The Non-Evil Pinkamena 193 members · 109 stories
Comments ( 12 )
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Group Admin

Shoutouts to Unicop for drawing my attention back to this.

I myself have been pretty inactive on this site, thus me not posting here to keep this group afloat more than it is. I used to try to post a lot to try and make sure it doesn't sink. Wave Blaster sort of just gave me this group after making it, and i only really write Pinkamena stories, so..... yeah, i guess that's my role?

But, uh, as far as I'm aware (my feed got rather backed up) nothing is really happening in this group anymore. So I'm posting this to remind anyone in it that this exists to hopefully spark a bit of interest again.

5513387 I joined this group because the idea of non-evil Pinkamena is interesting, but I'm also pretty sure I haven't read a single one of the stories in this group.

Group Admin

5513411 I think a lot of people do that kind of thing with a lot of groups. I also haven't been around to proof check any stories being put here but i guess the types of stories allowed should be pretty clear cut so i doubt there's any problems.
Check some of 'em out if you want I guess. I wrote a bunch myself, but in my opinion they're merely okay.

Sorry about my manner of speaking, I'm really lethargic right now.

5513449 Yes, but you're also forming complete sentences and being very civil. Therefore, I take no issue with it.

Group Admin

5513453 Well, I guess being able to type my response instead of having to respond out loud right away helps my thoughts catch up to my words ^^; so that's one thing
Thanks though, that's nice of you to say :)

5513469 Don't mention it. I've been nicer.

It's alright. Not every group is meant to be a social hub. Just consider the second group I made: "Stories about adoption": while it gets about one story and two new members every week, its forum has been completely silent for the last 93 weeks.

Group Admin

5516912 True, I guess. This group used to be active socially though, just look at the image galleries. That's why it feels silent to me now.

Furthermore, I believe that the particular focus of this group doesn't lend itself to long stories, but rather to vignettes. I myself began following this group due to the fact that I feel identified: I am a Tourism mayor, so my job is to basically make you believe that I'm peachy and that everything is perfect, while in reality I'm pulling my hair out while I bend over backward just to make sure that all checklists get done in time. And never mind witnessing parties so incredibly, disgustingly over-the-top that my own idea of the perfect birthday has become to receive a dozen calls over the day.

Group Admin

5517622 Well I've been sick, but I'm getting better so if I actually get inspired soon, I'll be sure to work on it! I really do want to update it soon.

Group Admin

5518892 Oh, I can see how you'd relate to some of these stories then. Yeah I agree it's probably not really designed for socializing, but it used to have people a lot more active in it, and thus that feeds into itself, making it a lot less active than before.

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