Quill and Blade 364 members · 61 stories
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Crystal Wishes
Group Admin
TOne Golden Day
A stallion bids on a day with Golden at a charity auction. Both of them get more than they bargained for.
Crystal Wishes · 8.9k words  ·  73  5 · 724 views

Some folks hate Golden Pants. Actually, a lot of folks do, including Anzel! Well, PFFBBTT to them. She's one of my favorites to write, as weird as that may sound. Getting in her head is the most interesting of the characters I currently write for.

This is the second of three shorts I have planned for Golden, the first being All That Glitters. I don't know when the third will be released, but I can say that it's not on my current radar!

Why disable comments if I'm going to make this thread? Well, presumably, if you've gone to the trouble of joining the Q&B group, this'll be more like a book club gathering than a graffiti-laden wall. Or everyone will ignore it and I don't have to remember to do this for new and/or updating stories. We'll see!

Some people hate Golden Pants, other people hate Velvet Step...
Why are you featuring hated characters?
Are you afraid of having loyal readership and having a mob of followers?


I would assume it's something more along the things of "I enjoy writing this character so I will" or "I've always had this story planned and I still want to do it" or some other personal reason. These aren't commissions so our opinions on the story aren't really important, I personally continue to read stories written by Crystal because I think she is a legitimately good writer and a good person IRL. Even if I don't like the character I am reading about (not Golden, she's fine).
*flick* there, two cents

Crystal Wishes
Group Admin

Quick clarification! Fastbike is totally kidding, I know him super well enough to vouch for that. internet failed to convey sarcasm once again

Wait, was there something wrong with the story? I liked it a lot personally.

Yes, I failed to use sarcasm font. My Bad... I apologize to those who took offense where none was intended.
And thank you, Crystal for your rapid response to my defense.
I would feel bad for such a poor, ill-received joke...

But I got two cents out of it! :derpytongue2:

Crystal Wishes
Group Admin

6700912 It's okay, I failed to use the "I'm just teasing Anzel" font in my original post :oops:

6700840 Nothing's wrong at all!! Blame it on the head cold I've had the past few days. I was attempting to tease Anzel but didn't get it across well.

6700762 💋xoxo Even though Fastbike was being sarcastic, I still appreciate the defense and kind words!


(first impression)
I am just in AWE of how well you write internal conflicts!
This was such an immersive and enjoyable read!
the only drawback was the the ride was over so quickly...

To quote discord "oh for goodness sake!" Not only was this a great sequel but now I want a sequel for this too!!! It was another great insight into Golden's growth and character development. I must ask forgiveness because my brain is failing me on who Golden was seeing/dating later on in the book series, but I wonder if Forest is the pony Golden ends up dating. At the very least Forest seems like an interesting and unique character that I would very much like to see what happens on his next date with Golden or a different mare.

Please Crystal!! I need a fix.....I need a little more Golden in my life!!! Please make a little story with these two characters. I'll even help you write it....even though I'm not nearly as amazing as you!

Also, I'm ashamed to admit it, but this is (I think) my first review for your stories even though I've read pretty much all of your stuff. I just get so caught up in your world and writing that I can't stop and I have to keep reading. So I apologize for not singing your praises before this story. But I have loved your stuff for over 2 years now! I eagerly await the conclusion of Crystal's Hope's and once your story set in a foreign land is completed I'll be devouring that as well!

Group Admin

I really do dislike Golden :D

Not everypony was meant to be saved!

Well. This story has forced me to reevaluate my life. I have decided that, now that I’ve seen this side of Golden Pants, I shall simply have to live with two waifus.

Yes, I know, and I agree with you. That is pretty big o’ me.

I can understand if someone actually did dislike Golden and Velvet Step. They're challenging and challenged characters, who often don't behave in ways that are good for others or themselves, and they 'get away' with it. There's no pat resolution where they get what's coming to them, but an ongoing internal struggle to find happiness... to even figure out what happiness means. It's not as satisfying to read as somepony, say, sneaking off to murder a villain and being sent to the front lines of a horrible war as a consequence.

It's why I love Golden and Velvet. They're amongst my favourite characters in the Q&B verse. :raritystarry:

Golden reminds me of Marilyn Monroe; a beautiful icon, desperate to maintain the facade while a shattered mess inside. I hope her story has a happier ending... At least it looks like her friends (whether she admits that's who they are or not) are giving her an inkling of how she might escape. I suspect something dramatic will have to smash her 'perfect' little world in a way that nothing she can do would put it back together again. Then she might start picking up the pieces that really matter.

I'm looking forward to part three! Thank you, Crystal. :twilightsmile:

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