Pretty in Pink 226 members · 530 stories
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People who haven't been in the fandom long might not know about the Pink Celestia thing, so here's a brief explanation.

Back in 2011-ish when the show was new and Hasbro were starting to pump out the merchandise, bronies were eager to get their hands on a Princess Celestia. And in due time, Hasbro provided. But there was a problem.

It was pink. On the show, Princess Celestia actually is a very, very light shade of pink if you look closely, but essentially she should be white. The packaging for this particular Celestia helpfully included a show-accurate illustration on the box to highlight just how wrong the coloration was.

The reason for the color change is straightforward: if your target market is girls, pink toys sell better. At least, that's what marketers say, and I presume they have a bunch of graphs and things to back it up.

This caused a bit of a stir at the time because Lauren Faust herself wasn't a fan of the pink Celestia either, and said so. As well as bronies who were bemoaning the lack of show-accurate merchandise, there was some moral outrage/drama that this Celestia was simply propagating the stereotypes that Faust had tried so hard to avoid: that girl toys had to be pink and vapid. It didn't help that the toy also says a number of not-terribly-inspiring phrases, including the often-mocked "I'm a princess! Are you a princess too?".

On the plus side, it did give us "Let's fly to the castle!"

It's sometimes suggested that the furore around Pinklestia is the reason why Princess Cadance was introduced at the end of season 2: so that Hasbro could have a pink princess toy to sell without provoking the same kind of outrage.

Nowadays, the drama has all died down, either because Hasbro are releasing better toys, or maybe people don't care so much about it any more. But Pinklestia managed to leave behind a legacy, and on Fimfiction you'll sometimes come across references to it in older fics (most often when Luna pranks Celestia by doing something that turns her coat pink).

And that's your history lesson for today!

Elric of Melnipony
Group Admin

I was wondering when the topic of Pinklestia would come up. :trollestia:

Of course, then there's the fan art that depicts her as the long-lost, shallow third royal sister:


She also made a cameo in the comics (issues 27-28) as a stuffed toy being sold by a greedy business-Minotaur.

Group Admin


the long-lost, shallow third royal sister

Haha! I hadn't seen that. I approve of this concept. XD

Group Admin


Oooooh. Those IDW boys and girls don't play by anypony's rules!

4265828 I like this idea.
4265835 This is Hilarious, if I am permitted to say so.
4265896 We need to see more of you in this oifficial capacity.
4265782 Make a series of Blogs on these, would you?
We need more of these details.

But alas, are there not several blue ponies even among the toys?
Even if some are more cyan or purple as well?

Group Admin


I figured Celestia just went through a period where she was dying her coat pink...




I need to brush up on my pony terms. I thought this was going to be a thread about Pinky/Celestia shipping.

Group Admin


Make a series of Blogs on these, would you? We need more of these details.

Unfortunately that's about as far as my pony merchandising controversy knowledge extends. Pinklestia is actually right on the edge of when I joined the fandom (maybe a little earlier) so I had to do a bit of historical research :)

Although there is the thing about Applejack's truck...

But alas, are there not several blue ponies even among the toys?
Even if some are more cyan or purple as well?

There are, but the Pink Celestia really got to people for some reason. I do remember that at the time there wasn't a lot of merchandise available (and the quality of what was available wasn't as good as it is now).

4267923 Guess we are just happy for each little tidebit we get. If you don't have more, some other Pony would have to take the next one?
The truck is cute, I think.

If the items was bad, maybe this was just the tip of the iceberg and the straw breaking the Camel's back?
I love having all the Ponies with me, mainly the dolls, not so much all the accessories, even if I guess others may like mor of these?
How would it be if one could order the accessories both for the Ponies and ourselves, for these who whishes it?
4267539 On first glance, it is what it is commonly suggesting from what I can see. I may be wrong, not being all knowing like Pinkie Pie.

This could be an interesting ship.
4267237 They do ahve periods where strange fashions are all the rage, so this could be an explanation, but we need more to support such a theory.

Elric of Melnipony
Group Admin

This truck, of course!

A lot of fan art humor has come from the fact that the toy was packaged with a mysterious cardboard cut-out of Twi. (It's probably just to show that other ponies can ride in the back without the expense of including another pony toy. But it still looks odd, and most kids would be able to work that out for themselves.)


Plus, Applejack in a pink frilly truck is quite humoruos.

Elric of Melnipony
Group Admin

It's true!

Right?! She should be in something more like this:

Group Admin


"What're you talking about? Th-that ain't mah truck!"

"It's got apple motifs on the wheels, apple flags on the back, and the cab is a giant apple."



That car is fabulous!

Other non-personality-like MLP toys:

Too frilly.

Sweetie Belle is NOT to be in a sweet shop. She could be caught in a machine or burn the place down with a microwave.

Again, very frilly for AJ.

Goth pie?

Group Admin


I wonder if I'm the only one that checked when looking at that caption to see if Elric did it? :scootangel:

Really, it would have made a lot more sense if it was Pinkie in the pink frilly truck with a cardboard Twilight cutout. And maybe cutouts of her other friends, too.


Group Admin

4269217 - nope. Me too. XD

Group Admin


There's a very simple explanation for the Sweetie Belle one:

G3.5 Sweetie Belle is a horror that should not be named...



Elric of Melnipony
Group Admin

4269217 4269220
Can't take credit for that one, no. :twilightsmile:

I did, however, rewrite a verse of Jethro Tull's "Locomotive Breath" in response to the toy commercials that seemed to imply that the train somehow belonged to Pinkie Pie...

In the shuffling madness of Pinkie Pie's new train
Sits a frightened brony with lots of f:yay: in his brain
He wonders where they're going and why she's giggling now
Old Discord stole the handle
And the train, it won't stop going; no way to slow down

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