Star vs The Forces Of Evil 140 members · 7 stories
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I posted this yesterday in the group "Get and Give Story Ideas" and I'm just going to copy-paste it here... hope that's ok:

I love both series, I love the characters, the relationships, the universes, and their flows of time: the status quo is not god, there. But having said that, I honestly think that Star vs. the Forces of Evil dropped the ball when it came to remembering that "Running with Scissors" MUST have changed Marco... seriously, other than the episode "Night Life", the ONLY things different are that he's using his own scissors (instead of what they thought were Ponyhead's scissors) , and that he has Nachos... those are literally the ONLY changes, even though Marco spent MORE time in Hekapoo's dimension, training, learning, fighting, and earning his own scissors, than he did actually living on earth... I mean he literally said that his physical age was 15 (episode "Lava Lake Beach", which came LONG after "Running with Scissors") AND that he remembers, QUOTE, "when I was in my early 30s" (episode "Divided")

The more I think about that episode, the more I think about the wasted potential, how much he should have grown, how much he should have matured, how much he should have learned, how much he should've experienced, and I'd like to see that wrong righted, with another character I love (no homo) , and think is tragically under appreciated and grossly downplayed: Spike

I can see it so easily: him traveling through the wastelands, gathering the hints and clues, fighting ferocious beasts, earning his just reward, and how he'd have the tools to live ANYWHERE and however he wants after the quest is over, he's no longer scared, confused, or unsure about anything, he's gotten the skills, knowledge, and competence to do whatever he sets his mind to... the only two things I can't really think of is: 1. how the heck is he gonna get the scissors in the first place, and 2. what's he gonna do afterwords? Because with the latter, he can go anywhere, do anything; he can spend his life in Equestria, using his "newly-found" knowledge and abilities to help others, whether it be helping the royalties, fighting monsters, or being a diplomat if he wanted, or he can say "screw you guys, you've treated me like shit for so long, I quit" and leave to another dimension to make a life of his own, do what he wants... but I'll leave that for you to decide

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