Displaced 4,445 members · 1,274 stories
Comments ( 5 )
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we need a black butler displaced story how cool it will be sebastian and how the fuck nobody think of this can someone make a story of black butler PLZ DO IT....plz:fluttershysad:

Personally I can never pull Sebastian off, yet I pray that someone can make this. If you are wondering the best choice for ciel or at least would need a Sebastian: Luna, Sombra before finding the red crystal aka his mother, Rarity, a decent version of Blueblood (not a total prick), Twilight, one of the members of CMC (mostly Scootaloo), and Sunset. I'm guess Sunset, Twilight, or Scootaloo would be a good choice since he is one hell of a butler.

there is already one out there with Grell and Undertaker

Comment posted by hollowsbest deleted Aug 26th, 2015

Judgeing from the other two comments I think everyone was thinking of a Sebastian and/or Ciel displaced, not the other characters.

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