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Comments ( 14 )
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Who has heard of the War of Understanding? I was gonna be a part of it, but they stopped it... Well, I'm making another one! Venom vs. Revan. Good and Evil.

Wanna join? Check this out: link.

Wait... Are we finally doing it now?

EDIT: No offense meant, Bronyparasite, but at the moment... I don't think I'll be able to do the War at the moment.

so, is that starting soon? I remember the last time this showed up.

Urgh... Parasite, I really don't recommend it, it crashed and burned when the last one was attempted.

Some warning don't take to long and don't have a shit ton of people

4614031 Sounds like begging for a swath of one upmanship and hating-to-lose-isms.

Anyway, you might want to add a bit more context to the premise. I've seen this mentioned in two stories, and I still don't know what exactly caused this fight, and the explanations have ben skewed against Lee. 'Lee hurt Revan's daughter, now Revan want's revenge'. I've got no idea when, how, or why Lee hurt Revan's daughter...

4614031 I want to add a character from a story that I haven't posted yet. Am I allowed to?

Nevermind, I decided not to let that psychopath join

Group Contributor

4614031 Please don't. There have been a few tries at making a collab of that scale and everyone I have seen have not only failed miserably but also killed several stories involved because the authors, after seeing it all collapse, didn't want to rewrite large parts of their stories to retcon the war preparations out. It got so bad that I haven't even heard of some of the authors involved again after the War failed.

I don't want to see anymore of these stories lost because some authors failed to learn from the past mistakes.

Golden Freddy keeping his neutrality? Sweet.

4614039 Yes, I'm actually getting to the start.
4614064 That was because one of the authors backed out. This time, I'm in charge of both sides.
4614086 I have planned out how I can fix those. First, I'll do seven more chapters, and I'll get the first part of the war working. And as for the loads of people, instead of a brawl, teams of displaced will do missions together to earn points. Then there are the troops displaced add to each army.
4614088 They are being vague. Give me two three chapters on forsaken symbiotic and you'll get what happened.
4614572 Thank you for your concern, but this is happening some time this or next month.

For those that are reading this, the current crossover that Lee has with Lance right now is a prequel to the beginning of the war of shadows. Which means that everyone should prepare themselves for the coming storm
-Frost out

Well I'm officially in on the heroes and I have a feeling that with four keyblade welders here that undoing the damage will go a lot more smoothly after the war. Via all four sealing the combined keyhole to the battle world and the sealing splits the various displaced back to their world's and connect them to the hub that was created to reinforce the connections between them so the dimensions don't collapse on this war. Also I'm free with my story.

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