Displaced 4,445 members · 1,274 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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Sounds interesting I hope someone does. Glad to see someone who knows about the Madness: Combat series

Well there's some nostalgia. I certainly wouldn't mind seeing a displaced like that.

4641031 hey is ok you can make this into a displaced story?...

I would if I had the time. I barely make time for my current stories with the 1 hour drive to school from 5:30 am to 12 and work from 2-7. I would love to but at this point I'm sticking with my current ones. Sorry.:raritycry:

4641065 hey is ok you can make this into a displaced story and this will be your first story...

Naw, I've got other stuff in the works already, and this just doesn't quite spark my passion the same way.

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