Displaced 4,445 members · 1,274 stories
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Gale the Anarchist
Group Admin

So I had this idea about a possible new Displaced story, but I don't know if I wanna continue it. Can you guys give me your opinion on what I've got so far? Be brutally honest with me.

Sombra, the Shadow Tyrant of the Crystal Empire. Universally hated by all of Equestria for the horrors he puts his subjects through. Everypony who works for him does so in chains, mainly because they’d run away if they weren’t.

Except me.

I can’t remember what my name was before. You might think I’m a pony, like the rest of the King’s ‘workers’, but I’m not. I’m not anything, really. A copy. A shadow. A nothing.

As I stand before a mirror in the chambers the King gifted me with, a creature of pure darkness stares back. Skin black as night, hair white like the snow surrounding the Empire and eyes as red as the rivers of blood I’ve spilled.

I was once a man. Not anymore. Now, I'm in a body that is not my own, with powers that shouldn't be possible. Though, with everything else that's happened, I guess I can live with that.

When you see me, you will see Dark Link. But that's not me.

I am Tenebris.

I'd give it a look. Seems interesting.

4650935 hmm interesting.......I would read it:ajsmug:

Seems cool... Maybe I'll read it

Possibly contrived, though, if you focus on Sombra using mind-spells (outside of the protagonists knowledge perhaps in notes that ponies find in the kingdom after his fall, or during, if that's your game) for the lack of affect this character has then it could be rather intriguing.

Well, it is more original than other stories... not the most original, and the brief synopsis doesn't really show how you as a person will write and develop it, but it does seem pretty good so far.

Gale the Anarchist
Group Admin


At the risk of revealing too much, I'm gonna say this.
Tenebris is in no way under the influence of any form of mind control.

Then I will be respectfully wary, giving it a proper chance. Though, by your words it sounds like you are writing of someone who is under no higher law save his own, be careful.

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