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foamy the squirrel.

If you know who this is then well you'll see why I find this so funny. XD

I can see it now, he lives with Shy and get into fights with Angel. :rainbowlaugh:

4664340 I would read that if someone did a displace Foamy the Squirrel. ^^

4664376 He will alway wins fights against Angel.

4664397 ^^ I wonder how he will fair against the mane 6

What's that phrase? Oh yes. Shut up and take my money. I think one of you writers that are much more talented than I should do this.

Yes. Someone must do this.

Quoth the Foamy;
"I'll stab you in the eye with a really hot french fry!"
"F*** you up the @$$ with a razor laced dildo!"

4664340 I'm actually happy someone mentioned this, because for the longest time I thought that Foamy the Squirrel was just a little adult-swim-type character that was just funny because of how egotistical he was. But after looking up a bit more about him I found out that I wasn't one of the only people who like Our Lord And Master

4664340 Now I need to scower the Internet for foamy once again. Thanks!:pinkiehappy:

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