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Group Admin

Were the Chitari an actual Alien Species in the comic? Because, I don't remember hearing about them prior to the movie... And, if they were just movie only inventions well, why? Why not use the Kree instead, Michael Korvac perhaps? Or even the Skrull, setup for a Skrull invasion storyline...That could have worked right? So, basically why the Chitari instead of those two, and are the Chitari even in the comics?

Captain Lunar
Group Admin

4560859 Actually, the Chitauri were invented for the Ultimates in the Ultimate Universe. Essentially, at first anyway, to be a more alien-looking take on the Skrulls. Later in the Ultimate Universe it's revealed Skrulls DO exist, and look pretty much like they in the mainstream universe, with the Chitauri actually being a rogue faction who use their shape-shifting powers to look different from their actual race.

The movie version... Is obviously different. Most likely used since the Marvel Cinematic is more or less a fusion of Ultimate and Earth 616, with far more of a lean towards the mainstream 616 in a LOT of areas. Loki was the reason the Avengers came together in the comics and the Chitauri were the reason the Ultimates came together. Marvel Studios doesn't have the rights to the Skrulls, who are over at Fox with the Fantastic Four. The Kree, another alien race usually associated with the Fantastic Four, are only in the Marvel movies due them having the rights to Captain Mar-Vell and Carol Danvers AKA Ms. Marvel AKA Captain Marvel.

However if they wanted to use a shape-shifting alien race, they DO have the Dire Wraiths. Aliens who are pretty much like the Skrulls in terms of shape-shifting ability, only with more of a knack for sorcery in areas.

Group Admin


Well we can only hope Fantastic Four bombs thus returning both the Skrull, Silver Surface and Kang back to Marvel. Fox can keep X-men and Spiderman will be shared. Finally restoring balance to the Superhero Force.

Group Admin

...Screw that dude,.

Group Admin
Group Admin

Because, WE WANNA A GOOD FANTASTIC FOUR MOVIE! :raritydespair:

Group Admin

4573322 Yes.....But you aren't getting one with this...I wanna Fantastic Four movie...In the MCU! And Fox ain't playing Ball like Sony.

Group Admin

mmm, you double posted in the writers group. And dude, let other companies have a chance.

Group Admin

4573331 Fixed...Yeah but i want Fantastic Four back home were it belongs....Like we got with Spider Man! As does most of the Comic Book community by the way...Ask any comic book fan and they will tell you the same thing.

Group Admin

4573331 And they did have a chance we call them the early 2000 fantastic four films.

Group Admin

True, true. But I remind you, they aren't getting FF back in time for Civil War. Which well, is problematic as the FF AND X Men, were huge parts of the original storyline, right?4560928

Group Admin

4573343 True...But to be fair the Civil War comic is very padded from what i here. Plus from what the MCU set up Civil War probably makes more sense then it did in the comic. And it's made by the Winter Soldier directors.

Plus X-Men in the Marvel Universe doesn't really meld well with the rest of the universe...I mean why is Iron Man and Captain America okay but Mutated X-Men persecuted. And try molding those universe in the MCU that wouldn't make sense.

Group Admin

Actually it could, with SMART WRITING. See, X-Men are persecuted because there BORN different. Essentially, Iron Man and Captain America are manmade heroes, that's why people like them. And the X-Men are ESSENTIAL to the Civil War storyline, considering the Mutant prejudice, they of all people have more reasons to fear the Registration Act then ANYONE.

Group Admin

4573353 Not in the MCU though. We sticking with the movie universe.

See it lines up perfectly. Tony Stark makes Ultron, everyone will realize he did that and of course there will be consequences. So Tony Stark in his guilt will help the government find better ways to control the Superhero's that are popping up like a bunch of Catholic rabbits. Meanwhile Captain America is leading a new team of Avengers from the group you see at the end of Age of Ultron. Cap doesn't agree with these new controls that Stark and the government are putting in place cause he's Captain America and he believes in Liberty and freedom. So basically Civil War occurs....and I'm sure Hydra is involved somehow the Winter Soldier will return (See AntMan) and Martin Freeman will be important for some reason IDK casting....Oh and Spider Man will most likely get a end credit scene.

