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I have been thinking, most displaced are sent from conventions on different variants of our earth but does the merchant really limit himself to just that.
What if we used characters from say a fictional universe we created ourselves and they were sent to Equestria after buying or encountering the merchant. As an example think about say Bleach, then you make a character from this universe but not one of the cannon ones. If nothing else it is a good explanation for why they have powers other than "the merchant gave it to them".
This is a character i thought up based on this

Lady Karen Zebalt
A Arrancar that appears to be a little girl with long strait blue hair and the standard Arrancar uniform, her mask is her head band, cries around a white teddy bear that is her sword, she takes it out by pulling on the hilt inside its mouth.
Her Resurrección is named Imitadora and its release command is Duplicate, when released she transform into a mature woman and her legs and arms are covered in armor,five large identical white swords.

Its ability is to duplicate others Zanpakuto or abilities by using the five blades hovering behind her, when they come into contact with an attack she can use it or if they come into contact with the opponents blood she will duplicate all their abilities (not the knowledge to use them, she has to master them herself) and the blade takes a physical appearance of that individual soul (Zanpakuto or othervice).

These duplication she stores in the hall of Imitations and can call upon at any time but she needs a not transformed sword, other vice she need to return it to it regular state and then change it, this takes around ten minutes.
He most powerful move is to send herself and her opponent into the Hall of Imitations, in there her previous limitasions in gone and she can use all her imitations.
I just told the basic as i do have a personality, if anyone what to use this go ahead and ask, i will be more than happy to share all my ideas about it.

Back to the topic, i see alot of potential in this concept but i am unsure if it can be used here, tell me what you think and weather or not you would wish to use it.

Mmm as long as the Merchant tricked her I dont see why nt, rules bassicaly say it just has to fit lore.

4633180 You know I also think this may have a lot of potential. I mean when we choose a particular character for our character to go to Equestria as they are limited to just that characters abilities and leaves very little in the way of creativity.

I mean if someone is reading a displaced story they more likely than not know the abilities of the displaced character so it leaves very little surprise on what they are capable of. Yet with a completely made up character, such as the one you described yet it is also from a familiar universe, it opens up a lot of new possibilities for character development and more originality.

That is what I personally feel and wouldn't mind reading a story based on this concept. I say go for it.

Well i will try to make one but don't hold your breath, i have tried to make stories before, only to get distracted by either games or new ideas :flutterrage: it is maddening. Also i have to decide from what universe they hail, personally i think i might go with one piece, just because of the possible ramification and the nearly endless possibilities of devil fruits.
Whatever i chose it is going to be fun.

4633198 I don't think that it is true, yea we now most of the abilitiesof the heros/villains or what ever, but this knowledge only goes so far as the series was shown to the character. Most of the Characters have unbelievable grow potential that the character can explore in the story. Like giving Goku more Ki attacks then he have, or as we have our five meat shield out of the Namek Saga, just to name one of the more obvious things. And as long the power systems don't work against each other they also can learn from other Displaced. (and I know, DBZ characters aren't the best example as most of them are overpowerd as fu, but Equestria's Ginyu Force is a good example as they have learned a lot of Technics that the original characters couldn't use.)

But this doesn't mean the idea is bad. Only risky. you could end up with a character, so over powered that the story gets boring, that his abilities can cover any possible danger and all. so that there is no real danger for the character. Lets say here.

He most powerful move is to send herself and her opponent into the Hall of Imitations, in there her previous limitations in gone and she can use all her imitations.

if she not only can store all the abilities in there but can use them complete restriction free it is over powered in my eyes. For her to get a new power is also easy, so her collection would be really big. To use another Character with similar powers from another universe to compare her:
Hunter x Hunter
Kuroro from the Phantom Troupe
He can also steal powers. But has a lot of restrictions to even get them as he couldn't steal the powers from the Zoldycks. And he can use only one power at the time and needs to hold his book for doing so. Also it seems he lose the stolen power when the original owner dies.

This makes a power interesting, because the character is not prepared for everything with just the ability. The Hall of Imitations makes it so that there is no limit. Lets see, Orihimes shield, Kuchikis Senbonzakura and just for the kicks Suì-Fēng shikai. Orihime provides ultimate defense, and with Senbonzakura you can attack and has another defense line that also can attack.

But this doesn't mean it is a bat Power, you only need to make it hard to get in there to make it more interesting. Because as soon as your in there is nothing interesting in the fight anymore when you have enough different powers stored away. And to be fair, you only need one cut to get on top. Cut Ichigo and you can have it all, Shinigami powers, Hollow Powers, Qunichi powers and what ever was in his gen/soul pool. This guy is just boring.

The One Piece idea sounds good. The characters aren't as boring as in bleach. And have more weak spots. A Devil fruit has also a lot of weaknesses and even gives some of them to the one who eats it. this is more of a trade so the character doesn't get to overpowered and most of them have still a lot of grow potential and also need to think more in a fight.


*Goes back to staring at Gdocs.*

4633401 what does this have to do with the displacer?

Not sure what to do with this?

I agree with you and after consideration it is indeed overpowered but it is after all a idea i thought up on a whim and haven't thought that much about, i merely used it as a example.
Probably will go with one piece due to me already having a character, a fruit and even a possible crew.

I regret to say i have read neither:twilightsheepish:

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