Quill and Blade 364 members · 61 stories
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Group Admin

So, after the live chat tonight, a couple of us on Discord ended up briefly talking about Final Fantasy XIV, and, after seeing that we were all on different servers, I got this idea. Why not start a thread about gaming here, so we can talk about games we like to play and/or coordinate so we can play together?

Anyway, I'll leave it at that for the moment, since FFXIV is getting on my nerves right now (to put it simply, the sea of clouds keeps killing my level 51 bard, who's kinda squishy). If the topic gets too complicated or hard to follow, we can go ahead and start new thread for whatever specific topics are clogging this one up. If you have a specific game you want to talk about (that's SFW), feel free to post about it below.

Well I guess I will say that I don't get online much, but when I do its usually just to play with people I know. I have a PS4 and play Farcry, GTA, a bit of Destiny, and The Crew. I'm pretty sure this is a long shot, but if anyone would like to play any of these games with me, send me a PM, I would like to see if you guys enjoy these games too.

I say do it. It'll give everyone a chance to talk to each other about games and stuff.

Sounds like a plan. If anyone plays: Company of Heroes 1 or 2, Armoured Warfare, Rainbow 6 Siege or The Division (releasing on the 8th), then I would always enjoy more team mates.

Sounds like a plan, although unfortunately, the only online games I've played are Eden Eternal (an MMORPG made by Aeria Games), Aura Kingdom (same thing with Eden Eternal except much recent) Team Fortress 2, and Dota 2 and only three of those games are on Steam :twilightsheepish:

Painted Wave
Group Admin

<- Hardcore FFXIV nerd. :V

Group Admin

I wish I still had the time for an MMO, but sadly I do not. But I am usually hanging around in battle.net (Aziraphael#1565) or in steam (Aziraphael with a pic of sexy humanized Fleur de Lis).

My biggest time sink right now is Fallout, but I could probably be persuaded to break out Borderlands or Diablo or something if someone was interested.

Cool idea. I'm kinda amazed a thread like this didn't go up sooner. I can talk hours about Tomb Raider 2013, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Witcher 3, CS:GO, SC2(I don't play it, but it's just so entertaining to watch), Rocket League, Crossfire(f2p fps), Bioshock franchise. old CoDs(up to MW3). Currently I'm very preoccupied with Rise.


I shake my Staff of Apocalypse at you.

Fooosh fooooosh fooosh

Group Admin

+1 Internets for you.

Group Admin

We now have a Q&B steam group.: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/quillandblade

Feel free to join up!

I have a few games I like to play, including War Thunder, Planetside 2, CS:GO, and some League of Legends.

Of course not all of them at the same time, but I kinda phase games in and out.

Crystal Wishes
Group Admin

Raincrasher asked me about The Isle in another thread, will talk about it here!

So The Isle just pushed new pieces of their content—progression. Ah... the first step toward me losing interest in the game if every server turns progression on.

Taking that aside for a moment, I've greatly enjoyed the game as a... survival dinosaur roleplaying game. From being a Rex that thunders across the forest with other smaller carnivores in tow to an itty bitty raptor that finds a Rex to be her daddy caretaker, every time I log in, the experience is different.

Without progression, death is a minor detail. You die, pick a dino, and get back in. It's just a thing that happens. It's just not a big deal! Sometimes you're lucky and you can find the dinos you were roaming with. There's also sometimes the fun of just exploring the maps and finding nooks and crannies.

There's a dino that isn't officially released but available on servers that have Experimental turned on, the quetzalcoatlus. Flying dino omg! That one is my absolute favorite to play when I can find a server with them available. Soaring above the trees, searching for corpses to scavenge or dinos to stalk in the hopes they either kill something, or die of starvation. I befriended a Rex one time and became his hunting hawk, scouting ahead to find water or other dinos. That was tons of fun.

Anyway, so, that's the game I've been playing up until yesterday. Then progression was released, and nearly every server turned it on...

Progression is hardcore. You start as the smallest dino and have to survive long enough to accrue points, which you can spend to respawn as a bigger dino. If you die as a bigger dino, however, you lose all of your points and start back at ground zero as a little dino.

I... am not a fan of that. It takes out all of the fun I've been having of random roleplay scenarios. Now, everyone is desperately trying to survive to not lose their points and trusts no one. Death really sucks. I know some folks will love that more hardcore experience, but I'll probably only enjoy it as an herbivore that can find a herd to huddle with for safety, and even then, I won't nearly enjoy it as much as a non-progression server where anyone can be anything and anything can happen.

So, uh, if that sounds interesting to you, Raincrasher or anyone else, I highly recommend it. :heart:

Crystal Wishes
Group Admin






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