Displaced 4,445 members · 1,274 stories
Comments ( 13 )
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So does anyone know if there's a Displace featuring Alice Margatroid from Touhou?

I've looked but I haven't seen one, or a Touhou based Displaced fic.

Either way, yes I'm planning on writing this when I have the time.

4660987 I've seen one Touhou Displaced story, but it dosent feature any of the characters. It's basicly about a guy who gets sent to Equestria and gets the powers of various Touhou characters.

I must have over looked that one. Sounds a bit interesting.

4660997 Ther is a Touhou group on Fimfiction. I do believe they have that story.

A lot of the Touhou characters are so ridiculously overpowered though. It'd be a challenge to make the fic interesting to read, unless it was a crack-fic or something, where being overpowered was the whole point.

Hmm very true. Especially with Alice and that Grimoire of hers.

4661171 There are plenty of Displaced that have powers that others would consider OP. Take mine for example. My Displaced is a Primordial Dragon. Sure, I nerfed him a bit but he's still extremely powerful. You just have to think as if you were going to go up against your character. So for example, if I were to go up against my Displaced I'd want to have agility, a really good healing factor, and a weapon designed to get through his defenses. Hope that helps a bit.

4661236 I'm glad to be of service.

Considering how Touhou works....

A single bullet claims a "Life", which could result as a huge damage hit that could make someone give.

Considering the AMOUNT that is created at once.... Touhou is super OP.

However, You reminded me about how many people cosplay them...

I might have to write a story with one...

True one bullet does a lot of damage, but remember grazing (barely dodging) grants tons of points in the game mechanic. Plus danmaku (bullet hell) is basically girls play fighting, consider the huge, complicated, and beautiful patterns. ZUN has said before that killing the opponent isn't the point, if it was a 10:1 bullet ratio wouldn't be needed.

4662359 I'm just referring to power level.

However, some of the most powerful... don't play, they "Play." -Cue any EX Stage boss-

The puns. THE PUNS! The puns never end!:pinkiecrazy:

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