Group Admin

That feels like it really misses the point of the book, terrible as it was. And FYI, they can't keep true to the book because, spoilers: CAP DIES.

Group Admin

4573371 I know....But I think it does cause well A. The Civil War story ain't that good to begin with, it's mostly a slug fest between here's and B. It does it's Left vs Right. Liberty vs Control. Cap vs Stark. It's is the point of the book. Big Time!

Captain Lunar
Group Admin

4573349 4573353 Yes to the Civil War thing and yeah it's always been kinda dubious to an extent why some superhumans are loved and others are hated if they're mutants.

Really it comes down to not so much superheroes with powers that are hated and feared, though some of them DO get a bit of that too, but rather the mutants who AREN'T superheroes. The fact that just any random person can have the power to shatter a city with their mind, or set someone on fire by touching them, or walk through walls meaning that no prison could hold them, or even control the minds of others... And they're NOT superheroes. They're total anomalies and THAT scares people. With superheroes and supervillains? People know where they stand. With an average mutant? They don't.

Both of them show up to start/stop trouble and they often wear masks and have secret identities, or in the case of the Fantastic Four are celebrities, but... X-Men get flak because they make it KNOWN that yes, they are mutants.

Group Admin

4573373 Don't get wrong I like the X-Men movies. It has Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen...Gandalf and Picard! That's always a A+ in my book. Haven't seen Days of Future Past but I want to cause I heard it was awesome. I only saw 3...and I am of the same mind of the Nostalgia Critic on that one but mostly because i was like 13 when I saw it and didn't know any better.

Though I think the MCU and the Comics are basically going to switch the X-Men with "Inhumans" to get around Copyright laws.

Group Admin

Right on what Lunar said Jid. But in all seriousness, that's precisely the problem. Civil War was TERRIBLE as a book, and now they're making a version with 2 of the most vital members not even in the film, and one of them reduced to a credits cameo! That leaves even less content than before, AND still, just. I really have no confidence in Civil War, saving my Marvel ticket money for Doctor Strange instead.

Group Admin


I find you unconfident, unfounded and uncalled for you a seriously misunderstanding how the MCU is set up.

It's being written by the team that wrote Winter Soldier (The greatest movie in the MCU even better than Ultron) and everything is pretty much set up perfectly for Civil War to occur. If anything I'm more confident of this than Ant Man.

It has all the making's of the a good movie. Heck it could be the Under of the Red Hood of film...Terrible Book Great Movie. They are streamlining it on film, taking out all the padding and the excessiveness. And you don't need Spider Man or the X-Men for THE MCU civil war...You don't seem to get it this is Civil War in the Marvel Cinematic Universe...Which isn't the comics! It's it's own entity with it's own rules and the way things are set up...You need to comprehend that!...I don't think you do! The way Civil War is being set up is that Tony create Ultron Tony must face consequences of that action, he wants to control the Superhero's with the government because Tony character is all about control Captain America is the exact opposite. I mean you see the seeds of Civil War in Age of Ultron.

Also who is to say Captain America Won't Die.

Group Admin

Alright, answer me this then: Why would the Government trust the man who built Ultron?

Captain Lunar
Group Admin

4573382 4573385 ACTUALLY the fact Civil War is merely going to just be BASED on the comic means it's gonna have a lot of room to improve that story.

As for the mutant thing... Yes they are using Inhumans in the movies, but Marvel revealed that no... The X-Men are here to stay in the comics, they aren't going off into space, they are on Earth.

Group Admin

Oh thank GOD. And sorry bout all this, looks like me and jid are going at it again. Thanks for helping out though Lunar. And I will admit it has a lot of chances to improve the comic. But still, my confidence is not with the film.

Group Admin

4573423 They wouldn't....But the would USE the man who been aiding the Avengers for all that time. They'd guilt him into helping them...Play on the fact that he built Ultron causing the deaths of millions of lives against him.

