Star vs The Forces Of Evil 140 members · 7 stories
Comments ( 8 )
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It will happen, I doubt Daron intends to go against the wishes of more than half her staff, Marco's VA and more than half the fanbase. That and she did say Star and Marco were based on herself and her husband.

good point...just made it as it was a funny thought:twilightsheepish:

Even if Starco doesn't happen in canon, it already happened in my previous fic.

Is it for the sneak peek? It's just a flashback

I know but someone on da said this

actually Disney XD says it isn't a flashback, so who knows tbh. XD

the fear is real

I want it to happen so bad :twilightsheepish:

 Obvious that Disney XD will not said if it is a flashback or not, this sneak peek is to drive fans crazy and are desperate for new episodes, in simple words, advertising, but if you look closely at the video and analyze it, it is clear that it is a flashback, especially for two details, star looks younger and both seem not to get along at the beginning , which makes no sense, if this happened in the present, Tom would be happy to dance with star and not waste the opportunity
Sorry if there are errors in what I wrote, English is not my first language

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