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Comments ( 3 )
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I’m looking for some feedback, please remember to be nice when you comment and if you don’t like the story, make sure to tell me but be nice about it.

I can’t handle constructive criticism, I always see it as an attack on my story or myself, even though I know it isn’t, and even though I know the person commenting means well, but that hurts me because it hurts me that they think my writing isn’t good enough.

TA Talk With A Bully
After the CMC come home with black eyes, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity take it upon themselves to find out what happened.
Artist · 3.5k words  ·  29  23 · 647 views

If you don’t want constructive criticism, but you do want feedback… you want… praise and adoration? I know you don’t want mocking and derision, or negative criticism…

Apologies… your request is confusing.

I seek constructive feedback on my story, desiring validation if it resonates positively with the reader or constructive criticism if it does not. I would appreciate a professional tone in any responses, maintaining an emphasis on honesty and clarity while avoiding any semblance of undue complaint or self-indulgence.

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