Displaced 4,445 members · 1,274 stories
Comments ( 31 )
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So, I had my eye on this certain displaced story. His highness may come useful in the future efforts of Queen Umbra against her brother Sombra. Though, she's not of human blood, she's not a displace. Is there hope for a story such as this to collaborate with a story such as thee?:trollestia:

I suppose it would depend on whether they can traverse the void or not

i have never seen it in any stories, but i don`t see why it cant happen. hm...

4653505 A blood ritual might be enough. :trollestia:
Magic's capability is a mystery, huh?
There are thousands of lost ancient spells, maybe we can work things out – that is if the author wants to?
Am I right? :twilightblush:

I've found an excuse in my story to summon non-displaced characters. Really need to get that chapter out... Anyway, I referred to these non-displaced characters as... NPCs.

4653509 Let's expand the displace realm to a whole new level!:rainbowkiss:

Gale the Anarchist
Group Admin

I'd ask Jysrin if I were you, he is the lore keeper after all.


Perhaps sacrificing part of a soul which will take years to heal. That seems like the minimum for that kind of power

4653535 Where might I find this certain individual?

4653525 But I was asking the other way around.:pinkiecrazy:

Gale the Anarchist
Group Admin

He tend to pop up here and there, though I'd suggest just scrolling through the forums. You'll find him eventually.

4653541 Surely there are other ways to summon a displace other than a token, maybe a piece of a soul be enough to act as an anchor?

4653546 Thanks! I'll look into it now. :twilightsmile:


Perhaps you could connect your soul to the dimmensional plane by doing a few blood rituals. About enough to drown a dog in a small bucket

Gale the Anarchist
Group Admin

Well I don't know if this applies, but some can refuse a summoning and drag the person summoning them into their world instead...

My story also allows for that! XD
Basically, for me, if other people or users find pieces of an item he's lost they can summon him to do a favor in exchange for his precious item.

4653567 I see... interesting.:moustache:

4653549 Well... Tokens are the primary way. It gives a link directly between the Displaced and the summoner. Using crazy magic though would make things much more difficult. The Displaced wouldn't have a direct path home and would end up stuck in your Equestria (though I suppose someone using their token to call them while they're Equestria might pull them back into place). Regardless, I'm agreeing with the other guy. Ask Jsyrin. Look around the Displaced group's main page and he'll be in the list of Admins.

4653556 That may result in too much blood loss.:trollestia:
Sometimes shrine maidens, priestesses and shaman will do rituals by praying to their Gods for several days, in some occasions they will enact a traditional dance or phase.
Maybe something related to the displaced's lore may help on summoning him/her/it

4653588 Thanks! I think I already found him/her and I had already sent an email. :pinkiesmile:


You could convince the god of space (and therefor, dimensions and locations) that it would be interesting for them

4653602 I did find some displaced that has Gods watching them one way or another.
In the face of a great threat, people mostly depend on their Gods for either guidance or protection.
Though, mostly in movies and some series, Gods do not interfere with mortal affairs.


Unless you convinced them that the events will be interesting. i may get a god to give one favour in my story for kicking his A**

Group Admin

4653500 Tokens go out everywhere, not just to Displaced and can be used by anyone. What you're asking is not impossible and is plausible through the lore. All you need is the author's permission and you two can work out how things go from there.

4653590 Or something where they manage to contact a void dweller and get them to send someone. That'd make it easier to explain the Displaced getting back home.

Of course, if there are Equestrias without Displaced, then that means there is an equal number of universes birthed where they didn't land. Just send a PM to whomever and I'm sure they wouldn't mind having there token end up in your particular page of the universe. I mean heck, you could even have it be some mystical object that someone put in a vault or hoard because they thought it was precious or shiny and then your characters just happen to stumble upon it. Whatever or whichever, enjoy your creativity.

4653549 Well, I'm currently writing a fic and the displaced has ended up as a primordial dragon. He has a connection to the elements and I'd say that if you performed a ritual involving the four main elements (earth, fire, wind, water) that you'd be able to summon him that way. If not, just have his token appear as was mentioned earlier.

I'm still working on this story and I made it so I could do colabs with other authors. So, if I can help in anyway please let me know.

Thanks everyone!:pinkiesmile:

yes, you see in the " old days " just anyone could sommoning a displacement if they had there tokens, hell somebeings can be controlled thore them, but now the new generation of the displace sime to forget what a token can relay do. They think it just for calling someone and to get to people, and this quote from red vs blue should sum it up Right now he has no idea of what hes fully capable of, so to answer your question yes you can sommen a displacement if you went to but they might not know what or how to do it. If you do a displacement crossover with one of the new ones they would have no idea that u can call them.

U know, i've been think of a story that may or my not get me kick off the displace group. Ok ok it's nothing bad about the group, the story idea is about a displacement, but not any displacement. The first displacement, the story is about how this kid somehow got the merchant to start displaceding people and ended up being the very first displaced, goes through a great journey and it the end a sacrifice is needed. He may be the downfall of the displace or there savers, only time and a lot of writers can answer u. So does any thin this a good idea or not?

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