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Out of curiosity, and having less time to search than really needed to find out for myself, has there ever been a story of a Displaced being the Emperor for Warhammer 40,000 somewhere? I had toyed with the idea of making one myself but I wanted to see if someone else did it first.

Group Admin

4622717 I think there was a discussion about someone important of the game, might have been the emperor. But that's all there was to it, as well as a fight of who is better, him or Chuck Norris. Anyways, if you plan on doing one, let me ask you; what is your plot? Why do you want to make one? Why should it exist besides the typical "Oh this might look cool as a Displaced"?

4622717 It would be interesting to read to say the least...

4622732 I agree with you... Can't just have one reason as to why you want to make it...

Group Contributor

4622717 Oh boy here we go again
Anything from WH40K is so over the top and over powered that it would be like making a Titan level character without trying.

4622908 Well... I can sorta agree with that... although I did try to make my marines... well... I actually have no idea where I was going with this... I've actually had to put my story on hiatus because I'm stuck on a certain plot point for how to progress the story

...Oh yeah! And I figured out what I was trying to say. I am certainly trying to make the mechanics behind my story more like the games than the books. because the game is relatively balanced

4622717 I technically have a WH40K story in play, but... well... I'm stuck on a plot point and instead of an Emperor of mankind it's two Empresses of Ponykind

4622717 in the words of the almighty emperor of mankind: I am the motherfucking emperor.

4622732 As to a plot, I had originally wanted something along the lines of the character is now literally the Emperor, psychic power and all. In the fluff of 40k, even looking at the Emperor for an extended period of time could drive someone insane. He could even alter the flow of time. And the old saying; power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely, would apply. At first the character would just try to live a normal life, yet having no real control over his psychic power and having to learn control from scratch. But when the local population starts going completely bonkers, Celestia and Luna investigate. But when they try to subdue him, they end up hurting the one pony who had tried to befriend him, he gets rather angry. But instead of grinding them to dust, he vows to take control of Equestria from them.

Thus, beginning something similar to the Unification Wars on Terra before the Great Crusade. And at first, the character tries to sway ponies to his cause, but soon moves out among the other nations. And while he could force people to follow him, he chooses to make people follow voluntarily, so as to preserve free will among sapients. I do not know much more at the moment and some of it would depend on the Lore of the Displaced as a whole. I read in a few stories of something along the lines of a Old One mucking things up and I wasn't sure if that held true across all stories or not.

Group Admin

4623624 If you have any questions about the lore, you can always ask us admins about it. Well, Jsyrin manages the lore, but I have helped with it as well as understanding it better than most of the group does. Where and what are the things you heard from this Old One? What other questions do you have about the Lore?

And though your idea sounds good, there is also the execution of the idea itself that may or may not go great or horrible. Try and be prepared, if your grammar isn't the best, then finding an editor is advised.

4623782 Well I would love to see a pages on the lore in general first. I hardly have an idea on it to be honest beyond the Merchant and the usual theme of cos players getting displaced. And referring to the Old One, the best example I remember was the one in the Auric stories, the first one to be specific. And other characters that had shown up from time to time mentioned similar beings. Some of the others I have read either haven't gotten to that part or were cancelled. The Auric one is the one I remember the most though. Generally a being watching a specific universe and seems to try and control the actions of the protagonist or go scorched earth on that specific universe. Beyond that, not much.

In regards to execution, we'll see if I get to it lol. I would need an editor anyways as I have a tendency to ramble when I am typing and psyche myself out because of my rambling.

Group Admin

4624178 You haven't read the Lore yet? It's on the front page, in the rules. Also, you got your info mixed up. Those "Gods" are solemnly for the Displaced they controlled, it was a thing some of the first ever Displaced did. Auric used to have "The Wise One" which was the main antagonist of both his first story AND the game his costume was based off. Pyramid Head had his "Daughter" as his "Goddess" but in reality it is just from the game itself. Jack has his as well, and so does Alice. Their gods came from the universe where the game is a reality, but it is not mandatory to do that, it's just something they did on their own.

I thought I read through all of that on the rules. I'll go back and double check.

And ok, that makes more sense. That gives me a bit more room to work with than I thought. Although, are Displaced usually unconcerned of the Merchant or are they not allowed to go after him?

And with that, I am amusing myself of an image of the Emperor leading invasion fleets across the multiverse in an attempt to hunt down the Merchant and end him once and for all. That, and a new Imperium. But I doubt even I would go that far.

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