Displaced 4,445 members · 1,274 stories
Comments ( 8 )
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There is a Freddy Krueger displaced, so why not Jason Voorhees?

True. Or maybe a RVB Displaced with like Caboose or Meta.

4635936 And then they land in the same Equestria and the fight is on!

4635936 Um I think there already is one actually. Guy actually helped someone out with fighting some bad guys or something. Even mentioned a Tarakudo being in the Equestria Girls Earth possessing Sunset.

4635936 I'm currently writing that story.

4636018 That would be me. And Tarakudo is not possessing Sunset nor are they in the Equestria Girls Earth (at least not now)

4635946 I would like to do that but I can't find the author of the Freddy story.

Imperium Bedlam
Group Contributor


That would be me.

Is the story already posted, or is it still being worked on? Because I can't see the Jason Voorhees/Friday the 13th story.

4638668 Still being written. The first chapter always gives me the most trouble.

4638066 Then perhaps we should arrange something for the future.

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