MOONDANCER! 313 members · 159 stories
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My question is, how do you portray Moondancer in your works? This especially in light of how she was portrayed recently in the series. I portray her as a morality obsessed crusading soccer mom (though she supposed to be g1 Moondancer, lol!) how do you see her in your headcanons and personal works?

4524697 I am still working on what she will be like. This will be G1 Moondancer though, not G4 Moondancer. I'm thinking she'll be a dedicated mother and friend for a base set characteristics. That's all I have for right now.

4524697 I've always portrayed her more or less as a shy, socially awkward, but very kind pony. She specializes in healing magic aka white magic, and was tutored by Twilight Sparkle (Even though she was older than the princess). I've written her into one of my longest running stories this way, and although i love the new episode it kinda stings knowing that my Moondancer is completely different.

I should also mention that I got a lot of my inspiration from the one panel she appeared in the comics.

4525602 I don't like resorting to such extreme personality types in my works. People myself included tend to find them off putting and many complain enough as it is.


True. I guess I should go into more detail...

She's a mother to an Old Equestria-obsessed teen, but she's not a soccer mom. She's a bit morally unbalanced, but not so much as to villainize her.

In my g4 perspective, she's a free spirited dancer with a twin sister, Moon Dancer (the hairy eyebrowed one) and a friendly personality. As her name suggests, she's a night owl.

4526490 Yeah greater detail is very helpful usually.

As far as being "morally unbalanced", well I'm not sure what being "morally balanced" would look like behavior wise. It's a really tricky issue after all.

It does sound interesting alright.


An example:

G1 Moondancer feels that Old Equestria should be ignored.

By the way, Moondancer is going to be a side character in a story I'm writing, The Sweetest Thing. I want to make her the protagonist's love intrest, but I don't want it to end up as another cheesy "OC falls in love with main character" story. Any suggestions?


G1 Moondancer feels that Old Equestria should be ignored.

I'm not sure what to think about that.

Well you already dodged that a little bit by choosing a side character like Moondancer. So that's a good start near as I can tell. The biggest thing I can tell you right now is that their relationship should take time to develop, if it happens right away with no development it'll go over poorly, It also depends on the O.C.s personality and the one you're using for her.

That's really about all I can say right now, sorry if it's not very helpful.


He's an entrepreneur in Canterlot, running a small restaurant called the Candy Dish Inn.

4526548 That sounds interesting. I don't recall having seen a lot of O.C.s that were restaurant owners. Many are adventurers, soldiers, or something like that when they are the focus.


I found him in a dark, abandoned fanfiction from who-knows-how-long ago.

In said fic, he didn't really do anything other than be the exposition deliverer. I took the concept and expanded it.

He's a blue unicorn with a brown mane named Cookie Dough.

4526572 Huh, a unicorn named Cookie Dough. Well I can definitely see the restaurant thing for sure. Sounds like you've done a lot of the "leg work" on him already.


Yeah. If there's one thing I like to do, it's character building. Cookie's a blast to work on, and Baby Ribbon (from my upcoming project involving time travel) is another fun one. She's basically an old filly bot that was dug up and painted.

4526594 Yeah character building can be a pain sometimes, but it's needed. It's also kinda funny to think of Baby ribbon as a bot.


She's pretty interesting. I drew her a couple weeks back.

In a story I planned way back in 2013, Moondancer was based on Andy Price's design and characterization + that little bit in Season 1 Episode 1. So Moondancer was an outgoing varsity cheerleader in high school and likes holding garden parties.

... Still need to write that.

4526609 Yeah I think you showed this in the Art for Fanfiction group.

I have two Moondancer's to work with now after "Amending Fences".

G4 Moondancer is a shut in who abandoned friendship when she felt Twilight Sparkle betrayed her by not showing up at her birthday party then. She is the great-grandaughter of G1 Moondancer. Though she is unaware of this relationship.

G1 Moondancer, Aka The Dreamweaver/The Terror Bringer/The Blood Tide/Crimson Hooves/The Shadow Blade/The Veiled Mare/The Ancient One/Great Old One/The Death Mare too, is a scary-as-**** powerful sorceress you DO NOT want to mess with. Upset her and she'll make you hibernate for years. Or turn you into an inanimate object and leave you like that possibly forever then. And the things she can do to you in your dreams... Well..... Let's just say that ol' mister Freddy Krueger has nothing on her when in dreams.

If you've merely annoyed her she will make you wake up screaming for years then. If she views you as a threat to those she cares about or the land she lives in she will make you wake up with such fear that you will jump off a balcony/hang yourself then/slit your throat just to escape from it. Then she will smirk too. And turn from where she was watching and go home then. Another threat averted. All is well.

She is also the reason the ponies no longer live in Dream Valley and migrated to the Equestrian continent. She has more blood on her hooves than you can fill an ocean with now. She is Immortal and is also the G4 Moondancer's great-grandmother too. Though she has taken steps to make sure she never finds out about the relationship. She cares about G4 Moondancer and makes sure that G4 Moondancer cannot be blamed for her sins.


That's... wow... very very extreme :pinkiecrazy:

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