Star vs The Forces Of Evil 140 members · 7 stories
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So what do you think? As a transgender myself, I am absolutely ecstatic about it.

5798288 I accept this.



Jesus Christ, I thought that this group was ded or something.

5798823 I hope not. :rainbowlaugh:

In any case, regarding the original thread, I'd actually like this to be more incorporated into the show. The downside is that my parents would place SvFOE on their official-unofficial no-watch list, along with Gravity Falls and a great many others.

Oh well.


1) Your parents sound like assholes.

2) It's already pretty incorporated into Marco's DNA at this point. They might as well be holding a sign over his head.

5798837 Then again, they never caught on about these two until they overtly said "We're in love".

1: i thought saying "a transgender" was offensive?
2: yes, thus is likely, as many of the writers want things like this to happen

I'd really rather not have another Legend of Korra thank you very much.

The evidence isn't bad, but it seems more of a "fit information to a certain PoV" situation

Also obviously they'll say they are pro-LGBT characters because anything else they say would be deemed homophobic. Good story telling allows people of many walks of life to find enjoyment, however I see no reason for them to alienate part of their fan base just to make a political statement.

5800614 Well, they could do it not for a political statement (although allegations of such would inevitably arise), but instead to make a different kind of statement: one about what growing up and coming into yourself means. Marco's character could wrap up in a profound message about maturity and dealing with differences.

Intresting I will accept that as headcannon

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