Displaced 4,445 members · 1,274 stories
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Hello all Displaced enthusiast, I am proud to present a new universe I'm making for the Displaced library. A verse that doesn't use the Merchant for the ten thousandth time, and certainty not the trapped in stone for a thousand years crap.

I am making an Metal Gear Solid Displaced-Verse. People who have gotten stuck in the bodies of MGS characters, but ironically enough land in the land of Equestria. It go's hand in hand together, right? Yeah, the first thing I think when I think of colorful ponies, is government conspiracies, and walking nuke shooters.

Kick starting this new saga of stories is the story in the link below.

An Equestrian Cyborg

I hope you guys like this new set of stories I'm writing.

...dude that doesn't make it a different universe from the Displaced. It makes it a unique Equestria, sure, but not an entirely separate concept.

4633503 Might as well be an different verse, I swear this lore crap is so shallow that people need to not be afraid on stepping outside the norm. Use some imagination for once. If you must know why this is a different verse, let's just say I'm gonna do something with it that will completely crumble anyone's else Displaced if they were gonna be in essence, the same universe. You'll learn more about that concept the further the saga continues.

As said, should check it out, see for yourself what I'm doing with it.:twilightsmile:

Group Admin

4633587 Crap? So making a few overall concepts so that everything is able to fit cohesively together makes something crap?

4633587 If the site would update to GenFiction

4643022 If done poorly, yes.

4643014 If I have to follow the lore, then this wouldn't fit in the Displaced group I guess. As stated, New Displaced-verse, I'm gonna change a lot of the lore; Biggest thing of change being the void itself, and those who dwell in it.

Also, seriously? You have to follow a set rule of lore, talk about limiting imagination; Displaced socialism up in here.

Group Admin

4644339 That's how writing for something like this works. When you work for DC or Marvel you have to follow their lore as well. Why would writing for something like this be any different? And we are flexible with the lore and willing to work in new ideas, we've stated this several times.

4644354 Something like this needs creative freedom if it's gonna be any good. If we limit the amount of room to work with, it's basically three greased up fat guys running down the narrow hall slipping and sliding off shit, that is the Displaced lore.

This is fanfiction, not a professional corporations universe; this is new writers, writing for a--lets face it--overused concept. What do DC and Marvel do when things get overused? They reboot their series, and how does this translate to Displaced? By making new verses to work with.

Group Admin

4647221 The only "limit" the lore presents is that it keeps authors from creating things that can affect other author's works. The purpose of the lore is to keep things fair and prevent people from making something that can, for example, destroy the entire multiverse. Other than that, you can pretty much do anything you want to.

Also, if you have such a problem with our lore, then how about, instead of insulting it and saying you can do better, help us make it better.

4647221 Trust me on this, your way off

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