Pretty in Pink 226 members · 530 stories
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Elric of Melnipony
Group Admin

I mostly didn't think of her because she's not an actual FIM character, and all of the others have appeared in this generation.

Group Admin

4266224 Oh, I hope she can count, can't she? I mean, she's Lauren Faust's favorite, and she's appeared (unnamed) several times in the comics.

also I have a Baby Firefly and a Baby Surprise

Elric of Melnipony
Group Admin

Does she even have a story tag on the site? I don't recall seeing one...

Group Admin

Good point. The major G1s, like Surprise and Firefly, should. They've shown up in a bunch of fics, and now that they've borrowing G1 villains like Tirek, I think they deserve tags. Not to mention that Applejack and Spike are holdovers!

4266210 There is Pink, if ever I saw it.
4266224 butt, she is legitimately Pink. If not as bright as Pinkie and her infernal Pie.
4266278 That's back to the Faustian Deal. if for nothing else, she pulled our Ponies out of the grey dumpster,
Then, let them be seen, on our tiny little scene.
4266282 Most of the tags have been revoked as of late. There are next to none as BackGround Ponies right now.
I make an effort and point out of keeping track of them.
4266332 Just how many Spike-s are there in MLP? I lost count and track of the poor fellow and Dragon.
I love all the Ponies Pink.

Group Admin

4266863 G1 Spike and G3 Spike are the same Spike. He's been asleep for a thousand years or something. We don't know where G4 Spike came from in story terms, but in franchise terms, he and Applejack are pretty much the same. I prefer FiM Spike and FiM Applejack, of course, but it's nice to remember where they're from.

EDIT: She can't officially appear because Sony still owns her or something.

4266898 There is Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Rainbow Dash of old as well.
Not sure exactly how much respective chanracters have been changed over the years.

I go by the idea that some of the old are just poorly written history, there are cases supporting this as well, when the old characters come back, clearly revritten in this kind of fashion.

Wait, there was an old Sunny Daze of old as well.

Most of the characters have been given a deeper personality and back story, for which we are eternally grateful.

I hate and dispice how they rip characters out of the show for purely business reasons.
They bellong to MLP, even in the FiM.

Group Admin

I think of Firefly a fair amount...


Just not usually in the context of ponies.


I actually do like G1 Spike to a certain extent, though all I've watched of it was the movie. Following Lickety Split when she's acting like a spoiled brat, and helping her out and trying to make sure nothing happens to her when she's made it pretty clear she doesn't want help speaks well of him.


Elric of Melnipony
Group Admin


Most of the tags have been revoked as of late.

I'm not sure what you're talking about; I'm not aware of any character getting their search tags from the site, and the mods do add new ones from time to time as characters become popular. For instance, Starlight Glimmer has a tag of her own now.

Firefly doesn't have one on this site, though...

4267630 Yes, I have seen her tag among the Side Characters, but she is the mane antagonist and Villain of the Pilot episode, you can't ignore her, right?
Have a look at the list of Background Ponies. Where is Sugar Belle, Party Favour, Double Diamond and Night Glider, or even Sea Breeze now?
I know these first four Protagonists from the Village are all the latest rage in numerous groups now, even if most of these may be new groups, of which some are dedicated to some old characters as well.
If you have any interest in shipping, these are gold for shipping, in part due to being solid new Stallions here.

If you or anyone else know of any limitations, to this list of characters in total, maybe this would be helpful to know when we judge the list?

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