Displaced 4,445 members · 1,274 stories
Comments ( 33 )
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Group Admin

It has come to my attention that there are still some people out there that don't quite agree with the lore the group has created to keep things together. So! With that in mind, I want to hear from those who are against it. I want to know what your worries, questions, or concerns are so that we can make things better. The Displaced are a group, a community even, that is meant to stick together and I want to keep it that way. This does not have to imply solely to the lore and can be concerns about anything the Displaced are involved in. So bring it on and stay brony my friends.

oh god, mega post incoming.
translation: a post like this is gonna get really, really long.

Well there was the suggested addition I thought up a while back with regards to Lovecraft's pantheon in the multiverse (Cthulhu Nyarlathotep and the like) that you said you'd talk about with Jsyrin but then I never heard back about it. So even if it's a no, an answer would've been appreciated. (I oddly enough remember that still)

Other than that, maybe set some basic rules for stories that involve void dwellers interacting with the universe. Like 'X can do A B and C but must have restrictions Y and Z'. That way we can work out what works with the lore and what doesn't on our own.

Apart from those, no complaints.

The real issue is authors caving into reader pressure

4647285 theres lore? i mean i know of the merchant but theres more?

Group Admin

4647316 there is a link to the lore on the front page of the group.

Group Admin

4647308 sorry for not getting back to you. We agreed on it, just have yet to get included into the lore. To help us, would you mind messaging your idea fully to Jsyrin? It would really help streamline the process.

4647317 Is there a TL'DR version?

Group Admin

4647319 it basically gives an origin to existence and certain restrictions to Displaced stories. Pretty much the only thing we try to keep out is people creating events that affect others' stories, like some villain trying to destroy/conquer the multiverse.

4647320 So uncreative! Destroying/conquering the multiverse, I mean. So, quick check, does a Displaced character have to actually meet the merchant? What about a object being bought as a gift and being handed over by a third party?

Group Admin

4647349 No, the Merchant does not have to be involved. The way of displacement is coke rely up to the author. The most common is using a displacer, of which the Merchant belongs to. They are the ones who sell the junk and not all are activated immediately. Some can even take days to do so.

4647350 Cool, working on a Kurama- the nine tailed fox from Naruto- fanfic and it involves a keychain. Follow up question, would the fact he can crush mountains and create tsunamis with a flick of his tail's and punch through the moon with a blast of energy make him an Uber class?

On the Lore; I find it boring to read.

Group Admin

4647353 I believe that counts as uber, yes.

4647355 Thank you.


I do have a bit of a question for a second Kamen Rider displaced story I'm working on. In it I'm thinking of having two actually Kamen Rider (Original Riders not a person displaced as one) enter the Displaced multiverse. Those two will be a side story to my main second displaced story; so I was wondering if I was allowed to do that or not.

Group Admin

4647377 Sure, pretty much anyone can be Displaced.


Then hope you don't mind if TsukasaKadoya AKA Kamen Rider Decade joins the party then! :pinkiehappy:

4647320 Question, is there any rule on a Displaced traveling the multiverse without using tokens? Like universe-hopping world to world rather than being summoned around?

Group Admin

4647977 There is no rule stating they can't. Just don't go overboard and going against other's stories without consent.

4647353 ...I'm pretty sure Kurama was not that powerful in the Manga or Anime, sure the mountain thing, but there were quite a few other characters that could almost do that as well. It's the Tsunamis and Moon thing with me. Also yes I know this is off topic, it just... Got to me, I had to say it.

The problem is it's not really lore, it's mostly just a couple of power players and factoids about the universe. We don't know why things are the way they are, why the Merchant does what he/she does, what the Eldritch Caste have to do with anything, etc. We also haven't heard any mention of legitimate Eldritch power players like Azathoth, Shub-Niggurath, or Yog-Sothoth. Being integral to Lovecraft lore, they should at least have an agenda if they're such a big deal (though it is stated in Lovecraftian lore that Nyarlathotep is basically one of the few who give a shit about other life). We have power-scalings and charts, but no real system to classify the relative universe that the character is currently residing in. What could be an Uber in one universe is an Alpha in another, due to a few changes in Metaphysics and any reality shifts that may have taken place.

This is one of the reasons I'm particularly hesitant to write a Displaced myself. There isn't enough info, I don't have a basis for my story and the expanded universe(s) it is set in. How do tokens work relative to different universes? What allows them to reach across vast expanses of time, space, and reality to call to another Displaced? Why are the Displaced able to do this? What force or being gave the Displaced the capability to call out to one another for assistance? And for what purpose? To amass an army against a stronger foe? Is the Merchant in cahoots with whoever is giving the Displaced the ability to create tokens to build this fighting force of interloping humans?

Who knows? I certainly don't.

Sorry about the rant, I'm just a little irked at how it is referred to as lore when there really isn't much to go on. Many Displaced stories seem to create their own lore as they go along, mostly due to the fact (I assume) that they don't have anything other than a power-scaling chart and three tumblr posts to go off of.

I need some sleep. Respond to comment and I'll continue this conversation tomorrow.


4648972 Full power Kurama. That means with his yin and yang halves fused. It was in a movie, the last one I think, and he blasted a golem controlled by a villain through the moon. The tsunami is just a wave of water, only created by something the size of a smaller mountain slamming it's tail on the ocean floor with the strength to topple a mountain.

Edit; I found a quote on the wiki page; link

With its full power restored, Kurama could blast Toneri Ōtsutsuki's giant golem straight through the moon and into orbit with a single Tailed Beast Ball.

4650261 Ah that explains it.

4651501 Good. Maybe.

4652639 Well... It actually looks more like the moon is hollow in that movie considering I just watched it.

4652788 Still, he had enough power to, while sealed, blast something as big as, if maybe a bit bigger, than himself into orbit. Also, if that guy could cut the moon in half, regardless if it was hollow, I'm sure that Kurama can blast a hole through Equestrias moon if he wanted to. Not that that's likely.

4652902 I don't think Kurama could destroy something that large, especially if it's solid. Let's use Earth and our moon as a scale, the moon is about 1/3 the size of our planet, discounting how it used to be part of Earth so far back that it doesn't even matter anymore.

4653427 Ah, but I didn't say destroy, I said pierce. Well, punch through. It would be like a highly pressurized water cutting through steel. Only this is chakra from the strongest tailed beast. We already know that wind natured chakra can make a knife punch through a boulder, and Kurama has displayed both a nature for wind and fire (see the battle with Pain and above wiki link for conformation), so a high powered tailed beast ball with a wind nature could go through the moon. Now, I'm not saying it would be easy, but it is possible. Also, considering that Luna has to push the moon through the sky, I'm betting the moon is both smaller and closer than ours. Either way, the point is void because, honestly, there is no real reason for Kurama, or his displaced counter part, to attack the moon.

4655524 If there was it would just be silly. Or Toneri is there. Either way.

4655595 Ya. I was just using it as a example for a power scale.

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