Displaced 4,445 members · 1,274 stories
Comments ( 41 )
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U know, i've been think of a story that may or my not get me kick off the displace group. Ok ok it's nothing bad about the group, the story idea is about a displacement, but not any displacement. The first displacement, the story is about how this kid somehow got the merchant to start displaceding people and ended up being the very first displaced, goes through a great journey and it the end a sacrifice is needed. He may be the downfall of the displace or there savers, only time and a lot of writers can answer u. So does any thin this a good idea or not?

4655249 Don't know about that... I'll see if I can get the mods

What displaced did you have in mind. Many consider Gligamesh, Auric and Kat to be the first few Displaced

LE' SIGH/LE' FACEPALM I'm sorry to say it has been done already. The first Displaced to my knowledge, is Solaire. That said I could be wrong.

4655262 nope, they some of the frist but not the frist,this guy or girl will be the frist and will have been there long before the ofthers came and he would have never have made a token for they no other displayed to call or be call and for what s/he was in costume as is going to be something from transformers.

4655292 We already have one of those though...


4655334 I thought Solaire was the one that started off the Displaced with the idea of crating tokens?

I'm already writing it, and Jsyrin already said I could! I am not letting you take that away from me!

to late, it's in mostion and have u posted the story?

Comment posted by RoyalStar709 deleted Aug 23rd, 2015

No, but it's already part of the lore! So you can't write it because I'm writing it! Not to mention most of the admins know about it and gave me the okay!

listen Ironwar. When an Admin says you can't. You can't don't argue just accept it.

4655653 follow the rules like everyone else

4655583 um your not the founder and only the founder can do that to my knowledge.

well here's what my idea was for the story, we get together a bunch of writers and admin togive we all put in story ideas about what would happen in the story and we all designed what happens and what the plot is and we all help in one way or another. Like some would help come up with some plot developed and some with writing.

rules were made to be broken -_-

ok OOOOHHHHH ( the flowing can not be said on here for net even the Internet will say all of this shit at once, yeah its bad, like really bad, like u end up as a displace pile of shit the was fully consters of what was happen around him, yes it's that bad ) so what now.

Seriously though, someone else already has the claim. Talk to them. Anyway, you've only got one story, so unless you had help, your probably won't do it well since you're an inexperienced writer. No offence.

And stop arguing with admins and stuff.

4655927 non taken and thats N understatement

tale that to the night grord in five nights at freddy's :fluttershyouch: burn

4656224 Dude, given how you've had a typo in every sentence you've put up and the complete lack of punctuation except in the beginning, I wouldn't trust you to make such a important story event.

The overall feeling I get from you on this thread alone is of a whiny, petulant teenager or child. No one wants someone like that writing a story like this. They want someone who is more mature than you are.

1 i have a brain problem that makes it a lot harder for me to type and what I'm useing to talk with u right now doesn't have spell check and 2 my plan wasn't for me to write it, it was to see if i could get a lot of people together and we all help write this story because no one on here alone can type a story of this mighortod and if we dont get the story right the first time, them we fuck up the whole displace group, on3 little mistake and then were fucked. So in my mind, there is no one on here who can make what this story must and will be alone, we all need to help make this story happen because we will get no do overs no retrys non. So if hes going in alone, i just hope he doesn't fuck up to bad.



Don't lock the thread. I want to see him make more of an ass out of himself. It's cute.

4656556 I can't lock the thread. I'm not an admin. Or mod, or whatever.

Seriously, never give me power. They tried it on Pokémon Showdown. I basically just trolled people by forcing crits/flinches in other people's battles. Fun times.

4655249 It's just a story don't sweat it. It doesn't have to be strict to the lore if you don't want it to be. I would be very much like to see how you do with it without going to someone who has "claim" over it.

Fuck it dude: If you want to have fun with it, have fun with it.
If life has taught me anything, "Don't ask for permission, ask for forgiveness when its done." -Super Best Friends Podcast:trollestia:

4655712 should i give him another shovel or is he doing as fine on his own?

4656410 Dude, I'm dyslexic as well, you're just making an excuse because some one told you that it's a disability. I always struggled with spelling and such, but I never let it be an excuse to not work at the problem. You struggle with something work at it twice as hard and don't let anyone tell you you're unable do something, not even yourself. Secondly, if the admins trust someone to make the story then that's great for them, and if you don't like the result then just don't read the story. A half decent story ultimately made by one person will usually turn out much better than a story made by comity.

4656410 Also did you mean magnitude when you typed "mighortod" because if I can't even sound out the word you mean from what you typed then so many people are going to have a hard time understanding your writing.

Do you have some snack that go with the show? I have a coke truck parked behind the door :rainbowlaugh:

4655536 So what's this first gonna be?

Given the progress on the Auric vs Makuta war I don't think another big community story is what we need to take up time that could be spent on multiple better fics.

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