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Comments ( 11 )
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So... Kinda following another thread I made... I'm planning on making a Fallout Equestria story, but with a Displaced character dressed as the Storyteller from Shoddycasts lore series... And I want to know if it be a good idea to make it... So I really wish to know others opinions on what you all think... So... Anyone like to give me they're opinions?

Group Admin

4622770 Like I said to the other guy in that other thread, why? Do you have a plot?

Yes I believe having some other sort of weight (plot-line) behind it as well, would make it a more viable story.


The plot was more going to be... About learning the new wasteland, as you can guess, the character knows Fallout Lore, quite a bit actually, but nothing of Fallout Equestria lore, so he now has the craving for more Knowledge, as does the original Storyteller, so he will go all across the Equestrian Wasteland, learning about its creatures, inhabitants, weapons, and history on how it all happened... Does it sound good?

Group Admin

4622813 It sounds great! Now I only want to know, what plans do you have for this story? As in will you try to get an editor and stuff?

4622820 Hopefully, yes, but I don't Think most Editors will want to work with me, I can't use Gdocs or anything, only PM so... Yeah, I could ask my Editor who is editing my other story to see if he could do it... But he's been silent for awhile so I need to go check if he could.

I'll be an editor if you need one, though don't expect me to pump out any good plot ideas and such.

4622831 Are you alright with just using PM? Also, I'll just go check on my other Editor, if he can't do it, I wouldn't mind if you did :twilightsmile:


That's all I have to say. And could you possibly PM me the link when its done?

EDIT: This fits my reaction. But with more excitement.

Fair enough I can use pm, notepad, Gnote, word, etc.

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