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Comments ( 20 )
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Group Admin

4615923 Not everyone is an Author

Group Admin

4615917 I just wish to ask "Why?"

4615923 i am working on doflamingo story

Group Admin

4615940 That is probably the most questionable reason of them all.

4616144 scp-173 for scp foundation

4616144 scp-173 or "The Statue" is a strange creature that appears to be a living statue of sorts. While being observed the creature is completely still and lifeless. However the second it is out of sight it moves at incredible speeds. Able to cross a room in the blink of an eye. And if it gets close to someone it will break their neck for no discernible reason.

4616739 moon moon get your head straight

I prefer SCP-507, really. Much more interesting potential. Currently thinking something like a SweetieChronicle!SweetieBelle.

4616540 Why would any one in their sane mind want that thing in equestria!?

4615917 Yes please do so,He isn't popular in the Wikipedia yet.
4616955 What's so bad about Him? He's easy to catch & trust me I've beat Him at Tag 100 times.

4616739 so...you like my idea?

4616955 so...you like my idea?

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