Quill and Blade 364 members · 61 stories
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My own curiosity got the better of me, again. :P

So, how did you discover the stories in this universe? Through a recommendation? Stumbling upon it? Some other way?

For me, believe it or not, it was artwork, specifically this artwork:

There was a link to the story in the description, and, seeing as the picture was a laugh, I decided to pursue the story, and was instantly hooked. I ended up reading Crystal's stories when I saw the companion chapter for Wishes linked in one of the Memoirs chapters, and ended up hooked on that one, too. And now, here I am.

edit: typo in the title

The first time I ever saw a Q&B story was when Memoirs of a Royal Guard used to appear in the feature box. I saw the picture of Silent Knight and said, "Huh. Looks like an interesting OC." It came up there a few times after and I finally decided to give it a read. Now I'm here. :pinkiehappy:

Showed up in the featured box.

5123359 Am I the only oddball in that I never read the stories at all, just discovered the group itself?

Group Admin

5123392 Maybe?


Well, I saw Crystal's Wishes in the feature box, and thought it had an interesting description. After the first few chapters, I was hooked. I have read some of Anzel's stories as well, and now here I am.

Featured box, like apparently many others.

I'm fairly certain that I saw Memoirs in the Update Featured Box and thought that Princess Luna and guards getting up to shenanigans would amusing. While the story really wasn't about what I thought at all it was still fun and I quickly branched off into everything related.

Story -> Kraken Tentacles -> All the Related Stories

This is my method in a nutshell.

Featured box for Memoirs. Stopped reading for a few months, then rediscovered it.

Through Anzel's first story where silent knight was introduce, then came crystal wishes, and lastly lovely-dovey.

I was writing FiMfiction on Tumblr at the time and Anzel's blog (mostly Memoirs chapters) was recommended to me by Tumblr. I checked it out and followed it. Then, about this time last year, Anzel announced the Princess Luna's House Guard cameo contest and, after some trepidation, I put an OC in. The random number generator was kind, and Div won a slot in the PLHG. I've been a loyal reader since. Anzel and Crystal also encouraged me to post my FiMfiction here and the rest is history.

Group Admin

I was awoken in the middle of the night by a bright light outside my window. Now, some days there are crazy people with fireworks who get visits from the police for late-night disturbances, and other days a car is set alight. So at first I didn't think much of it; perhaps it was a combination of burning vehicles and disorderly fireworks display.

Turns out, it was an alien spacecraft. It whisked me away and did some probing I didn't consent to, then sent me back home without so much as a postcard or t-shirt. Later that very night, I check FimFic and see Crystal Wishes in the feature box, and after a few chapters I was hooked.

So overall it wasn't that bad of a night.

I somehow stumbled upon Three of Hearts, and after reading for a while, I finished it an its sequel. Then, I decided to check out the other stories by Anzel. I found Crystal's Wishes, and I have been following ever since.

I was actually searching for a story that had a little bit of romance in it. I was actually surprised when I saw Crystal's Wishes in the feature box. The cover art for she had also attracted me to the story. I gave it a shot after reading the description and came to liking what I was reading. I then began reading Memoirs after finding out that they were in the same universe. Both authors are great writers providing quality stories.:pinkiesmile:

I saw Crystal Wishes one too many times in the feature box and it bugged me to an extent. So I decided to read it and see why it kept always showing up.
I fell in love afterwards with the QnB verse, and I wouldn't trade my love for this universe at all!

I saw the first chapter of Crystal's Hopes in the feature box and saw that it was a sequel. I was in the mood for a bit of a sappy love story, and Crystal's Wishes fit the bill quite nicely. Then I read Silent Knight's side of things, and all the side stories. Sad that I've read everything now, but there are enough stories ongoing in the universe to keep me happy!

Also, the cover art for both of Crystal's stories are adorable, so that helped convince me.

I saw Memoirs in the feature box (popular update edition!), like so many others, and gave it a read. I ended up hooked. After I caught up to where Memoirs was, at the time, I jumped over to Crystal's Wishes since it was linked as a companion story. I've been hooked ever since.... Only thing I haven't read yet is Lovey. :fluttercry:

5123359 After losing my initial drive for my MoE series, I began looking for stories with interesting OC and long plots (I mean storylines, pervs!:derpytongue:) Anywho, I was searching through stories in the Featured box and saw both Crystal Wishes and Secrets of a Royal Guard. Then, I checked out their userpages, then fell in love with their characters and highjacked thier style of OC introduction and used did a similar thing with my userpage. It was hard starting, considering how many stories and how long they were, but the stories were interesting, the OCs were not exactly standard (in a good way), and... well, the rest is current events.

Long story short, they are the reason I'm back on my original AU!:pinkiehappy::heart:

Memoirs popped up in the feature box enough times that I finally decided that I needed to give it a shot. Took me a while to get into Crystal Wishes and now I'm hooked on both ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Memoirs were in the feature box and I thought it looked interesting enough to give it a try.

Group Admin

I've never read these stories!

(Actually I just wanted to be a part of this thread. I find it super fascinating).


They star Quiet Night and Coruscating who certainly will never break up. Are you sure you'll never read anything like them?

Quill & Blade?

... Never heard of it!

I started reading Three of Hearts after I had been searching for a cute desk type sort of Royal Guard, well let's say Azurite never once failed me.

I have no idea, because it was quite some time ago. I think I noticed the Memoirs of a Royal Guard story in the feature box and decided to give it a try. I read a few of the first chapters and found the story interesting enough to add it to my list. Unfortunately, then I kind of forgot about it for a while. However, eventually I became a regular reader.

The reason why I decided to read the story is also lost to the time. I think it was because of the whole Royal Guard thing. I like stories about them. Stories that make them more or less competent, that is. And while there are plenty of such stories, this one stood out because it did not focus on the violent aspect of a guardspony's service. Instead, it was more about the day to day, organizational stuff, something Anzel managed to make very interesting.

I was also aware of the sister-fic Crystal's Wishes and I caught several glimpses of it languishing in the feature box. However, for a very long time, I did not pay any attention to it. It was a romance story and at that time, I wasn't particularly interested in the genre. However, once the Trials story came to an end and I had some spare time, I decided to give it a try. Even though I am not a big fan of the romance type stories, I sometimes do give them a chance. I do get the occasional craving after all. As it turned out, it was just as great. The lighthearted nature and the general sappiness really drew me in, as a result, I had another interesting story to read.

Ever since then, I've been closely following both stories.

I found Q & B when I was looking for stories about royal guards. Once I found out that Memoirs had a sequel, I promptly decided to read all of Anzel's stories... and then found Crystal Wishes'... And I am now thoroughly addicted.

When I was finished reading Guardians of Harmony - The Penal Guard crystal wishes came up in the suggestion box funny enough I had read the first chapter of memories at some point but I don't remember when

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