Riders In Equestria 87 members · 167 stories
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FRUBASK EPISODE 2: Drain Every Drop
So, a lot more happened this time compared to the last episode. This series is beginning to feel like a chapter book; unlike in television shows or other media that pass of their episodes as chapters, each of these episodes is reliant on the viewer having watched the previos ones. It's likely a side effect of having such a short running time.

Anyway, this was pretty engaging. Two villians are introduced, the dragon named Cher and her unnamed boss. Said boss is currently less than impressive: all shes' done is act like a really evil cheerleader and squish and orange with her hand while monolouging. Cher doesn't get to do a lot either, but the shot at the end of her standing in a burning city was solid. It did what it needed too and moved quickly enough to keep us from noticing how cheap it was.

The special effects as a whole are nice. It isn't how convincing they are, exactly; its more how well they are used. The few effects shots just long enough to get the job done and then get out quickly. The extra fruit juice splatters when people use they're weapons or belts are a little narm-y, but they aren't distracting.

Our main charator, Zest, had a little development this week, as he stabbed another player in the back to level up. I'm not sure where this guy is going, but It'd be interesting to watch something like this from the bad guy's perspective. I have to wonder if the game has some kind of negative mental effect on its players. Sadly, the other two had nothing to do this week, other than run around aimlessly. The supporting actors are passable, and Zest is actually pretty good. I'd like to see more dramatic scenes from him in the future.

Overall, this series is still taking shape, but I'm looking forwards to what that shape will be.

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