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Laughing Jack! (In all his known forms.)

Rainbow Laughing Jack (Happy, top left)
Faded Laughing Jack (Sad, top right)
Monochrome Laughing Jack (Anger, bottom left)
Negative Laughing Jack (Regret, bottom right)

I went ahead and read his origin story several times to see what powers he has. As far as I can tell, He has Clown Physiology in all it's Applications and Associations as well as selective Invisibility so he can can only be seen by those who he wants to see him, and Hypnosis.

The only item I can think of that the Displaced would buy is a Jack-in-a-box that plays this...

4641244 i like this...can you make this into a story?...

You know what would be cool?

If Slenderman and Laughing Jack were both implied to be two different "faces" of Nyarlathotep.

4641265 I don't think I know what that is... sounds cool, whatever it is.

You don't know who Nyarlathotep is?!

Okay, so there is this fictional realm where the entire Universe is ruled strictly by evil gods, mmkay? The Cthulhu Mythos it's called. While the Cthulhu is the scariest and most famous, he's not the most dangerous. The most dangerous is Nyarlathotep, whom though he lacks the knowledge and power of Yog-Sothoth, he is more willing to misuse his immense knowledge and power for hostile purposes against humanity. He can shape-shift into numerous forms, and we don't even know all of them yet. He has a complex, multi-faceted personality, and each "avatar" of his tends to reflect a side of it. Laughing Jack might be what little benevolence towards humanity Nyarlathotep has, in my headcanon. Slenderman, of course, plays with the fear of other people.

4641279 ... I was right... the does sound cool.

4641279 Well why not? Infinite Possibilities are the Lore forte

4641279 Well why not? Infinite Possibilities are the Lore forte

This sounds like something that could be a good read if done right.

4641434 agreed, I might do it myself, unlikely, but I might

4642447 I'll read it if you do.

4655285 yeah got to do some research before I do, I don't know to much about laughing jack but his powers and creep factor are interesting.

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