The Pie Sisters 193 members · 364 stories
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Alright! With the Canon Pie family finally introduced, what are your thoughts on them? Were they what you expected? Do you love them? Hate them? Ship them with somepony? Come on! I'm dying to know!

Seriously guys? I'm in two groups dedicated to the pie family and so far i've only seen one guy wanting to talk about the episode where we finally get to the see the pie as a part of the official mlp canon? I must say i find your lack of interest disturbing :pinkiesad2:

Personally, i have mixed feelings. While i like shy inkie, i had her as the more levelheaded, business oriented one. Blinkie on the other hand held up pretty well. i had pictured her as the more assertive one off the two, though i had her pinned more as impish than aggressive.
It's also interesting to see that they went with an pretty old fan interpretation of the two. i thought they moved away from their images as fluttershy 2.0 and meaner pinkie quite a while ago. oh well.
But most important; Inkie plus Pinkie twin theory confirmed. it's about time if you ask me :pinkiehappy:

Sadly though we didn't really get much to see about how the rockfarm operates, which i'm rather disappointed about. all we do get to see is that it indeed includes some kind of mining, though i like to imagine that it would be a little more interesting than the one in our world, considering all the possible magical materials in equestria. so far i always imagined the farm as an really old family business where for generations they are creating an environment for growing especially exotic stones types who are really rare or would be hard to come by otherwise.

I'm also not quite sure about the big mac x inkie ship, mostly because they might be related (though technically they are so far apart from each other that it shouldn't matter.) it's also the first time that big mac actually seemed to return the affection if i'm not mistaken, so there's that.

Overall i really enjoyed this episode and while i'm not fully on board with everything i saw (i still prefer cold inkie over shy inkie), i really enjoyed this episode and i'm glad that we finally got to meet pinkie's family after all this years.

First of all: Your Avatar Pic. I Love it. I want to say I recognize it as a reference to something, but I can't remember.

Secondly, I personally love this episode! It was one of the ones that had me pausing it every 3 seconds to, seriously. It was a 21-minute episode, and I finished it an hour and a half after I started watching.

I never really had thoughts on the personalities of Pinkie's family. I mean, I entertained the idea of Pinkie's parents being Amish, but I didn't think that the writers would too (If only Luna met them earlier, when she still spoke the same way). I also didn't expect Inkie or Blinkie to have such different hairstyles. Their personalities were surprising as well! Inkie's a one-word wonder, Blinkie's a pony version of Gilda with more of a mind set on power and business, and their parents are...surprisingly light-hearted.

Also, however it operates, the rocks on the rock farm are apparently magical themselves, considering a single swing of a small pickaxe would allow it to take the shape of anything it wants (heheh...Limestone got a life sized rock doll). There's also that rock that apparently chooses spouses for ponies.

As for the. Big Mac x Inkie/Marble ship... I'm not entirely on the fence with that one, but that's probably just the Big Mac x Cheerilee shipper in me. It is nice that Mac found a kindred spirit in the casual speech department.

I guess my favorite parts of the episode is where we get a look into the smaller details of Pinkie's family. From Blinkie/Limestone's control over the entire farm to Maud apparently thinking that singing carols is the same as reading poetry, I found these details interesting. Remember when Maud accidentally ate a rock? Apparently that's a thing for her family! The Pies have a rock that's from a dragon's nest, and is so important it was literally the reason their rock farm came to be a thing at all! The Pie sisters all sleep in the same bed...don't quote me on that one. Pinkie's Dad might be bisexual (seriously, he and his wife blushed when Apple-bucking hunks were mentioned)!
I just love little details like those!

On a side note, who else is going to continue calling Pinkie's mom "Big Mama Quuuuuuuuueeeeee"? :pinkiehappy:

4806162 hmm, if the pic is a reference, then i don't know what it's meant to reference, sorry. i've just been in love with pinkamena ever since the crooked trees tumblr back in the day, and i have quite the collection of pictures of her. this is one of three pictures i use the most though.

In regards to watching the episode, i watched in on livestream the first time, so it would have been kinda hard for me to pause it.

Next, about their personalities, i kept an eye out for Inkie and Blinkie (or Marble and Limestone as they are called by now) since the beginning, and i think one of the oldest characterizations for the two came from the askthepiesisters blog over on tumblr which originated all the way back in 2011. Of course there have been other interpretations of the two over the years, like the pictures of SpeccySY who also helped define their early personalities, but one of my favourites is definitely from the fanfic Substitute Harmony where Blinkie is a living looney toons character and Inkie is a rather reserved and cold character, (which, as i said, is my favorite interpretation of her). I'm also a little sad that they didn't give Limestone her askthepiesisters cutie mark. I really loved it and found it quite fitting for her. don'T really like the one she has now...
Oh well no sense crying over spilled milk.

Well, now you know how i felt about my bigmac x fluttershy ship. but at least now we have a bigmac x fluttershy 2.0 ship :pinkiehappy:. that's something at least, isn't it?

But, yeah, i can only agree with you. It was really nice to see the pies in their natural habitat and to see all their little quirks. I think i stay with naming cloudy sue though. i guess old dogs don't learn new tricks, ehh?

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