Plus I know that General Ross from Hulk is somehow in the film

And the Summary for the film as as Followers: After the events of Avengers: Age of Ultron, when Captain America and the Avengers' handling of an international incident results in collateral damage, politicians look to form a system of accountability and a governing body to determine when to call in the Avengers, which results in the fracturing of the team while they attempt to protect the world from a new enemy.[1]

Group Admin

4573454 I agree with that....It has some good ideas, maybe this time they'll execute it properly.

Group Admin

Still, that doesn't make to much sense. At least to me, but what do I know? I know nothing of comic books, only of telling stories.

Group Admin

4573454 Ever see the film Under the Red Hood...Best example of streamlining a Comic Book with good ideas.

4573476 Well that's why I do....Listing to podcast, researching them, trying to figure out the continuity....When I get into something I go all the way.

Group Admin

Still, I know a bit more then most people who haven't read a book, yet I'm no expert. I'm just saying, these two writers have a LOT to prove, and I can't help but say I'm a little worried. And that's not to say I'm NOT gonna see the film. I'm just saying, it's lower on my list compared to Batman V Superman, Doctor Strange, and Suicide Squad.

Group Admin

4573498 They did Captain America Winter Soldier dude...I think they proved themselves...They made a movie that was Honest Trailer proof.

Captain Lunar
Group Admin

4573476 4573486 Actually THAT sounds like a better idea. After all, it's a matter of making the Avengers work for the Government... Not necessarily ALL superhumans.

Group Admin

True, but that was a solo hero movie. These two have to prove they can handle a GIANT CIVIL WAR. I'm just saying.

Group Admin

Ah, well now I feel like a dumbass...Again. Still, like I said, low on my excitement list, can't change that. Everything else just appeals to me more.

Group Admin

4573514 Winter Soldier featuring Captain America, Black Widow, Nick Furrey, Falcone, Crossbones, Alexander Pierce and Arman Zola....Yeah they've proved themselves.

Group Admin

4573512 I think that is the point. Considering Inhumans aren't really a thing yet in the MCU. It's more the costumed Superhero's like Cap, and Ant-Man.

Group Admin

Yep, once again, I screwed up. Sorry bout that, but still, it's just...Not getting to me as much as those other films, sorry for that.

Group Admin

4573533 Why? Cause it's based on a bad book?

Group Admin

No, because everything else just excites me more. Doctor Strange has Benedict Cumberbach in it as the Sorceror Supreme himself, Batman V Superman is well Batman fighting Superman, and Suicide Squad is one of those teams that REALLY interests me as a whole, maybe even more so then the Guardians.

Group Admin

4573540 You do realize that Batman vs Superman and Civil War if you break it down is the same thing...Two iconic Superhero's fighting each other and maybe a bad guy pulling the strings.

Group Admin

Not really dude.

Group Admin

4573548 If you break it down to it's bare bones then yeah it is. To it's bare skeleton bone take out all the meat, plot points and emotional and character differences then yeah. It's a Superhero brawl

Batman: Rich Billionaire who is a control freak

Iron Man: Rich Billionaire who's a control Freak

Captain America: American Icon who's all about Freedom

Superman: ?????....Okay there is one problem

They fight each other and other Superhero's show up.

Superhero brawl

Group Admin

And once again, we make judgments by breaking down to there bare bones WHY?

Group Admin

4573564 Cause it's fun. And you can. And it is. (And I got some replys in the writers group...go look.)

Group Admin

(I saw my friend.)

Also, by that logic, all Fanfictions are the exact same.

Group Admin

4573568 Exactly. That's the point. But if you want a more analytical answer

Both films come out next year

Both films feature big Superhero's fighting each

There will be people making comparisons and saying one is better than the other.

Group Admin

Yes, but dude by that logic, do I really need to say that which will start open war between all mankind?

Group Admin

4573578 It's going to happen.

Back in 2012 people were comparing Avengers and Dark Knight Rises arguing which one was better.

Group Admin

No, no. I mean I will say THAT which will destroy this group with open warfare.

Group Admin


I don't get it...Both films are trying to do their own things. (Also wanna help me out with a troll on my writers post https://www.fimfiction.net/group/50/the-writers-group/thread/195268/writing-a-character-ooc-intentionally#comment/4573580)

Group Admin

Okay, also the REAL greatest hero of all time!

Group Admin

4573594 I can't wait for that movie :P

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