one cares. There are no stakes since they are the bad-guys, so if they die it's not a big deal or even a loss because more villains can take their place, but if there's even just one good guy there on the scene with them to keep them in line then they become immediately important by proxy because we don't want the good-guy to fail.

4612520 It could start up while Lance is away!:pinkiehappy:

4612504 I had a idea of turning my Displaced into a team

I'm pretty sure one day all of the displaced will get their acts together, put aside their differences, and form an army to search for and destroy the merchant.

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