Displaced 4,445 members · 1,274 stories
Comments ( 8 )
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Alright, someone needs to write a story about a guy who goes to Comicon dressed up as the merchant and gets sent to Equestria. Then he goes around to pony gatherings, displacing ponies and sending them off to who-knows-where. I think that would be hilarious.

Well there is a story where someone gets Displaced as the merchant, but it doesn't really follow that course of events. The story would be GameJunkie7's Hello, Stranger....

4623959 The merchant could do it himself if felt like it.

4623965 This one is the man of the hour. For he has spoken

4624013 You know it bruh

Group Admin

4623959 I could see it as a crack-fic, but if it tries to be serious... I don't know.

4623959 At first it looks like a good idea, until one realizes these ponies the new merchant meet would need their own mini-stories, or it would be ''Hey, I sent Pinkie Pie to who-knows-where! And... what now?''

If someone dares to do this, Merchant2 would need some extra tricks like a crystal ball to see what happens to the ponies, or the ability to go there personally to play with them a bit more.

A story based on ''...and then nopony saw them again...'' is not exactly very interesting. That's my opinion.

A side note: An One-Shot with the theme of Nightmare Night would make it really epic! Please someone do this!

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