Ponies After People 899 members · 98 stories
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Politico reported that three US senators received a classified briefing Wednesday about an increase in UFO sightings by Navy personnel. What if these UFOs are actually extraterrestrial spacecraft?

Imagine these are extraterrestrial spacecraft, as extraterrestrial aliens from the human universe are around the human world or are living in secret, underground bases on Earth or the Moon. If these aliens become ponies, then they would be the last surviving members of their species, the rest of their species, perhaps hundreds of billions of them, died during the Event. In addition, even if these aliens died instead of becoming ponies, some of their technology could survive to be found hundreds or thousands of years after the Event.

Wait... the Event wasn’t local to Earth? It was Cosmoswide?

dead civilizations were found in the distant future. I believe a few offhand comments are made in the series about it.

that's right. Earth was the only survivor. All other sentient races were completly eliminated.

Which means humanity was the most advanced race in existance for quite some time.

Why isn't there a PaP story about someone visiting Area 51?

We would need this music:

...that could be really fun. There should be one!

Now I'm curious. If there were aliens on Earth at the time of the Event, what race would they have turned into? That is, provided the spell was set up vaguely enough that anything sapient on the planet would have been affected, and not just humans.

yes, the event happened to the whole universe.

Hurray. Anal probes.

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