Ponies After People 900 members · 98 stories
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In the first chapter, I found two very interesting paragraphs.

This is a spoiler alert for those who have not read Meliora. If you have not read this story, read the first chapter and then come back here.






“You’re right that we don’t understand everything we’d be facing,” Eclipse continued. “There’s no denying that. A few refugees like David are better prepared than the ones who grew up here. But most of us… we can’t stay here. You’ve seen what happened to us over the years, Dreamknife. You really want us to stick around until they take away the facade and just make us into slaves?”

She was about to say how much she doubted that would happen, considering who ruled here and the campaigns she had once fought. But Alex ruled here now, and somehow hadn’t noticed the suffering right under her hooves. It was hard to manage an entire species. Little things, like the suffering of an entire tribe’s worth of ponies, could be easily missed.

Note: I currently have no idea who or what the superintelligence known as Athena is. Could someone tell me which of the core stories Athena is described in? Additionally, this memo is based upon my assumption that the HPI is still an existing entity.

Imagine the HPI a United Nations agency and Archive who is entrusted to preserve the best of humanity, who have worked together in the past, are now working together to rebuild the United Nations, based on the existing Charter of the United Nations, while declaring that all colonies and nations recognize that The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, along with similar documents, as the basis of their internal and international laws. The word “human” will be replaced with “All sentient beings” as define as the ability to understand and/or communicate with complex language. In addition, The United Nations Human Rights Council would be reestablished to monitor compliance, while sending any apparent abuses to sentient beings - from harmful discrimination, to chattel slavery, to crimes against peace - to an appropriate court of international law.

I add to this discussion Article Five of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights that many returnees would be familiar with.

No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.

On the other hand, if these actions do not happen then I imagine that the oppressed would speak out that the HPI and Archive have neglected their reasons of being by not doing anything to protect their rights. Oppressed minorities, who are in the pursuit of their basic rights, may find that they have no other choice but to take action into the own hands, hoofs, wings, or claws that could spark civil unrest and unlawful suppression of freedom of speech. As in the real world, if these movements for sentient rights are oppressed with force, that could result in lethal civil wars and economic disruptions.

If I was a returnee and I observed such immoral and illegal oppression on other sentient beings, or was the target of such oppression, I would act to abolish it by non-violent means. Only after I have exhausted every non-violent means to end sentient rights abuses would I consider violent means to end those sentient rights abuses.

My question to the HPI is this: How is it possible that after the HPI has secured the safety of their human members; that they do not attempt to rebuild the United Nations that is designed to prevent wars and protect human rights, now the rights of sentient creatures, with the post-Event colonies and nations, while doing nothing to decrease the blatant abuses of sentient rights that they should be aware of?

My question to Archive is this: Do you simply record the best of human achievement and then put these achievements in a locked case like the Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom; to be admired by all, but never put to practical use in the everyday lives of the common people? If Archive simply collects information about the best of human culture, but never acts on that information for the betterment of sentient rights, then she has failed miserably at her special talent that is depicted in her cutie mark.

In conclusion, I believe that stories based on the conflicts resulting in the efforts for reestablishing and enforcing newly reestablished international laws on sentient rights would be enjoyable to read about. Could someone please explain to me why HPI officers and Archive would ignore basic sentient rights; which would also mean that other rights such as environmental protection and access to basic health care, as well as equal access to opportunities, worker rights, and legitimate elections that are the expressions of the will of the citizens would also be ignored? Are they unaware that blatant abuses of basic sentient rights are not good for anyone, including HPI officers and Archive?

Imagine reading about HPI representatives and/or Archive recruiting, training, and then sending lavishly equipped hostage rescue, criminal investigation, social justice advocates, and medical teams around the entire world to discover and then work to end any and all criminal acts of sentient beings having their intrinsic rights abused would make for entertaining core and side stories. These field teams would be tasked to build a humane and interconnected, worldwide civilization, based upon the best of human civilization such as The Universal Declaration of Human Rights where the rights of every sentient creature matter.

Group Admin


Note: I currently have no idea who or what the superintelligence known as Athena is. Could someone tell me which of the core stories Athena is described in? Additionally, this memo is based upon my assumption that the HPI is still an existing entity.

Your assumption is incorrect. The HPI has become an interstellar organization that no longer exists on Earth, and has relocated to places they can live without fear of magical damage.

Athena is described in the end of Eternal Lonely Day, though she's a persistent feature of all the later stories. I don't want to spoil this story for anyone who hasn't read it, but I'll say that Athena is the antagonist of this story, and Archive's involvement isn't what it seems. The story speaks for itself on that measure, so I won't say anything else.

if these actions do not happen then I imagine that the oppressed would speak out that the HPI and Archive have neglected their reasons of being by not doing anything to protect their rights. Oppressed minorities, who are in the pursuit of their basic rights, may find that they have no other choice but to take action into the own hands, hoofs, wings, or claws that could spark civil unrest and unlawful suppression of freedom of speech

That's what Meliora is about.

Two Bit
Group Admin

I notice that you post a lot about PaP. If you would like to have more real-time discussion with others who have read PaP stories, you should check out the Discord server:




There is a link to the Discord in the reply above, Starscribe is the admin if you want to talk to him directly about things in PAP in realtime, along with a lot of other people about the topic.

I highly recommend you join the official discord server since you have all these posts talking about things happening in the world of PAP. You'll get a whole lot more replies.

I'd also recommend using spoiler formatting instead of just saying spoilers ahoy!


I’m wondering why the Bat ponies didn’t attempt a civil rights movement as a struggle for social justice and equal rights under the law. Imagine Bat stallions taking up the roles of Frederick Douglass and Martin Luther King Jr.; while Bat mares taking up the roles of Elizabeth Freeman and Harriet Tubman. Taking inspiration from Sojourner Truth's Famous Speech: “Ar'n't I A Woman?” would someday inspire a Bat mare to give a similar speech, “Ar'n't I A Mare?”


While I got a Discord account, I’m unsure how to use it to post any messages. I see “You do not have permission to send messages to this channel” message, so I have no idea how to get in direct communication with Starscribe using Discord. By the way, how do you post an original image in place of the generic game controller?

Group Admin

So I assume you're talking about the Starpub, the PaP discord server. There are a few steps to follow to be able to talk to us easily.

1. Make sure our server is selected. (click the little picture of Alex's face in the top left.)
2. A seperate collumn should appear along the left once you do that. At the top it will say "announcements, then Pone, then Mane, etc. Make sure you click "Mane"

This image should show you.
Though you won't see all those servers and rooms, you're only looking for mane.

In #mane, you can talk freely, and I'm usually in there. There are lots of other rooms, but to do that you have to prove you're human to the bot. The easiest way to do that is to say something that reads exactly like

$race unicorn

, or some other MLP race. Once you say that in mane, you will be able to see and talk in the other rooms.

Though most pony conversations go down in #mane.

There's a spoiler code on the website, it's located in the formatting bar labeled "Sp"

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