Shadowrunners 35 members · 18 stories
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This wouldn't be right off the bat, I'd wait till everyone has some experience running, and myself being Mr. Johnson, but I had an idea for an interesting run.

I was reading Dunkelzahn's Will (side note, greatest will EVER!), and the last item is the one that gave me the run idea.

To the last Knight of the Crying Spire, I leave the suit of armor worn by Richard the Lion-hearted on his Crusade, because it's up to You to lead the next one. I also leave you the sword Excalibur — unfortunately, I can't seem to find it at the moment. To whomever finds Excalibur, deliver it to the Draco Foundation for a reward and title. The Draco Foundation will promptly turn the sword over to you, my knight.

We should all know this knight, it's Harlequin

But that's neither here nor there, the point is the legendary blade.

We all know the legends of Arthur, and of his blade.

I think there's some interesting potential for a nice run.

Prowling the Matrix for information, breaking into corporate offices, just having a good ol' time looking for a legend.

So, any ideas on how to actually pull this off?

What kind of parts do you all think this run would entail? What kinds of fun would there be to have?

I'm open to all ideas.

Something I would do is break up the sword. Makes and models vary, and I'm no expert on Arthurian smithing techniques, but the actual sword tends to be composed of three parts: the blade, the handle (sometimes built with a crossguard) and the pommel which secures it all in place. Break that shit up. Or better yet, have them actually collect the sword parts, only then to realize that the pommel, an actual jewel, is the source of the sword's power and they got a fake piece.

Group Admin

That could be fun, find something like the blade in a museum, other parts in collections, so on and so forth doing various runs for the parts, then when realized return it to the foundation.

Oh yeah, we could have quite a bit of fun.

You could also have them race against the clock in a different means. Make the pieces cursed as fuck.

Make each piece contain the soul of one of the knights of the round. Your players need to keep them close, as they could be stolen away form them. They must know where they are, but as they keep them, more and more of the knight forces themself onto the player, dominating their will. But there's a twist.

Here's what I'd do: have each piece give its holder special powers. The crossguard makes them harder to hurt. The pommel makes them resistant to magic. The blade increases/gives them magic. Now your players see benefits to holding pieces, but at the price of becoming someone/something else. You're slowly becoming this other person, or this monster. Maybe it's not even a knight? Maybe it's actually holding something at bay, and the only way to keep it suppressed is to keep the pieces separate.

Group Admin

It would probably work best if those with more cybernetics were less able to reset them since they have less essence making them less person.

Man, this will be fun after we get enough playing in to try something this crazy.

Group Admin

So, I did a bit of reading, and this run may not be doable, from Harlequin's wiki page.

Dunkelzahn in his last will and testament bequeathed him King Richard the Lion Hearted's suit of armor and the sword Excalibur. The location of Excalibur is currently unknown, though in 2062, a man known as the Pendragon appeared in the United Kingdom. The Pendragon's sword may be Excalibur. He has already claimed the suit of armor from the Draco Foundation.

Unfortunately, neither Pendragon or Excalibur have a wiki page, so I don't know when this happened (as in what supplement, novel, campaign, or whatever to look this up in).

Basically, even if it wasn't, he already got the prize, though a double cross is always a possibility I suppose, Johnson isn't always the kindest when they can get what they want, without loosing more Nuyen then needed.

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