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If you know what Dust 514 is, then congratulations, you know about the hardest game on, or off, earth. If you don't, then look up Dust 514 under human and watch the ONE crossover's short list of awesome videos. Dust 514 puts you in the body of a Immortal, basically a lot better then halo's Spartan anything. You play as a create your own and play however you want with advanced technology, weapons and vehicles. Even death ain't got shit on you, standing seven to eight feet tall, augmented and genetically enhanced super soldier that, upon death, gets your conscious transferred to a new clone body. Just want to know, is anyone thinking of doing a halo crossover and doesn't want to do a halo crossover but is doing it for the advanced everything that halo brings, if so then consider Dust 514 instead, you don't even need a lot of experience with the game.

Dust 514 is only on PlayStation network under F2P, a word of warning, you will rage.

4632409 Yeah, Im been in the works with that, but Im not doing a displaced story, well ywt anyways. I play the game.^^

4632542 How about crash landing?

4632558 Im a proto minimatar heavy, so I cant die when I do crash landings.^^

4632585 Fuck, I'm a proto gallente assault suit with devolle assault rifle and scrambler pistol. You scare me.

4632598 Well, not to toot my own horn, but I also was a beta player. I just dont play much because blueberries, most of the time, dont know how to stop playing like AI Characters, making feel like its sixteen vs me.^^

4632619 True that, usually squad up with some of my friends, I wasn't a beta player, but I was very determined to grind SP and isk. What was your standard loadout for grinding.

4632644 Milita minmatar heavy with heavy machine gun.^^ It saved me money while I was doing what did best, killing raspberries. :raritywink:

4632743 Yeah, I usually use a standard setup on a basic suit, usually the medic with a scrambler rifle or frontline with a shottie and repair tool. Super cheap and earns fairly well.

4632764 Yeah, gotta agree with you on that. After all, thats how we get millions it's by staying poor for a long time.^^

lol i have been racking up the free passive EXP for like a year

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