Displaced 4,445 members · 1,274 stories
Comments ( 16 )
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I realize I haven't read even half of the Displaced stories out there, but I have noticed the ones I have read, don't mention Equestria Girls except at most in passing. Is there a stigma against EG, or am I just not finding the right stories?

I believe it maybe due to it being easier to ignore for the story-lines sake than a stigma ,due to ignorance of humanity makes it easier for character interaction and reaction creating more easily created scenarios. :pinkiesmile:

4620088 i think it's because, oh I don't know the movie was shit and the canon disrupts the shows canon. not to mention the whole thing not only desensitises twilight to humans but also makes it more difficult to write her as a potential love interest. also the show doesn't mention equestria girls outside of the odd cameo by that flash sentry douche gary stu.

While I have nothing against the movie itself... It's usually easier to pretend it doesn't exist at all. Just like neokiva says,

the whole thing not only desensitises twilight to humans but also makes it more difficult to write her as a potential love interest.

The canon is there, but not quite "existent" enough to be actually canon. And no large enough group of people would really admit that it is.

It's just... there. *shrugs*:applejackunsure:

Thanks all just curious the argument makes some sense, though from what i read of the comics they make EQ a little more "cannon" but not much

Gale the Anarchist
Group Admin

4620134 4620187
While I agree with both of you on the most part (I rather enjoyed both movies and cannot wait for Friendship Games to come out, but that doesn't matter right now), I propose a slightly different view on the movie's canon in regards to the show.

It's optional..

Due to the fact that Twilight only ever acknowledges the "Human Equestria" in the beginning of the movies, almost going so far as to forget it exists entirely, I believe that it was the writer's intention to set the movie in a world where it would be the fandom's choice wether they include it in their head canon or not. I mean hell, Twilight claims to be Princess of Friendship, but we never see her just writing to Sunset Shimmer (best reformed villain, BTW) to make sure she's okay. For the love of Luna, she was being ostricized at the beginning of Rainbow Rocks, and the only way we saw Twilight show even a little concern was when she mentioned that the whole school was in danger - which, might I add, included her friends. When they're mentioned, Twilight jumps into action immediately. But when Sunset is going throught the hardest time anyone in high school fears going through - being hated by literally everyone (Humane 5 not included, they're obligated not to because Twilight asked them to be her friends) - she doesn't even try to pop in to say "Hi, you doin okay? No? Let's talk."


As for you, if you're looking for a Displaced in Equestria Girls, might I recommend this?

4620088 I do believe most see the movies as non-canon. However, there are of course fics that do include EG. There is even one where the displaced is in the EG universe instead of the regular one. It's called "High school just ain't cutting it." if I'm not mistaken. I personally found it to be a good read.

It's quite alright, while certainly there are those who aren't particularly fond of the movie, it has been my experience that many of the stories simply aren't there yet in regards to their timeline, or simply skipped it because they started near or passed Tirek. Still, here's one by Flutters Is Shy which specifically takes place in EG world.

Alex Prior
Group Contributor

Spoiler alert, but
EQG will be covered in an upcoming arc of my Displaced story. And so will the sequel.
It's still a while away, though.
no, this isn't blatant self-advertizing, who do you take me for?

To be honest, I have not read to many Displaced stories (a fact that I am slowly rectifying), but perhaps the reason why many do not take place in the world of Equestria Girls is because of how similar it is to our own (barring the strange hair colors and skin tones of the locals, but those are achievable in real life with some dyes and make up). I believe that part of the appeal is that the main characters of Displaced stories arrive in a world quite different to our own and has to adjust to that, particularly since they are in a world of strange ponies and other assorted creatures and not in a strange world of humans where they can blend in (unless they were wearing a costume of course!).

Sorry, buddy. Some people either just don't like the movie, or just can't find a way to fit it in.

Mine doesn't mention it because A: none of my stories have reached a point where it would have introduced the series, or B: isn't far along enough in the story to reasonably introduce it

4620196 That's kinda what we implied. Or at least I implied. It's just there. You can use, but you don't have to.

4620088 my Story Loki goes though both movies

Thanks for the stories I will look into reading them, and thanks for the input, glad to hear so many different thoughts and views

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