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After reading a couple of multi-crossover stories, this small idea just pop into my head which is a small group of people cosplaying as different characters from different games.

1. Grey Knight Exterminator

Weapons: Nemesis Force Halberd, Nemesis Force Sword and Astartes Storm Boaters

Equipment: About 15 empty tomes and a shield

2. Sentinel Recon

Weapons: IMR w/ Target Enhancer, Tec-19, Atlas 45 and Combat knife

Equipment: Assault/Specialist Exo hybrid(not confirmed) Lethal and tactical grenades and Symtex.

3. Engineer

Weapons: Frontier of Justice or Rescue Ranger, Wrangler and The Jag

Equipment: Pipboy and Rrobro-3000

4. General Grievous

Weapons: 4-6 or 8 Lightsabers and a E-11 blaster

Equipment: About 6 holographic communicators and a data pad

5. Heavyarms Gundam

Weapons: Vulcan gun, Machine cannon, Micro missile, Homing missile, Chest gatling cannon, Beam gatling gun and Army knife

Equipment: N/a

6. Mandalorian Merc

Weapons: WESTER-M5 blaster rifle, 2 WESTER-35 blaster pistol, Vibro blade gauntlet, Vibro Sword, gauntlet-mounted flamethrower and rocket launcher

Equipment: Thermal Detonaters, cape, holographic communicator, utility belt and Z-6 jetpack

What do you think?

I think Equestria is doomed.

4636112 Grievus had alredy been done in Friendship is Grievus but not like a guy went dressed as him. The real Grievus went to Equestria, good fic honestly


Vary good fic.

The Heavyarms Gundam seems a bit much. The Exterminator makes sense to me. Big, powerful, durable; but slow and can't go through small passages.

4636202 He doesn't need to fit in small passages. Your standard Power Armored Astartes can charge through rather thick walls, shoulder pad first, without even slowing down. That Grey Knight is in Terminator Armor, meaning he is a walking tank. I mean it. He is more durable than modern super-tanks and with the exoskeleton in his armor he is strong enough to lift said tanks with ease.

I think someone should make H-Arms happen displaced or not I have yet to see a fic with H-arms in it!

(There is one send me a link)

4636178 Haha, Marsara you made my day.

4636112 Personally I dislike threads like this, but only if they are one sentence. If you do decide to make a fic involving these guys, make sure to focus on the characters. Involving too many characters in one story (mane six, royalty, bad guys, and these guys) may take away from the story. Personally, it makes it harder to keep track of:

Who's doing what,where, and why.

I also think engineer, grivius(not a huge star wars fan), and Heavy arms would be fine.

Not to mention that he can use his Nemesis Psy weapon to cut effortlessly through a battleships hull and cleave every creature short of a Bio-Titan into halves while casualy walking past it. And if that is not enough, that´s where the sweet ass psionic powers like "Hellfire" come into play.

That he has the bastard child of a rocket launcher and a machine gun strapped to his wrist propably does not hurt too.

4636462 Yeah. And about that Nemesis Psyweapon. Even if the wound it causes wasn't enough to kill whoever was on the receiving end would still get its mind/soul fried by the psychic pulse from the weapon would finish the job. Yeah. I don't think anything in Equestrian would be able to even slow the guy down but bringing any enemies from WH40K would turn the fix rather dark very quickly.

EDIT: Added a few missing words.

Do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it
Oh and add in techno organt from transformers animated and they come from all to see this filck

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