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Comments ( 16 )
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How does one become an admin of this group?

Group Admin

Well, you have to be,
1. Well Known and Respected
2. A Good Member of the Displaced Community
3. Have a story (Usually)
4. Earned it/ Proved Yourself Worthy
5. Applied

That's about it.

To become an admin you must create new magic and fulfill your cutie mark's meaning to the utmost, thereby earning princesshood and a place among the other admins on the Equestrian throne.

Group Admin

Ah yes. That too.

4634977 You forgot one step, they need to take a shit on Celestia's and Luna's thrones without getting caught.

So magical cure with blood, sweat, and tears to their writing. May I wish any new admin luck and anyone who wants to pursue it.:pinkiehappy:

4634968 How does one apply?

Group Admin

Right now, you don't.
We have enough admins for now.

4635046 Gah! My evil plans are foiled once again!:twilightangry2:

4635046 Welp, my childhood dreams are shattered.

R.I.P. Childhood Dreams
0 A.D.-2017 A.D.

*Gasp* Does that make me a pretty, pretty princess?! :pinkiegasp::rainbowkiss::raritystarry:

4636157 Goldy, you're always that to us. Silly person.

Imperium Bedlam
Group Contributor

Sexual favors.

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